Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Melobasis kaszabi (Pochon, 1967)




Western Australia

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.
IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)
drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones (map not available)


WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Carnarvon (CAR), Central Kimberley (CK), Coolgardie (COO), Central Ranges (CR), Dampierland (DL), Esperance Plains (ESP), Gascoyne (GAS), Gibson Desert (GD), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), Mallee (MAL), Murchison (MUR), Northern Kimberley (NK), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pilbara (PIL), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

  • Australia
    • Western Australia

Ecological Descriptors

Adult: diurnal, herbivore (associated flora: Alphitonia petriei Braid & C.T.White [RHAMNACEAE] White Ash), volant.

Larva: wood-borer (associated flora: Alphitonia petriei Braid & C.T.White [RHAMNACEAE] White Ash).

Associated Flora References

Bellamy, C.L., Williams, G.A., Hasenpusch, J. & Sundholm, A. 2013. A summary of the published data on host plants and morphology of immature stages of Australian jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with additional new records. Insecta Mundi 0293: 1-172 [62] (Alphitonia petriei)

Levey, B. 2012. A Revision of the Australian species of the genus Melobasis Laporte & Gory 1837 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Part 1 (Introductory material, key to species-groups and keys to species of the thoracica, pusilla, formosa, propinqua & gloriosa species-groups). Zootaxa 3464: 1-107 [20] (Alphitonia petriei)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
16-Jun-2022 BUPRESTIDAE Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
04-Aug-2021 BUPRESTIDAE Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
24-Dec-2020 BUPRESTOIDEA 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
01-Jul-2020 POLYPHAGA 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED Max Beatson
05-Mar-2019 BUPRESTIDAE Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
05-Mar-2019 Buprestinae Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
05-Mar-2019 Buprestinae Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
28-Jan-2014 BUPRESTIDAE Leach, 1815 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
10-Oct-2012 10-Oct-2012 MOVED
10-Oct-2012 10-Oct-2012 MOVED
13-Nov-2012 10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED
10-Sep-2024 MODIFIED