Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Frith, H.J., Wolfe, T.O. & Barker, R.D. 1976. Food of eight species of Columbidae, in the genera Geopelia, Phaps, Geophaps and Petrophassa. Australian Wildlife Research 3: 159-171

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Geopelia cuneata (Latham, 1801) Valid Name Geopelia cuneata (Latham, 1801) Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Geopelia humeralis inexpectata Mathews, 1912 Valid Name Geopelia humeralis inexpectata Mathews, 1912 Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Geopelia placida Gould, 1844 Valid Name Geopelia placida Gould, 1844 Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Geophaps (Geophaps) smithii smithii (Jardine & Selby, 1830) Valid Name Geophaps (Geophaps) smithii smithii (Jardine & Selby, 1830) Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Petrophassa albipennis albipennis Gould, 1841 Valid Name Petrophassa albipennis albipennis Gould, 1841 Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Petrophassa albipennis boothi Goodwin, 1969 Valid Name Petrophassa albipennis boothi Goodwin, 1969 Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Petrophassa rufipennis Collett, 1898 Valid Name Petrophassa rufipennis Collett, 1898 Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Phaps (Histriophaps) histrionica (Gould, 1841) Valid Name Phaps (Histriophaps) histrionica (Gould, 1841) Introduction
CHORDATA COLUMBIDAE Phaps (Phaps) elegans elegans (Temminck, 1809) Valid Name Phaps (Phaps) elegans elegans (Temminck, 1809) Introduction

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