Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Tartessoides griseus </I>Evans, adult male.

Tartessoides griseus Evans, adult male.

<I>Tartessoides griseus </I>Evans, adult female.

Tartessoides griseus Evans, adult female.


Regional Maps

Species Tartessoides griseus Evans, 1937

Compiler and date details

30 January 2012 - Murray J. Fletcher



This unusual and distinctive denizen of the outback is sexually dimorphic in head structure with the male head being triangular and anteriorly rounded while the female head is narrowly produced to a point. The original description of the genus (Evans 1937) described the head as being triangular in shape as seen from below and Evans (1981) noted that the head of the female was narrowly produced but neither author commented on the dimorphism. The species has been recorded in Western Australia and the Northern Territory with specimens from the Musgrave Ranges in the NW corner of South Australia. A single specimen from Queensland (no further details) is in the UQIC. The type locality is given as being between the Everard Ranges in South Australia and the Warburton Ranges in Western Australia but these two ranges are about 600 kms apart.




Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NT, Qld, SA, WA: Carnarvon (CAR), Central Ranges (CR), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Gascoyne (GAS), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Murchison (MUR), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



Head grey mottled with light and dark brown; eyes brownish yellow spotted with black. Pronotum grey with very dark brown markings. Scutellum grey barred with black and with a few round black spots. Tegmen hyaline grey, veins very dark brown; many of the cells with irregularly shaped dark brown and black areas. Thorax and abdomen, ventral surface, pale yellowish brown with dark brown markings. Length 10 mm, head width 2.5 mm (Evans 1937).

Crown of head of ♀ narrowly produced (Evans 1981).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2011 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)