Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Ugyops sejunctus Donaldson, 1983

Compiler and date details

30 November 2010 - Murray J. Fletcher



Unlike other mainland Australian species of Ugyops, which are all confined to the far north of Queensland, this species extends from Cape Tribulation in northern Queensland to the NE coast of New South Wales.




New South Wales, Queensland

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld: South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



♂: length of body 5.4 mm, length of tegmen 3.3 mm; ♀: length of body 5.3–5.4mm, length of tegmen 3.8–3.9 mm. Generally light brown, vertex with areas between carinae dark brown to black, sometimes basal compartment dark. Frons with submedian carinae red, lateral carinae yellowish. black between submedian and lateral carinae at base, dark band in apical fifth below apex extending to apex on each side of midline. Clypeus dark at apex, postclypeus dark at base. Pronotum dark on both sides of median carina, also anterior to recurved section of lateral carinae and a couple of areas ventral to this. Mesonotum with 2 longitudinal markings, 1 on each side of middle. Legs darker, with banding on tibiae, fore and mid tarsi black. Tegmen with dark area at apex of claval suture, spot on each side of vein M on cross veins, veins mostly dark, with pale sections. Abdomen with various pale markings laterally, anal segment of ♂ with dark longitudinal stripe laterally and ventral margin dark, pygofer with apex of median projection dark. Vertex in midline 2.0–2.3 x basal width, widest just before rounded apex; sides straight and converging towards base; posterior margin slightly angulate posteriorly; submedian carinae becoming obsolete before apex; basal compartment longer than wide. Frons in midline 2.3 x greatest width; submedian carinae close, parallel, meeting at apex and becoming obsolete at base. Segment 2 of antennae 2.2–2.3 x length of segment 1. Pronotum with strong median carina. Mesonotum with weak carinae. Hind tibiae with single lateral spine in addition to basal and apical ones. Tegmen short, reaching anal segment, claval suture present; Cu forked near level of claval fork and not reuniting; M forked, 1 row of cross veins; apical veins simple. Anal segment of ♂ in lateral view with ventrolateral portion strongly produced posteriorly, with broadly rounded apex. Pygofer with long truncately rounded median projection and 2 very short ventrolateral projections. Genital style in ventral view long, broad at base and gradually tapering to acute apex. (Donaldson 1983)


ID Keys

Donaldson 1983: 278


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-May-2011 20-May-2011 MODIFIED
26-Nov-2010 26-Nov-2010 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)