Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

Advanced Search

The advanced search allows you to refine your search by entering criteria against a range of different properties.

The search is performed against all the criteria you enter below, allowing you to do queries such as:

Fields accept wildcards '%' which will match any number of characters in that field.

Within Group

e.g. HYLIDAE, Columbinae

CAVS or CAAB code

e.g. 1234 or %434

Type Data

e.g. Darwin or Kangaroo Is%
view museums
e.g. 212310

Name Details

This search allows you to find individual names within the selected group (or across the whole database, if no group is selected).

You can use the '%' character as a wild card to match any number of characters in your search.

Here are some examples:

  • Psylloidea will match Psylloidea exactly.
  • Psyll% will also match the name Psylloidea and anything else starting with Psyll.
  • %fraxini would match the epithet 'fraxini', part of the valid name binomial Psyllopsis fraxini.

To match a species epithet only, you need to provide a wild card to match the other parts of the binomial or trinomial.


Note: The distribution search only finds those taxa for which the the selected distribution is explicitly set. It will not infer distributions where a smaller region is wholly contained within in a larger one, nor will it find higher-order taxa based on distributions derived from the taxa within it.
Note: Selecting any distribution fields will limit your search to species and subspecies.
e.g. %Europe%
e.g. %Port Denison%