Bibliography for NOTONECTOIDEA
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- Aldrich, J.R. 1988. Chemical ecology of the Heteroptera. Annual Review of Entomology 33: 211-238
- Amyot, C.J.B. & Audinet-Serville, J.G. 1843. Histoire Naturelle des Insects. Hémiptères. Paris : Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Rue Hautefeuille 10 B13 676 pp.
- Andersen, N.M. & Weir, T.A. 2004. Australian Water Bugs. Their Biology and Identification (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha). Entomonographen Denmark : Apollo Books Vol. 14 344 pp.
- Breddin, G. 1901. Die Hemipteren von Celebes ein beitrag zur faunistik der insel. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle 24: 1-213 1 pl.
- Breddin, G. 1905. Rhynchota Heteroptera aus Java, gesammelt von Prof. K. Kraepelin 1904. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 22: 109-159
- Brooks, A.R. & Kelton, L.A. 1967. Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba (Hemiptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 51: 1-92
- Brooks, G.T. 1948. New species of Enithares Hemiptera: Notonectidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 21: 37-54 pls I-III
- Brooks, G.T. 1951. A revision of the genus Anisops (Notonectidae: Hemiptera). University of Kansas Science Bulletin 34: 301-519
- Carver, M., Gross, G.F. & Woodward, T.E. 1991. Hemiptera (bugs, leafhoppers, cicadas, aphids, scale insects, etc.) [with contributions by Cassis, G., Evans, J.W., Fletcher, M.J., Hill, L., Lansbury, I., Malipatil, M.B., Monteith, G.B., Moulds, M.S., Polhemus, J.T., Slater, J.A., Štys, P., Taylor, K.L., Weir, T.A. & Williams, D.J.]. pp. 429-509 in CSIRO (ed.). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Melbourne : Melbourne University Press Vol. 1 xiii 542 pp.
- Cassis, G. & Gross, G.F. 1995. Hemiptera: Heteroptera (Coleorrhuncha to Cimicomorpha). pp. 1-501 in Houston, W.W.K. & Maynard, G.V. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha to Cimicomorpha. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 27.3A xv 506 pp.
- Champion, G.C. 1901. Insecta: Rhynchota (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). pp. 1-416 in Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (eds). Biologia Centrali-Americana; or, contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and central America, Zoology. London : Dulau Vol. 2 xvi 416 pp., 22 pls. [1897: 1–32; 1898: 33–192; 1899: 193–304; 1900: 305–344; 1901: xvi 345–416]
- Cook, J.L. 2021. Review of the Paraplea Esaki & China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Pleidae) of Australia, with description of a new species. Zootaxa 4985(1): 081–090
- Distant, W.L. 1906. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota (Heteroptera—Homoptera). London : Taylor & Francis Vol. 3 xiv 503 pp.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. London : Taylor & Francis Vol. 5 xii 362 pp.
- Distant. W.L. 1914. Rhynchota from New Caledonia and the surrounding islands. 369-390 pls xi, xii in Sarasin, F. & Roux, J. (eds). Nova Caledonia Forschungen in Neu-Caledonien und auf den Loyalty-Inseln A. Zoologie. Wiesbaden : C.W. Kreidels Vol. 2.
- Douglas, J.W. & Scott, J. 1865. The British Hemiptera. Vol. I. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. London : Robert Hardwicke xii 627 pp. 21 pls.
- Dover, C. 1928. Notes on a collection of aquatic Rhynchota from the Buitenzorg Museum. Treubia 10: 65-72
- Drake, C.J. & Chapman, H.C. 1953. Preliminary report on the Pleidae (Hemiptera) of the Americas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 66: 53-59
- Drake, C.J. & Maldonado Capriles, J. 1956. Some pleids and water-striders from the Dominican Republic (Hemiptera). Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 51: 53-56
- Esaki, T. 1926. Verzeichniss der Hemiptera-Heteroptera der Insel Formosa. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Zoologica) 24: 136-189
- Esaki, T. 1928. Aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera. pp. 67–80 in, Insects of Samoa and other Samoan terrestrial Arthropoda. Part II. Hemiptera. Fasc. 2. London : William Clowes & Sons Ltd.
- Esaki, T. & China, W.E. 1927. A new family of aquatic Heteroptera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 75: 279-295
- Esaki, T. & China, W.E. 1928. A monograph of the Helotrephidae, subfamily Helotrephinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Eos 4: 129-172
- Fieber, F.X. 1844. Entomologische Monographien. Leipzig : Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth 138 pp. 10 pls.
- Fieber, F.X. 1851. Genera Hydrocoridum secundum ordinem naturelem in familias disposita. Abhandlungen der Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Prague 5 7: 181-211 [as separate in: Actis Regiae Bohemicae Societatis Scientatiarum (Pragae) 1: 1–30]
- Fieber, F.X. 1851. Rhynchotographien, drei monographische Abhandlungen. Abhandlungen der Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Prague 5 7: 425-486
- Froggatt, W.W. 1907. Australian Insects. Sydney : W. Brooks & Co. xiv 449 pp., 37 pls. [Date published April 11, 1907]
- Hale, H.M. 1923. Studies in Australian aquatic Hemiptera. No. II. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 2: 397-424 pls X-XI
- Hale, H.M. 1923. The breeding habits of the "Backswimmer" (Anisops hyperion). South Australian Naturalist 4: 124-128 fig. 1
- Hale, H.M. 1924. Notes on eggs, habits and migration of some Australian aquatic bugs. (Corixidae and Notonectidae). South Australian Naturalist 5: 133-135 pl. I
- Hale, H.M. 1924. Two new Hemiptera from New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 49: 461-467
- Hale, H.M. 1925. Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910–1913. 44. The aquatic and semi-aquatic Hemiptera. Arkiv för Zoologi 17A(20): 1-19
- Hale, H.M. 1935. Some aquatic Hemiptera from Western Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 59: 249-251
- Henry, T.J. 2009. Biodiversity of the Heteroptera. pp. 223–263 in Foottit, R.G. & Adler P.H. (eds). Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell.
- Horváth, G. 1918. De Hydrocorisis nonnullis extraeuropaeis. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Zoologica) 16: 140-146
- Hungerford, H.B. 1920. The biology and ecology of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 11: 1-328
- Hungerford, H.B. 1928. Some recent studies in aquatic Hemiptera (including a new subgenus and a new species). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 21: 139-146
- Hungerford, H.B. 1933. The genus Notonecta of the world (Notonectidae-Hemiptera). Kansas University Science Bulletin 21: 5-195
- Hungerford, H.B. 1934. Concerning some aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera from Australia. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 29: 68-73
- Hungerford, H.B. 1940. A new Enithares for Australian (Notonectidae-Hemiptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 13: 130-131
- Hungerford, H.B. 1946. A new genus and species of Notonectidae. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 19: 59-62
- Hutchinson, G.E. 1929. A revision of the Notonectidae and Corixidae of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 25: 359-474
- Jaczewski, T. 1937. Allgemeine Züge der geographischen Verbreitung der Wasserhemipteren. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 31: 565-591
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1897. Revision of the Notonectidae. Part I. Introduction, and systematic revision of the genus Notonecta. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1897: 393-426
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1898. Neue und seltene Notonectiden-Arten. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 17: 141-142
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1899. Viaggio del Dr Enrico Festa nell Ecuador e regioni vicine. XIX. Aquatic Rhynchota. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della Reale Università di Torino 14(350): 1-9
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1900. On some Rhynchota, principally from New Guinea (Amphibocorisae and Notonectidae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova 40: 804-810
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901. Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. The Entomologist 34(452): 5-6
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901. On some Rhynchota, principally from New Guinea, Amphicorisae and Notonectidae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova 20: 804-810
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1904. Über Notonectiden (Hemiptera). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 23: 93-135
- Lansbury, I. 1961. Notes on the genus Anisops (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) in the Hungarian National History Museum. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Zoologica) 53: 505-506
- Lansbury, I. 1962. Notes on the genus Anisops in Bishop Museum (Hem.: Notonectidae). Pacific Insects 4: 141-151
- Lansbury, I. 1964. A revision of the genus Paranisops Hale (Heteroptera: Notonectidae). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London 33: 181-188
- Lansbury, I. 1964. Some observations on the Notonectidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Viêt-nam and adjacent regions. Annales Zoologici, Warszawa 22: 203-219
- Lansbury, I. 1964. The genus Anisops in Australia (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) Part I. Journal of the Entomological Society of Queensland 3: 52-65
- Lansbury, I. 1965. Notes on the species of the genus Anisops Spin. (Hem.-Notonectidae) of Java. Annales Zoologici, Warszawa 23: 57-68
- Lansbury, I. 1966. Enithares Spinola, 1837 (Insecta: Hemiptera): proposed use of the Plenary Powers to designate a type-species. Z.N.(S.) 1762. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 23: 191-192
- Lansbury, I. 1966. New synonymy in the genus Anisops (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 13 9: 293-296
- Lansbury, I. 1968. The Enithares (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Notonectidae) of the Oriental region. Pacific Insects 10: 353-442
- Lansbury, I. 1969. The genus Anisops in Australia (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Notonectidae). Journal of Natural History 3: 433-458
- Lansbury, I. 1973. Notes on the genus Enithares Spinola (Hem., Notonectidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 109: 226-231
- Lansbury, I. 1974. Notes on the genus Enithares Spinola (Hem., Notonectidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 109: 226-231
- Lansbury, I. 1975. Notes on additions, changes and the distribution of the Australian water-bug fauna (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 36: 17-23
- Lansbury, I. 1978. Comments on the species concept in some Australian Anisops Spinola (Hemiptera: Notonectidae). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 39: 101-115
- Lansbury, I. 1981. Aquatic and semi-aquatic bugs (Hemiptera) of Australia. pp. 1195-1211 in Keast, A. (ed.). Ecological Biogeography of Australia. The Hague : Dr. W. Junk Vol. 2(4).
- Lansbury, I. 1984. Some Nepomorpha (Corixidae, Notonectidae and Nepidae) (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of north-west Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 108: 35-49
- Lansbury, I. 1985. Notes on the identity of Nychia Stål (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Notonectidae) in Australia. Occasional Papers of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences 2: 1-9
- Lansbury, I. 1991. Naucoridae and Notonectidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 8: 103-114
- Lansbury, I. 1995. Notes on the Corixidae and Notonectidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of southern Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 17: 181-189
- Lansbury, I. 1995. Notes on the genus Anisops Spinola (Hemiptera - Heteroptera, Notonectidae) of the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The Beagle 12: 65-74
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Linnavuori, R. 1971. Hemiptera of the Sudan, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries 1. The aquatic and subaquatic families. Annales Zoologici Fennici 8: 340-366
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1981. Hemiptera of Nigeria, with remarks on some species of the adjacent countries 1. The aquatic and semiaquatic families, Saldidae and Leptopodidae. Acta Entomologica Fennica 37: 1-39
- Liu, G.-q. & Zheng, L.-y. 1990. A new species and a new record of Notonectidae from China (Hemiptera). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 15: 349-351
- Lundblad, O. 1933. Zur Kenntnis der aquatilen und semiaquatilen Hemipteren von Sumatra, Java und Bali auf Grund des Materials der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition, nebst Revision einiger anderer, indoaustralischer Arten. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 12: 1-195, 263-489
- Lundblad, O. 1935. Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera of Tahiti. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 113: 121-126
- Matsumura, S. 1906. Die Hemipteren fauna von Riukiu (Okinawa). Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 1: 15-38
- Nieser, N. & Chen, P. 1991. Naucoridae, Nepidae and Notonectidae, mainly from Sulawesi and Pulau Buton (Indonesia). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 134: 47-67
- Olivier, A.G. 1811. Histoire Naturelle Insectes. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Hemiptera. Paris : H. Agasse Vol. 8(2) pp. 361-722.
- Paiva, C.A. 1918. Aquatic Rhynchota from the southern Shan States. Records of the Indian Museum 14: 21-32
- Poisson, R. 1951. Ordre des Hétéroptères. (Heteroptera Latreille, 1810—Frontirostres Fallén, 1814). pp. 1657-1803 in Grassé, P.P. (ed.). Traité de Zoologie: Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. Insectes supérieurs et Hémiptéroides. Paris : Masson & Cie Vol. 10.
- Poisson, R. 1966. Catalogue des Hétéroptères Notonectidae Leach, 1815, africano-malagaches. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire A 28: 729-768
- Polhemus, D.A. 1988. Family Pleidae Fieber, 1851: the pygmy backswimmers. pp. 608-612 in Henry, T.J. & Froeschner, R.C. (eds). Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. Leiden : E.J. Brill xix 958 pp.
- Polhemus, J.T. 1984. Aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera. pp. 231-260 in Merrit, R.W. & Cummins, K.W. (eds). An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America. Dubuque : Kendall-Hunt.
- Polhemus, J.T. 1994. New synonymy in the genus Anisops Spinola (Notonectidae: Heteroptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 96: 579
- Polhemus, J.T. & Polhemus, D.A. 1988. Family Notonectidae Latreille, 1802: the backswimmers. pp. 533-540 in Henry, T.J. & Froeschner, R.C. (eds). Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Canada and the Continental United States. Leiden : E.J. Brill xix 958 pp.
- Reichart, C.V. 1982. An addition to the genus Anisops of Australia (Hemiptera: Notonectidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 84: 366-368
- Rieger, C. 1976. Skelett und Muskulatur des Kopfes und Prothorax von Ochterus marginatus Latreille. Beitrag zur Klärung der phylogenetischen der Ochteridae (Insecta, Heteroptera). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 83: 109-191
- Schuh, R.T. 1986. The influence of cladistics on Heteropteran classification. Annual Review of Entomology 31: 67-93
- Scott, J. 1872. [with descriptions of new genera and species of Hemiptera]. pp. 243–245 in Marshall, T.A. Notes on some Corsican insects. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 8: 191-193, 243-245
- Slater, J.A. 1982. Hemiptera. pp. 417-447 in Parker, S.P. (ed.). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. New York : McGraw Hill Book Co.
- Spinola, M.M. 1837. Essai sur les genres d'insectes appartenants à l'ordre des Hémiptères Lin. ou Rhyngotes Fab. et à la section des Hétéroptères, Dufour. Gênes, Chez Yves Gravier 1837: 1-383, 15 tables
- Stål, C. 1855. Nya Hemiptera fran Cafferlandet. Öfversigt af Kongelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm 12: 27-46, 89-100
- Stål, C. 1859. Hemiptera. Species novas descripsit. pp. 219-298 in (no editor given). Konglika Svenska Fregattens Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden, under Befal af C.A. Virgin åren 1851–1853. III Zoologi, Insekter. Stockholm : Norstedt.
- Stål, C. 1865. Hemiptera Africana. Holmiae : Norstedtiana Vol. 3 200 pp.
- Štys, P. & Jansson, A. 1988. Check-list of recent family-group and genus-group names of Nepomorpha (Heteroptera) of the world. Acta Entomologica Fennica 50: 1-44
- Sweeney, A.W. 1965. The distribution of the Notonectidae (Hemiptera) in south-eastern Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 90: 87-94
- Truxal, F. 1949. The comparative morphology of the male genitalia of the Notonectidae (Hemiptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 25: 30-38
- Truxal, F.S. 1979. Family Notonectidae—Backswimmers. pp. 139-147 in Menke, A.S. (ed.). The Semiaquatic and Aquatic Hemiptera of California (Heteroptera: Hemiptera). Berkeley : University of California Press.
- Usinger, R.L. 1963. Aquatic Hemiptera. pp. 182-228 in Usinger, R.L. (ed.). Aquatic Insects of California with keys to North American genera and California species. Berkeley : University of California Press.
- Van Duzee, E.P. 1917. Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America north of Mexico, excepting the Aphididae, Coccidae and Aleurodidae. University of California Publications in Entomology. Technical Bulletin 2: xiv 1-902
- Villiers, A. 1952. Initiations Africaines. IX. Hémiptères de l'Afrique Noire (Punaiseset cigales). Institut Français d'Afrique Noire-Dakar 9: 1-256
- Wu, C.F. 1933. A preliminary check list of Hemiptera heretofore recorded from Kwantung Province South China. Lingnan Science Journal Suppl. 12: 203-231
- Wu, C.F. 1935. Catalogus insectorum Sinesium (Catalog of Chinese Insects). Fan Memorial Institute of Biology, Peiping 2: 1-634
- Zettel, H. 1993. Aphelonecta gigas n.sp. aus Sarawak (Borneo) mit Bermerkungen zur Stellung der Gattung in einem phylogenetischen system (Heteroptera: Notonectidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 25: 661-667
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