Bibliography for ACHIROPSETTIDAE
The ACHIROPSETTIDAE bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Ahlstrom, E.H., Amaoka, K., Hensley, D.A., Moser, H.G. & Sumida, B.Y. 1984. Pleuronectiformes: development. pp. 640-670 in Moser, H.G. et al. (eds). Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Special Publication 1: 1-760
- Chapleau, F. 1993. Pleuronectiform relationships: a cladistic reassessment. Bulletin of Marine Science 52(1): 516-540 figs 1-7
- Evseenko, S.A. 1990. On the taxonomic state of the "armless" flounder Achiropsetta slavae (Achiropsettidae). Voprosy Ikhtiologii 30(5): 773-783 [In Russian. English translation in Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (no. 1):44-56]
- Evseenko, S.A. 1996. Early development stages of the Southern Ocean flounders (family Achiropsettidae). Voprosy Ikhtiologii 36(3): 411-415 [In Russian. English translation in Journal of Ichthyology 36 (4): 345-349]
- Evseenko, S.A. 1996. Ontogeny and relationships of the flatfishes of the Southern Ocean (Achiropsettidae, Pleuronectoidei). Voprosy Ikhtiologii 36(6): 725-752 [in Russian, translated in Journal of Ichthyology 36(9): 687-712]
- Evseenko, S.A. 1997. Revision of flounders of the genus Mancopsetta Gill, 1881 (Achiropsettidae, Pleuronectiformes) from the Southern Ocean. Voprosy Ikhtiologii 37(4): 444-464 [In Russian. English translation in Journal of Ichthyology v. 37 (no. 6):411-430]
- Evseenko, S.A. 2000. Family Achiropsettidae and its position in the taxonomic and ecological classifications of Pleuronectiformes. Journal of Ichthyology 40(Suppl. 1): 110-138
- Gill, T.N. 1881. Pleuronectids without pectorals. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report 1880: 372
- Gon, O. & Heemstra, P.C. (eds) 1990. Fishes of the Southern Ocean. Grahamstown : J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology 462 pp.
- Günther, A. 1880. Report on the shore fishes procured during the voyage of H.M.S Challenger, in the years 1872–1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 1(6): 1-82 pls 1-32
- Heemstra, P.C. 1990. Achiropsettidae, southern flounders. pp. 408-413, figs 1-5 in Gon, O. & Heemstra, P.C. (eds). Fishes of the Southern Ocean. Grahamstown : J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology 462 pp.
- Hensley, D.A. 1986. Current research on Indo-Pacific bothids. p. 941 in Uyeno, T., Arai, R., Taniuchi, T. & Matsuura, K. (eds). Indo-Pacific Fish Biology. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes. Tokyo : Ichthyological Society of Japan 985 pp.
- Hensley, D.A. 1986. Family No. 269: Bothidae. pp. 854-863 in Smith, M.M. & Heemstra, P.C. (eds). Smith's Sea Fishes. Johannesburg : Macmillan South Africa xx + 1047 pp. 144 pls.
- Hensley, D.A. & Ahlstrom, E.H. 1984. Pleuronectiformes: relationships. pp. 670-687 in Moser, H.G. et al. (eds). Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Special Publication 1: 1-760
- Hoese, D. F. & Bray, D.J. 2006. Achiropsettidae. pp. 1824-1825 in Hoese, D.F., Bray, D.J., Paxton, J.R. & Allen, G.R. Fishes. In, Beesley, P.L. & Wells, A. (eds) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 35. Volume 35 Australia : ABRS & CSIRO Publishing Parts 1-3, 2178 pp.
- Kotlyar, A.N. 1978. A contribution to the systematics of the 'armless' flounders (Pisces: Bothidae) from southwestern Atlantic. Voprosy Ikhtiologii 18(5): 799-813 [english translation in J. Ichthyol. 18(5): 708–721]
- Miller, R.G. 1993. History and Atlas of the Fishes of the Antarctic Ocean. Carson City, Nevada : Foresta Institute for Ocean and Mountain Studies i-xx + 792 pp.
- Nelson, J.S. 1994. Fishes of the World. New York : John Wiley & Sons 600 pp.
- Nelson, J.S. 2006. Fishes of the World. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 601 pp.
- Norman, J.R. 1934. A Systematic Monograph of the Flatfishes (Heterosomata) Psettodidae, Bothidae, Pleuronectidae. London : British Museum Vol. 1 459 pp. 317 figs.
- Penrith, M.J. 1965. A new species of flat fish, Mancopsetta milfordi, from South Africa, with notes on the genus Mancopsetta. Annals of the South African Museum 48(7): 181-188 figs 1-2 1 pl
- Seafood Services Australia 2008. Australian Fish Names Standard.
- Yearsley, G.K., Last, P.R. & Morris, G.B. 1997. Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota (CAAB): an upgraded and expanded species coding system for Australian fisheries databases. CSIRO Marine Laboratories Report No. 224. 15 pp. + appendices
- Yearsley, G.K., Last, P.R. & Ward, R.D. (eds) 1999. Australian Seafood Handbook. Hobart : CSIRO Marine Research 460 pp.
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