Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies) 58. Pompilidae. pp. 974–976 in Naumann, I.D. (ed.). The Insects of Australia. Carlton : Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra and Melbourne University Press.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Auplopus Spinola, 1841 Valid Name Auplopus Spinola, 1841 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Batozonellus Arnold, 1937 Valid Name Batozonellus Arnold, 1937 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ceropales (Ceropales) Latreille, 1796 Valid Name Ceropales (Ceropales) Latreille, 1796 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Cryptocheilus Panzer, 1806 Valid Name Cryptocheilus Panzer, 1806 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Cteniziphontes Evans, 1972 Valid Name Cteniziphontes Evans, 1972 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ctenostegus Haupt, 1930 Valid Name Ctenostegus Haupt, 1930 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Epipompilus Kohl, 1884 Valid Name Epipompilus Kohl, 1884 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Episyron Schiødte, 1837 Valid Name Episyron Schiødte, 1837 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ferreola Lepeletier, 1845 Valid Name Ferreola Lepeletier, 1845 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ferreola handschini (Haupt, 1935) Valid Name Ferreola handschini (Haupt, 1935) Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Hemipepsis Dahlbom, 1844 Valid Name Hemipepsis Dahlbom, 1844 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Idiaporina Evans, 1974 Valid Name Idiaporina Evans, 1974 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Irenangelus Schulz, 1906 Valid Name Irenangelus Schulz, 1906 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Iridomimus Evans, 1970 Valid Name Iridomimus Evans, 1970 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Paracyphononyx Gribodo, 1884 Valid Name Paracyphononyx Gribodo, 1884 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Phanagenia Banks, 1933 Valid Name Phanagenia Banks, 1933 Introduction 976
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Pompilus Fabricius, 1798 Valid Name Pompilus Fabricius, 1798 Introduction 977
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Pompilus cinereus (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Pompilus cinereus (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Priocnemis Schiødte, 1837 Valid Name Priocnemis Schiødte, 1837 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Psoropempula Evans, 1975 Valid Name Psoropempula Evans, 1975 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Telostegus Costa, 1887 Valid Name Telostegus Costa, 1887 Introduction 975
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Turneromyia Banks, 1941 Valid Name Turneromyia Banks, 1941 Introduction 975

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