Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Agapophytus laparoceles Winterton & Irwin, 2001




Northern Territory, Western Australia

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NT, WA: Coolgardie (COO), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Murchison (MUR)


Scape length equal to head; male frons narrower than ocellar tubercle; head glossy black; thorax and abdomen orange,
anepisternum and katepisternum suffuse dark brown-black; wing smoky hyaline; inner gonocoxal process spatulate;
distiphallus very narrow; dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath narrow, T-shaped.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
29-Jul-2013 29-Jul-2013 MODIFIED
10-May-2012 10-May-2012 MODIFIED
24-Mar-2010 MODIFIED