Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hoese, D.F. & Bray, D.J. 2006. Bothidae. pp. 1810-1823 in Hoese, D.F., Bray, D.J., Paxton, J.R. & Allen, G.R. Fishes. In, Beesley, P.L. & Wells, A. (eds) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 35. Volume 35 Australia : ABRS & CSIRO Publishing Parts 1-3, 2178 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus Bleeker, 1862 Valid Name Arnoglossus Bleeker, 1862 Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus andrewsi Kurth, 1954 Valid Name Arnoglossus andrewsi Kurth, 1954 Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus armstrongi Scott, 1975 Valid Name Arnoglossus armstrongi Scott, 1975 Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus aspilos (Bleeker, 1851) Valid Name Arnoglossus aspilos (Bleeker, 1851) Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus aspilos (Bleeker, 1852) [misidentifiction] Miscellaneous Literature Name Engyprosopon praeteritum (Whitley, 1950) 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus bassensis Norman, 1926 Valid Name Arnoglossus bassensis Norman, 1926 Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus elongatus Weber, 1913 Valid Name Arnoglossus elongatus Weber, 1913 Introduction 1813
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus fisoni Ogilby, 1898 Valid Name Arnoglossus fisoni Ogilby, 1898 Introduction 1813
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus japonicus Hubbs, 1915 Valid Name Arnoglossus japonicus Hubbs, 1915 Introduction 1813
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus macrolophus Alcock, 1889 Valid Name Arnoglossus macrolophus Alcock, 1889 Introduction 1813
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus micrommatus Amaoka, Arai & Gomon, 1997 Valid Name Arnoglossus micrommatus Amaoka, Arai & Gomon, 1997 Introduction 1814
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus muelleri (Klunzinger, 1872) Valid Name Arnoglossus muelleri (Klunzinger, 1872) Introduction 1814
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus polyspilus (Günther, 1880) Valid Name Arnoglossus polyspilus (Günther, 1880) Introduction 1814
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus tenuis Günther, 1880 Valid Name Arnoglossus tenuis Günther, 1880 Introduction 1814
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Arnoglossus waitei Norman, 1926 Valid Name Arnoglossus waitei Norman, 1926 Introduction 1815
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Asterorhombus Tanaka, 1915 Valid Name Asterorhombus Tanaka, 1915 Introduction 1815
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Asterorhombus cocosensis (Bleeker, 1855) Valid Name Asterorhombus cocosensis (Bleeker, 1855) Introduction 1815
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Asterorhombus intermedius (Bleeker, 1865) Valid Name Asterorhombus intermedius (Bleeker, 1865) Introduction 1815
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Bothus Rafinesque, 1810 Valid Name Bothus Rafinesque, 1810 Introduction 1815
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Bothus mancus (Broussonet, 1782) Valid Name Bothus mancus (Broussonet, 1782) Introduction 1816
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Bothus myriaster Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Valid Name Bothus myriaster Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Introduction 1816
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Bothus pantherinus (Rüppell, 1830) Valid Name Bothus pantherinus (Rüppell, 1830) Introduction 1816
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Chascanopsetta Alcock, 1894 Valid Name Chascanopsetta Alcock, 1894 Introduction 1816
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Chascanopsetta lugubris Alcock, 1894 Valid Name Chascanopsetta lugubris Alcock, 1894 1816
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Crossorhombus Regan, 1920 Valid Name Crossorhombus Regan, 1920 Introduction 1817
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Crossorhombus azureus (Alcock, 1889) Valid Name Crossorhombus azureus (Alcock, 1889) Introduction 1817
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Crossorhombus howensis Hensley & Randall, 1993 Valid Name Crossorhombus howensis Hensley & Randall, 1993 Introduction 1817
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Crossorhombus valderostratus (Alcock, 1890) Valid Name Crossorhombus valderostratus (Alcock, 1890) Introduction 1817
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon Günther, 1862 Valid Name Engyprosopon Günther, 1862 Introduction 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon bleekeri (Macleay, 1881) Valid Name Engyprosopon bleekeri (Macleay, 1881) Introduction 1818
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon grandisquama (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) Valid Name Engyprosopon grandisquama (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) Introduction 1818
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon hureaui Quéro & Golani, 1990 Valid Name Engyprosopon hureaui Quéro & Golani, 1990 Introduction 1818
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon latifrons (Regan, 1908) Valid Name Engyprosopon latifrons (Regan, 1908) Introduction 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon longipterum Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993 Valid Name Engyprosopon longipterum Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993 Introduction 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon maldivensis (Regan, 1908) Valid Name Engyprosopon maldivensis (Regan, 1908) Introduction 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon osculum (Amaoka & Arai, 1998) Valid Name Engyprosopon osculum (Amaoka & Arai, 1998) Introduction 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon osculus (Amaoka & Arai, 1998) [if name treated as a noun in apposition] Miscellaneous Literature Name Engyprosopon osculum (Amaoka & Arai, 1998) 1819
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Engyprosopon praeteritum (Whitley, 1950) Valid Name Engyprosopon praeteritum (Whitley, 1950) Introduction 1812
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Grammatobothus Norman, 1926 Valid Name Grammatobothus Norman, 1926 Introduction 1820
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Grammatobothus pennatus (Ogilby, 1913) Valid Name Grammatobothus pennatus (Ogilby, 1913) Introduction 1820
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Kamoharaia Kuronuma, 1940 Valid Name Kamoharaia Kuronuma, 1940 Introduction 1820
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Kamoharaia megastoma (Kamohara, 1936) Valid Name Kamoharaia megastoma (Kamohara, 1936) Introduction 1820
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Laeops Günther, 1880 Valid Name Laeops Günther, 1880 Introduction 1821
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Laeops kitaharae (Smith & Pope, 1906) Valid Name Laeops kitaharae (Smith & Pope, 1906) Introduction 1821
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Laeops parviceps Günther, 1880 Valid Name Laeops parviceps Günther, 1880 Introduction 1821
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Lophonectes Günther, 1880 Valid Name Lophonectes Günther, 1880 Introduction 1821
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Lophonectes gallus Günther, 1880 Valid Name Lophonectes gallus Günther, 1880 Introduction 1821
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Parabothus Norman, 1931 Valid Name Parabothus Norman, 1931 Introduction 1822
CHORDATA BOTHIDAE Parabothus kiensis (Tanaka, 1918) Valid Name Parabothus kiensis (Tanaka, 1918) Introduction 1822

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