Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Main, B.Y. 1976. Spiders. Sydney : Collins 296 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ANAMIDAE Aname diversicolor (Hogg, 1902) Valid Name Aname diversicolor (Hogg, 1902) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAMIDAE Aname fuscocincta Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918 Valid Name Aname fuscocincta Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAMIDAE Namea flavomaculata (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Valid Name Namea flavomaculata (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAMIDAE Proshermacha tepperi (Hogg, 1901) Valid Name Proshermacha tepperi (Hogg, 1901) Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Arbanitis gracilis (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Valid Name Arbanitis gracilis (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Arbanitis hirsutus (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Valid Name Arbanitis hirsutus (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Arbanitis rapax (Karsch, 1878) Valid Name Arbanitis rapax (Karsch, 1878) Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Blakistonia aurea Hogg, 1902 Valid Name Blakistonia aurea Hogg, 1902 Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Cataxia pulleinei (Rainbow, 1914) Valid Name Cataxia pulleinei (Rainbow, 1914) Introduction
ARTHROPODA IDIOPIDAE Euoplos inornatus (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Valid Name Euoplos inornatus (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Synonymy references
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Hoggicosa bicolor (Hogg, 1905) Valid Name Hoggicosa bicolor (Hogg, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Hoggicosa forresti (McKay, 1973) Valid Name Hoggicosa forresti (McKay, 1973) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Hoggicosa snelli (McKay, 1975) Valid Name Hoggicosa snelli (McKay, 1975) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Hoggicosa storri (McKay, 1973) Valid Name Hoggicosa storri (McKay, 1973) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa corallina McKay, 1974 Valid Name Lycosa corallina McKay, 1974 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Mainosa Framenau, 2006 Valid Name Mainosa Framenau, 2006 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Pardosa sp. Miscellaneous Literature Name Tapetosa darwini Framenau, Main, Harvey & Waldock, 2009 111 pl. 25
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Shuttlecock Wolf Spider Common Name Mainosa longipes (L. Koch, 1878)
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Tasmanicosa godeffroyi (L. Koch, 1865) Valid Name Tasmanicosa godeffroyi (L. Koch, 1865) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Tasmanicosa leuckartii (Thorell, 1870) Valid Name Tasmanicosa leuckartii (Thorell, 1870) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Valid Name Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Valid Name Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHOLCIDAE Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) Valid Name Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Valid Name Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Introduction fig. 23
ARTHROPODA BARYCHELIDAE Idiommata blackwallii (O.P.-Cambridge, 1870) Valid Name Idiommata blackwallii (O.P.-Cambridge, 1870) Introduction
ARTHROPODA BARYCHELIDAE Idiommata scintillans (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Valid Name Idiommata scintillans (Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) Introduction
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Baiami tegenarioides (Simon, 1908) Valid Name Baiami tegenarioides (Simon, 1908) Introduction 162
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Baiami volucripes (Simon, 1908) Valid Name Baiami volucripes (Simon, 1908) Introduction 162
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Corasoides Butler, 1929 Valid Name Corasoides Butler, 1929 Introduction 179-180
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Corasoides australis Butler, 1929 Valid Name Corasoides australis Butler, 1929 Introduction 179-180 fig. 43
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Platform Spider Common Name Corasoides australis Butler, 1929 179
ARTHROPODA DESIDAE Platform Spider Common Name Corasoides Butler, 1929
ARTHROPODA DYSDERIDAE Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Valid Name Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRADUNGULIDAE Hickmania troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1884) Valid Name Hickmania troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1884) Introduction
ARTHROPODA OECOBIIDAE Oecobius navus Blackwall, 1859 Valid Name Oecobius navus Blackwall, 1859 Introduction
ARTHROPODA PISAURIDAE Megadolomedes australianus (L. Koch, 1865) Valid Name Megadolomedes australianus (L. Koch, 1865) Introduction
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Crinoline Spider, Sombrero Spider, Hammock-web Spider Common Name Stiphidion facetum Simon, 1902 163
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Lace-web Spider Common Name Tartarus mullamullangensis Gray, 1973 251
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Stiphidion Simon, 1902 Valid Name Stiphidion Simon, 1902 Distributions 163
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Stiphidion Simon, 1902 Valid Name Stiphidion Simon, 1902 Introduction 163; fig 40g
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Tartarus Gray, 1973 Valid Name Tartarus Gray, 1973 Introduction 158, 163
ARTHROPODA ULOBORIDAE Philoponella congregabilis (Rainbow, 1916) Valid Name Philoponella congregabilis (Rainbow, 1916) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ULOBORIDAE Zosis geniculatus (Olivier, 1789) Valid Name Zosis geniculatus (Olivier, 1789) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ZODARIIDAE Cryptothele doreyana Simon, 1890 Valid Name Cryptothele doreyana Simon, 1890 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ZODARIIDAE Storena formosa Thorell, 1870 Valid Name Storena formosa Thorell, 1870 Introduction

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