Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Froggatt, W.W. 1907. Australian Insects. Sydney : W. Brooks & Co. xiv 449 pp., 37 pls. [Date published April 11, 1907]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ACROCERIDAE Acrodes fumatus Froggatt, 1907 synonym Ogcodes (Ogcodes) froggatti Schlinger, 1989 Primary 298
ARTHROPODA ASILIDAE Asilus fulvitarsis Froggatt, 1907 nomen nudum Zosteria fulvipubescens (Macquart, 1850) Primary 299
ARTHROPODA ASILIDAE Saropogon princeps (Macquart, 1848) Generic Combination Neosaropogon (Neosaropogon) princeps (Macquart, 1848) 300
ARTHROPODA BRENTIDAE Trachelizus howetti Pascoe, 1872 [misspel.] Miscellaneous Literature Name Araiorrhinus howittii (Pascoe, 1872) 179
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Angophora hispida (Sm.) Blaxell [MYRTACEAE] Dwarf Apple Associated Flora Merimna atrata (Gory & Laporte, 1837) 160, fig. 73
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Dillwynia floribunda Sm. [FABACEAE] Parrot Pea (on flowers) Associated Flora Ethonion reichei (Chevrolat, 1838) 165
ARTHROPODA COSSIDAE Cossus cinerens Froggatt, 1907 synonym Endoxyla cinereus (Tepper, 1890) Primary
ARTHROPODA COSSIDAE Eudoxula Froggatt, 1907 synonym Endoxyla Herrich-Schäffer, 1854 Primary
ARTHROPODA MEGACHILIDAE Megachile semiluctuosa Smith, 1853 Valid Name Megachile semiluctuosa Smith, 1853 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NOTODONTIDAE Bombyx melanostica Froggatt, 1907 subsequent misspelling Epicoma melanosticta (Donovan, 1805) Primary 253
ARTHROPODA NOTONECTIDAE Enithares woodwardi Lansbury, 1968 Valid Name Enithares woodwardi Lansbury, 1968 Introduction 344-345
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Biprorulus bibax bibax Breddin, 1900 Valid Name Biprorulus bibax bibax Breddin, 1900 Introduction 330 pl. 3 fig. 1
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Cuspicona forticornis Breddin, 1900 Valid Name Cuspicona forticornis Breddin, 1900 Introduction pl. 32 fig. 2
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Cuspicona simplex Walker, 1867 Valid Name Cuspicona simplex Walker, 1867 Introduction 329, pl. 31 fig. 8
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Cuspicona thoracica (Westwood, 1837) Valid Name Cuspicona thoracica (Westwood, 1837) Introduction 330
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Dictyotus caenosus (Westwood, 1837) Valid Name Dictyotus caenosus (Westwood, 1837) Introduction 329
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Notius depressus Dallas, 1851 Valid Name Notius depressus Dallas, 1851 Introduction 329 pl. 32 fig. 16
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Plautia brunnipennis (Montrouzier, 1861) Valid Name Plautia brunnipennis (Montrouzier, 1861) Introduction 329
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Poecilometis histricus Stål, 1865 Valid Name Poecilometis histricus Stål, 1865 Introduction pl. 32 fig. 9
ARTHROPODA PENTATOMIDAE Poecilometis strigatus (Westwood, 1837) Valid Name Poecilometis strigatus (Westwood, 1837) Introduction pl. 32 fig. 4
ARTHROPODA SPHINGIDAE Psilogramma ligustri Frogatt, 1907 synonym Psilogramma menephron (Cramer, 1780) Primary
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Sphixomorpha australis (Macquart, 1850) Generic Combination Ceriana (Ceriana) australis (Macquart, 1850) 304
ARTHROPODA BELIDAE Rhinotia haemoptera Kirby, 1819 Valid Name Rhinotia haemoptera Kirby, 1819 Introduction 187
ARTHROPODA EREBIDAE Comarchis aspectatella Froggatt, 1907 subsequent misspelling Philenora aspectalella (Walker, 1864) Primary 250
ARTHROPODA EREBIDAE Termissa Froggatt, 1907 subsequent misspelling Termessa Newman, 1856 Primary 249
ARTHROPODA LIMACODIDAE Doratiophora acasta Froggatt, 1907 synonym Doratifera casta (Scott, 1864) Primary
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Apiomorpha munita tereticornuta Gullan, 1984 Valid Name Apiomorpha munita tereticornuta Gullan, 1984 Introduction 382
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Cylindrococcus Maskell, 1892 Valid Name Cylindrococcus Maskell, 1892 Introduction 380
ARTHROPODA SATURNIIDAE Antheraea loranthiae Froggatt, 1907 synonym Opodiphthera loranthi (T.P. Lucas, 1891) Primary
ARTHROPODA SATURNIIDAE Coxinocera Froggatt, 1907 synonym Coscinocera Butler, 1879 Primary
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Calliphara billiardierii (Fabricius, 1803) Valid Name Calliphara billiardierii (Fabricius, 1803) Introduction 328
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Choerocoris paganus (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Choerocoris paganus (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction 327 pl. 31 fig. 4
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Choerocoris variegatus Dallas, 1851 Valid Name Choerocoris variegatus Dallas, 1851 Introduction 327
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Lampromicra regia Bergroth, 1895 Valid Name Lampromicra regia Bergroth, 1895 Introduction 328
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Lampromicra senator (Fabricius, 1803) Valid Name Lampromicra senator (Fabricius, 1803) Introduction 327 pl. 32 fig. 8
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Scutiphora pedicellata (Kirby, 1826) Valid Name Scutiphora pedicellata (Kirby, 1826) Introduction 327 pl. 31 fig. 3
ARTHROPODA SCUTELLERIDAE Tectocoris diophthalmus (Thunberg, 1783) Valid Name Tectocoris diophthalmus (Thunberg, 1783) Introduction 327 pl. 31 fig. 11
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Melanerythrus mactans (Stål, 1866) Valid Name Melanerythrus mactans (Stål, 1866) Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Nysius vinitor Bergroth, 1891 Valid Name Nysius vinitor Bergroth, 1891 Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) quadriguttatus (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) quadriguttatus (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) sordidus (Dallas, 1852) Valid Name Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) sordidus (Dallas, 1852) Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Scopiastes laticeps (Breddin, 1900) Valid Name Scopiastes laticeps (Breddin, 1900) Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA LYGAEIDAE Spilostethus decoratus (Stål, 1866) Valid Name Spilostethus decoratus (Stål, 1866) Introduction 333
ARTHROPODA TESSARATOMIDAE Oncomeris flavicornis flavicornis (Guérin, 1831) Valid Name Oncomeris flavicornis flavicornis (Guérin, 1831) Introduction 331
ARTHROPODA TESSARATOMIDAE Stilida indecora Stål, 1863 Valid Name Stilida indecora Stål, 1863 Introduction 331
ARTHROPODA OXYCARENIDAE Oxycarenus (Oxycarenus) luctuosus (Montrouzier, 1861) Valid Name Oxycarenus (Oxycarenus) luctuosus (Montrouzier, 1861) Introduction 334

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