Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Heronax dubius Muir, 1924

Compiler and date details

13 January 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher



Muir (1924: 32) suggested that this might be the same species as H. parnassius which was represented in BPBM by a single type specimen lacking an abdomen. He suggested that, despite H. dubius being considerably lighter in colour, males from Cairns might indicate that the two species were synonyms.





IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Qld: Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

Adult: phloem feeder.

Extra Ecological Information

Nymph may be fungal feeder



Male. Light brown or yellow; middle of clypeus darker brown; abdominal tergites fuscous over the medio-lateral portion; pygofer dark, anal segment and styles light; front and middle tibiae with a small dark band in middle and another at apex. Tegmina hyaline with reddish brown markings; a V-shape mark from apex of clavus to fork of Cu to base of M where it continues along R cell to apex, and across to apex of Cu1 with four round hyaline spots in the middle; dark over apical cells where there is a darker spot over median apical veins; five or six small dark marks in costal cell; veins dark in dark areas, and yellowish in light areas. Wings hyaline, slightly fuscous, veins fuscous, the Cu darker than the others. A very small subantennal process, but no trace of shoulder keel; antennae shorter than face, wide and considerably flattened. Forking of claval veins about one fourth from apex. Pygofer very short on sides, longer ventrally, ventral margin simple, lateral margins angularly produced on dorsal half; anal segment long, anus one-third from apex in dorsal view; sides very slightly converging to anus, then more strongly so, apex bifurcate and turned ventrad. Genital style broad at apex which is subtruncate, narrow at base, outer margin slightly sinuous, with apical corner produced into a spine, inner apical corner rounded, inner margin nearly straight to near base where it is produced into a small, pointed process curved inward, a small process on the inner surface near base. Aedeagus not dissected out.
Female. Similar to male but darker in colour; the apical third of tegmen dark with three light spots along the media. Pregenital plate 5-sided, base about half the width of apex, straight, apex angular, sides very slightly sinuous, concave in middle.
Length. Male, 2.8 mm; tegmen 6.4 mm; Female, 3.2 mm; tegmen 7 mm. (Muir 1924)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
28-Jan-2011 28-Jan-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)