Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Wernindia lorda</I> Löcker & Fletcher, adult

Wernindia lorda Löcker & Fletcher, adult


Regional Maps

Species Wernindia lorda Löcker & Fletcher, 2006

Compiler and date details

25 August 2010 - Murray J. Fletcher



A common and widespread species distributed along the east coast of Australia from SE Queensland to NE Victoria.




New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld, Vic: Australian Alps (AA), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)

Ecological Descriptors

Adult: phloem feeder.

Extra Ecological Information

Nymph might be phloem feeder or fungivore.



Colour. Vertex mid brown, yellow stripe between lateral carinae and caudal border; frons light to mid brown; clypeus dark brown except for mid brown area close to frontoclypeal suture, median carina mid brown; pronotum yellow; mesonotum black; legs light to mid brown; forewing hyaline white, with large yellow areas, some dark brown marks apically on veins, sometimes apex of wings fumous, brown stripe starting basad of pterostigma running at most half way towards apex of clavus, veins concolorous with cells, tubercles dark brown; abdominal sternites dark brown, intersegmental membranes yellow. Morphology. Body length. ♂ 3.6–4.1 mm; ♀ 3.9–4.6 mm. Head. Vertex 0.9–1.6× as long as wide, produced before eyes by 1/2–3/4 of an eye length; lateral carinae strongly elevated; median carina incomplete, less than 1/4 as long as vertex. Face distinctly bent caudally at level of postclypeus. Frons long and narrow, with its maximum width around centre of frontoclypeal suture; lateral carinae convex (although rectilinear apically), slightly elevated; median carina absent. Postclypeus with well developed lateral carinae and median carina; anteclypeus with well developed median carina. Thorax. Pronotum with arched or sinuate carinae; hind margin right or acutely angled. Forewing 3.0–3.5× longer than wide; costa with 19–20 tubercles; concavity at costal order absent or present; Sc+R+M forming short common stem; fork of Sc+R basad of fork of CuA1+CuA2; r–m1 basad, distad of or at same level as fork MA–MP; position of icu at CuP distad of or at same level as apex of clavus; nine (rarely eight) apical cells. Hind leg: tibia with 0–4 small lateral spines (without large lateral spines); six apical teeth in a row interrupted by a small or wide gap; 1st tarsomere with (8–)9 apical teeth and no platellae. Male genitalia. Aedeagus: phallotheca with a long strongly curved spine arising left laterally above midlength and a long strongly curved spine arising right laterally near apex; flagellum unarmed.
Remarks. The extreme curvature of the clypeus (postclypeus in lateral view strongly convex over a very short distance), that results in the anteclypeus and the lower half of postclypeus being at least parallel to the pronotum, is diagnostic. (Löcker 2006)


ID Keys

Löcker (2006: 140)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2010 13-Oct-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)