Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<i>Dikraneura honiala</i> Kirkaldy, adult female.

Dikraneura honiala Kirkaldy, adult female.


Regional Maps

Species Dikraneura honiala Kirkaldy, 1906

Compiler and date details

17 February 2012 - Murray J. Fletcher



This plain coloured leafhopper may not be a true Dikraneura which is a prolific genus widespread through the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical regions of the world. A New Zealand species originally described in Dikraneura was transferred to a new genus Matatua by Knight (1976) and it is possible that D. honiala needs a similar treatment. It is distinctive in the Australian fauna in the arrow-shaped head, which also differs from the shape of the head in Matatua.




Northern Territory, Queensland

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NT, Qld: Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: parenchyma feeder.



Head, pronotum, scutellum and general ventral aspect, immaculate pale brownish-yellow; eyes blackish grey. Tegmina pale golden yellow, shining; a black spot at the apex as in D. unipuncta (Gillette), but ringed around with whitish; first apical cell whitish narrowly ringed with brownish; a small oblique brownish black line from costa inwards at about the middle. Wing-veins pallid. Legs immaculate pale yellow, hairs whitish. Vertex subconvex, elongate triangular, longer than the pronotum, posteriorly roundly emarginate. Pronotum posteriorly truncate. Venation of tegmina very similar to that of D. unipuncta as figured by Gillette, except that the corial veins are entire and distinct and that the first apical cell is 5-sided rather than 3. Alar venation more like that of D. carneola (Stal) as figured by Gillette, but the submarginal vein is entire and unbroken. Female: Ovipositor and pygofers longer than the rest of the abdomen. Length 3¾ mm. (Kirkaldy 1906).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Dec-2019 26-Apr-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)