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Sub-publications- Bartolomaeus, T. 1989. Ultrastructure and development of the nephridia in Anaitides mucosa (Annelida, Polychaeta). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 109: 15-12
- Bartolomaeus, T. 1995. Structure and formation of the uncini in Pectinaria koreni, Pectinaria auricoma (Terebellida) and Spirorbis spirorbis (Sabellida): implications for annelid phylogeny and the position of the Pogonophora. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 115: 161-177
- Behrens, W.B. 1984. Larvenentwicklung und Metamorphose von Pycnogonum litorale (Chelicerata, Pantopoda). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 104: 266-279
- Bils, W. 1976. Das Abdomenende weiblicher, terrestrisch lebender Aephaga (Coleoptera) und seine Bedeutung für die Phylogenie. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 84: 113-193
- Burmeister, E.-G. 1976. Der ovipositor der Hydradephaga (Coleoptera) und seine phylogenetische Bedeutung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dytiscidae. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 85: 165-257
- Checa, A.G. & Jiménez-Jiménez, A.P. 2003. Rib fabrication in Ostreoidea and Plicatuloidea (Bivalvia, Pteriomorphia) and its evolutionary significance. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 122: 145-159
- De-Eguileor, M., Valvassori, R., Lanzavecchia, G. & Giorgi, S. 1990. Body wall muscles in the haplotaxids haplotaxis-gordioides and pelodrilus-leruthi annelida oligochaeta. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 110(1): 27-36
- Fischer, C., Mahner, M. & Ekkehard, W. 2000. The rhabdom structure in the ommatidia of the Heteroptera (Insecta), and its phylogenetic significance. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 120: 1-13
- Fishelson, L. 1981. Observations on the moving colonies of the genus Tethya (Demospongia, Porifera). 1. Behaviour and cytology. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 98(1): 89-99
- Gardiner, S.L. 1978. Fine structure of the ciliated epidermis on the tentacles of Owenia fusiformis (Polychaeta, Oweniidae). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 91: 37-48
- Jespersen, A., J. Lutzen & B. Morton 2002. Ultrastructure of dimorphic sperm and seminal receptacle in the hermaphrodites Barrimysia siphonosomae and Pseudopythina ochetostomae (Bivalvia, Galeommatoidea). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 121(3): 159-172
- Jespersen, Å. & Lützen, J. 2006. Author: Author: Primary Title: Reproduction and sperm structure in Galeommatidae (Bivalvia, Galeommatoidea) Journal Name:. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 125(3): 157-173
- Kristensen, R.M. & Eibye-Jacobson, D. 1995. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa in Diurodrilus subterraneus (Polychaeta, Diurodrilidae). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 115: 117-132
- Langer, P. 1979. Functional anatomy and ontogenetic development of the stomach in the macropodine species Thylogale stigmatica and Thylogale thetis (Mammalia: Marsupialia). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 93: 137-151
- Mickoleit, G. 1976. Die Genital- und Postgenitalsegmente der Mecoptera-Weibchen (Insecta, Holometabola) II. Das Dach der Genitalkammer. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 85: 133-156
- Orrhage, L. 1980. On the structure and homologues of the anterior end of the polychaete families Sabellidae and Serpulidae. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 96: 113-168
- Parmentier, E., Castro-Aguirre, J.L. & Vandewalle, P. 2000. Morphological comparison of the buccal apparatus in two bivalve commensal Teleostei, Encheliophis dubius and Onuxodon fowleri (Ophidiiformes, Carapidae). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 120: 29-37
- Pfannenstiel, H.-D. & Grünig, C. 1982. Primordial germ cells and early stages of oogenesis in Ophryotrocha puerilis (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 100: 203-215
- Pleijel, F. & Gustavsson, L. 2010. Chambered chaetae in nereidiform polychaetes (Annelida). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 129: 93–98
- Purschke, G. 1985. Anatomy and ultrastructure of ventral pharyngeal organs and their phylogenetic importance in Polychaeta (Annelida). I. The pharynx of the Dinophilidae. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 105: 223-239
- Purschke, G. 1988. Anatomy and ultrastructure of ventral pharyngeal organs and their phylogenetic importance in Polychaeta (Annelida) V. The pharynges of the Ctenodrilidae and Orbiniidae. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 108: 119-135
- Purschke, G. 1990. Ultrastructure of the statocysts in Protodrilus species (Polychaeta): Reconstruction of the cellular organization with morphometric data from receptor cells. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 110: 91-104
- Rachor, E. 1969. Das de Mansche Organ der Oncholaimidae, eine genito-intestinale Verbindung bei Nematoden. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 66(2): 87-166
- Reif, W.E. 1976. Morphogenesis, pattern formation and function of the dentition of Heterodontus (Selachii). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 83: 1-47 figs 1-39
- Rieger, C. 1976. Skelett und Muskulatur des Kopfes und Prothorax von Ochterus marginatus Latreille. Beitrag zur Klärung der phylogenetischen der Ochteridae (Insecta, Heteroptera). Zoomorphology (Berlin) 83: 109-191