Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kiritchenko, A.N. 1932. Suborder Coccoidea. Scale insects. Trudy po Zashchite Rastenii, Series Entomologya 5: 63-66

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1893 Valid Name Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1893 Introduction 260, 261
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius, 1798) Valid Name Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius, 1798) Introduction 248
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction 248
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana, 1914) Valid Name Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana, 1914) Introduction 252
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Valid Name Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Introduction 256
ARTHROPODA MONOPHLEBIDAE Icerya Signoret, 1875 Valid Name Icerya Signoret, 1875 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MONOPHLEBIDAE Icerya purchasi Maskell, 1879 Valid Name Icerya purchasi Maskell, 1879 Introduction 253

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