Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Warlucephala arunda </I>(Jacobi), lectotype female.

Warlucephala arunda (Jacobi), lectotype female.


Regional Maps

Species Warlucephala arunda (Jacobi, 1909)

Compiler and date details

29 June 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher


This is a semimacropterous species from SW Western Australia known from three males and two females. No information is available on its biology. The males were all collected in a light trap.




Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



♀. Scheitel etwas kürzer als an der engsten Stelle zwischen den Augen breit, die Fläche in der Mitte stark eingedrückt. Schmutzig rötlichgelb; eine Mittellinie des Scheitels, dessen Seiten an den Augen und zwei Keilflecken an der Schildchenbasis etwas dunkler; dicht unter der Scheitel-Stirnnaht eine scharfe braune Querlinie über Stirn und Zügel, darunter auf der Stirn fünf kleine rotbraune Querbinden. Auf den Scheidenklappen beiderseits der Legescheide ein schwarzer Längsstreifen. Deckflügel halb durchsichtig, das letzte Tergit kaum überragend; das Ende der äussern Clavusader, der Grund und die Spitze der Naht weiss gesäumt; über die Mitte des Coriums verläuft eine schiefe, lineare, schwarzbraune Binde. Letztes Abdominalsternit etwas länger als das vorletzte, flachwinklig eingebuchtet, in der Mitte noch ein kleiner spitzer Einschnitt. Long. corp. 4.5 mm (Jacobi 1909).

Pale yellow brown on vertex, thorax and abdomen. Face dark brown with transverse pale striations on frontoclypeus, separated from vertex by two transverse dark brown line which are slightly convex around dorsal edge of frontoclypeus. Tegmina translucent brown, paler along costal margin. Morphology: Anteclypeus broad at base, tapering unevenly towards apex, noticeably narrowing beyond lora which are widely separated from face margin. Vertex arrow-shaped, flat to concave on disc with clearly distinct median carina reaching three quarters from base to apex. Pronotum short. Tegmen reaching to just short of base of tenth abdominal tergite, appendix absent. Male genitalia: Pygofer extended posteriorly and apically rounded, bearing group of macrosetae on posterior lobe. Subgenital plates narrowly triangular, posteriorly extended to level with pygofer, apically bluntly pointed, each bearing 6 macrosetae evenly spaced along outer margin which is slightly concave. Paramere short, apical process reduced, bluntly rounded apically, preapical shoulder rounded. Connective fused with base of aedeagus, with lateral arms longer than main body. Aedeagus tubular, lightly evenly curved dorsally with gonopore apical but with shaft extended to form short, straight, linear process directed posteriorly from ventral margin of gonopore. Length. male 2.8–2.9mm (Fletcher 2006).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Dec-2019 25-Oct-2013 MODIFIED
05-Dec-2019 16-May-2012 MODIFIED
05-Dec-2019 05-Aug-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)