Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

CAAB: 37102025

Species Galaxias arcanus Raadik, 2014

Riffle Galaxias

  • Type data:
     Holotype NMV A 30568-003 female, Wheelers Creek, just upstream of bridge on Wheelers Creek Logging Road and junction with Zulu Creek, upstream of O’Hagens Campsite, south of Staceys Bridge, Victoria [36°32'23”S, 147°49'44”E].
    Paratype(s) NMV A 30464-001, Murray River, 50 m upstream from The Poplars campsite at end of Limestone Creek Track, Alpine National Park [36°46'42”S, 148°06'25”E]; NMV A 30393-005 (12), Corryong Creek, at bridge on Briggs Gap Road, north-west of Corryong [36°10'28”S, 147°51'52”E]; NMV A 30420-001 (18), collected with NMV A 30393-005; NMV A 30463-002 (3), Snowy Creek, behind hotel, Mitta Mitta township [36°32'09”S, 147°22'40”E]; NMV A 30568-001 (5), collected with holotype; NMV A 30453-002 (6), Kiewa River, east branch, at bridge on East Kiewa Road, north of Mount Beauty [36°43'29”S, 147°10'46”E]; NMV A 30462-002 (12), Ovens River, off end of track in Braithwaite Plantation, downstream of Porepunkah [36°40'54”S, 146°52'46”E]; NMV A 30456-002 (5), Ovens River, at Nimmo Bridge on Buffalo River Road, Myrtleford [36°34'09”S, 146°42'57”E]; NMV A 30457-002 (4), Acheron River, at bridge on Glendale Lane, between Taggerty and Buxton [37°21'10”S, 145°42'25”E]; NMV A 30466-002 (5), Little River, off Maroondah Highway at Taggerty [37°19'26”S, 145°42'46”E]; NMV A 30467-002 (4), Little River, at bridge on Cathedral Lane, south-east of Taggerty [37°20'05”S, 145°44'28”E]; AM I.32711-002 (4), Murray River, off Murray River Road, just upstream from junction with Corryong Creek, upstream from Tintaldra [36°05'23”S, 147°59'00”E]; AM I.44935-001 (3), collected with NMV A 30393-005; AM I.44923-001 (2), collected with NMV A 30568-001; AM I.44933-001 (2), collected with NMV A 30453-002; SAMA F.12142 (2), collected with NMV A 30453-002; AM I.44934-001 (3), collected with NMV A 30462-002.




New South Wales, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

North of the Great Dividing Range in northeast VIC from near the headwaters of the Murray River, NSW (36°05'S, 147°59'E), westward to the Acheron River, Goulburn River system, VIC (37°21'S, 145°42'E), at an elevation of 150–880 m; temperate

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Vic: NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

Distribution References

Ecological Descriptors



General References

Adams, M., Raadik, T.A., Burridge, C.P. & Georges, A. 2014. Global biodiversity assessment and hyper-cryptic species complexes: more than one species of elephant in the room. Systematic Biology 63(4): 518–533 (as the allozymically defined and morphologically diagnosed taxon ‘RF’)

Gilligan, D., Rodgers, M., McGarry, T., Asmus, M. & Pearce, L. 2010. The distribution and abundance of two endangered fish species in the NSW upper Murray catchment. Industry and Investment NSW, Fisheries Final Report Series No. 127. 34 pp. [7] (as Galaxias sp. 2)

Koehn, J. 2002. Fish of the Murray River. Victorian Naturalist 119(4): 152–159 (as Galaxias olidus in part)

Kuiter, R.H. 2013. Pictorial Guide to Victoria's Freshwater Fishes. Seaford, Victoria : Aquatic Photographics 178 pp. [449] (as Galaxias sp. 3)

Lieschke, J.A., Dodd, L., Stoessel, D., Raadik, T.A., Steelcable, A., Kitchingman, A. & Ramsey, D. 2013. The status of fish populations in Victorian rivers 2004–2011—Part A. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series 246, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria. 148 pp. (as Galaxias sp. 2)

Lieschke, J.A., Dodd, L., Stoessel, D., Raadik, T.A., Steelcable, A., Kitchingman, A. & Ramsey, D. 2013. The status of fish populations in Victorian rivers 2004–2011—Part B: Individual basin assessments. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series 247, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria. 353 pp. (as Galaxias sp. 2)

Lintermans, M. 2007. Fishes of the Murray-Darling Basin — An Introductory Guide. Canberra : Murray-Darling Basin Commission Vol. MDBC Publication Number 10/07 157 pp. [44] (as Galaxias olidus in part)

Raadik, T. 2001. When is a mountain galaxias not a mountain galaxias? Fishes of Sahul, Journal of the Australian New Guinea Fishes Association 15(4): 785-789 [115, 116–117 (in part), 122 (in part), 123, 124 (in part), 125, 126; 785 & p. 786 (top image) as Galaxias sp. nov.]

Raadik, T.A. 2011. Systematic revision of the Mountain Galaxias, Galaxias olidus Günther, 1866 species complex (Teleostei: Galaxiidae) in eastern Australia. Ph.D thesis, University of Canberra. pp. i-xxiii, 1-493 [190] (as the taxon 'riffle')


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
06-Jun-2016 ARGENTINIFORMES 11-Nov-2015 MODIFIED Dr Dianne Bray (NMV) Dr Doug Hoese (AM) Dr Matthew Lockett (AM)
ARGENTINIFORMES 12-Feb-2015 ADDED Dr Dianne Bray (NMV) Dr Doug Hoese (AM) Dr Matthew Lockett (AM)