Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Randall, J.E. 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press 707 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Paragobiodon modestus Regan, 1908 Miscellaneous Literature Name Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Rüppell, 1830) 545
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Paragobiodon xanthosomus Bleeker, 1852 [common misspelling of species name] Miscellaneous Literature Name Paragobiodon xanthosoma (Bleeker, 1852) 545
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Pleurosicya mossambica Smith, 1959 Valid Name Pleurosicya mossambica Smith, 1959 Introduction 547
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Priolepis fallacincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 Valid Name Priolepis fallacincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 Introduction 548
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Priolepis kappa Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 Valid Name Priolepis kappa Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 Introduction 549
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Priolepis pallidicincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 Valid Name Priolepis pallidicincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 Introduction 549
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Priolepis semidoliata (Valenciennes, 1837) Valid Name Priolepis semidoliata (Valenciennes, 1837) Introduction 549
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Spotted Pygmygoby Common Name Eviota guttata Lachner & Karnella, 1978 531
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese & Randall, 1982 Valid Name Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese & Randall, 1982 Introduction 551
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Thinbar Shrimpgoby Common Name Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata Randall, 2004 516
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma caesiura Jordan & Seale, 1906 Valid Name Trimma caesiura Jordan & Seale, 1906 Introduction 552
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985 Valid Name Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985 Introduction 553
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma striata (Goren, 1981) [misidentification and misspelling of species name] Miscellaneous Literature Name Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) 553
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma striatum (Herre, 1945) Valid Name Trimma striatum (Herre, 1945) Introduction 553
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma taylori Lobel, 1979 Valid Name Trimma taylori Lobel, 1979 Introduction 554
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma unisquame (Gosline, 1959) Valid Name Trimma unisquame (Gosline, 1959) Introduction 554
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimmatom eviotops (Schultz, 1943) Valid Name Trimmatom eviotops (Schultz, 1943) Introduction 555
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery, 1981 Valid Name Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery, 1981 Introduction 555
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea decora Hoese & Larson, 1994 Valid Name Valenciennea decora Hoese & Larson, 1994 Introduction 555
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) Valid Name Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) Introduction 555
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) Valid Name Valenciennea longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) Introduction 556
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea randalli Hoese & Larson, 1994 Valid Name Valenciennea randalli Hoese & Larson, 1994 Introduction 557
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea sexguttata (Valenciennes, 1837) Valid Name Valenciennea sexguttata (Valenciennes, 1837) Introduction 557
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea strigata (Broussonet, 1782) Valid Name Valenciennea strigata (Broussonet, 1782) Introduction 558
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Valenciennea wardii (Playfair, 1866) Valid Name Valenciennea wardii (Playfair, 1866) Introduction 558
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir, 1957) Valid Name Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir, 1957) Introduction 558
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) Valid Name Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) Introduction 559
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Bodianus bilunulatus (Lacépède, 1801) Valid Name Bodianus bilunulatus (Lacépède, 1801) Introduction 392
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Bodianus loxozonus (Snyder, 1908) Valid Name Bodianus loxozonus (Snyder, 1908) Introduction 393
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Bodianus perditio (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) Valid Name Bodianus perditio (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) Introduction 394
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Bodianus sp Miscellaneous Literature Name Bodianus dictynna Gomon, 2006 393
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Cetoscarus bicolor (Rüppell, 1829) Species Excluded Misidentifications Cetoscarus Smith, 1956 447
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Cetoscarus ocellatus (Valenciennes, 1840) Valid Name Cetoscarus ocellatus (Valenciennes, 1840) Introduction 447
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Cetoscarus ocellatus (Valenciennes, 1840) Generic Combination Cetoscarus ocellatus (Valenciennes, 1840) 447
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Chlorurus bleekeri (de Beaufort, 1940) Valid Name Chlorurus bleekeri (de Beaufort, 1940) Introduction 448
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Choerodon jordani (Snyder, 1908) Valid Name Choerodon jordani (Snyder, 1908) Introduction 401
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Epibulus insidiator (Pallas, 1770) Valid Name Epibulus insidiator (Pallas, 1770) Introduction 409
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Halichoeres marginatus Rüppell, 1835 Valid Name Halichoeres marginatus Rüppell, 1835 Introduction 413
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Hologymnosus doliatus (Lacépède, 1801) Valid Name Hologymnosus doliatus (Lacépède, 1801) Introduction 417
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Leptoscarus vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) Valid Name Leptoscarus vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) Introduction 452
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Novaculoides macrolepidotus (Bloch, 1791) Valid Name Novaculoides macrolepidotus (Bloch, 1791) Introduction 425
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Oxycheilinus orientalis (Günther, 1862) Valid Name Oxycheilinus orientalis (Günther, 1862) Introduction 425
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Redband Razorfish Common Name Novaculops halsteadi (Randall & Lobel, 2003) 443
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus dimidiatus Bleeker, 1859 Valid Name Scarus dimidiatus Bleeker, 1859 Introduction 453
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus dubius Bennett, 1828 Species Excluded Misidentifications Scarus Forsskål, 1775 461
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus flavipectoralis Schultz, 1958 Valid Name Scarus flavipectoralis Schultz, 1958 Introduction 454
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus forsteni (Bleeker, 1861) Valid Name Scarus forsteni (Bleeker, 1861) Introduction 455
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus frenatus Lacépède, 1802 Valid Name Scarus frenatus Lacépède, 1802 Introduction 454
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus frenatus Lacépède, 1802 Valid Name Scarus frenatus Lacépède, 1802 Introduction 455
CHORDATA LABRIDAE Scarus ghobban Forsskål, 1775 Valid Name Scarus ghobban Forsskål, 1775 Introduction 456

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