Family SEPIOLIDAE Leach, 1817
Bibliography for SEPIOLIDAE Leach, 1817
The SEPIOLIDAE Leach, 1817 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Adam, W. 1986. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887 (Mollusca Cephalopoda). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 56: 131-136
- Akimushkin, I.I. 1963. Cephalopods of the seas of the U.S.S.R. Jerusalem : Israel Program for Scientific Translation 223 pp. [English translation from Russian. Mercade, A. (Transl.), Finesilver, R. (ed.)]
- Aldrich, F.A. & Lu, C.C. 1968. Report on the larva, eggs, and egg mass of Rossia sp. (Decapoda, Cephalopoda) from Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 46: 369-371
- Allan, J. 1945. Planktonic cephalopod larvae from the eastern Australian coast. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 317-350 pls 24-27
- Appellöf, A. 1898. Cephalopoden von Ternate. 1. Verzeichniss der von professor Kükenthal gesammelten Arten. II. Untersuchungen über Idiosepius, Sepiodarium und verwandte Formen, ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der Hektokotylisation und ihrer systematischen Bedeutung. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 24: 561-637
- Arnold, J.M., Singley, C.T. & Williams-Arnold, L.D. 1972. Embryonic development and post hatching survival of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes under laboratory conditions. Veliger 14: 361-364
- Bello, G. 2020. Evolution of the hectocotylus in Sepiolinae (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and description of four new genera. European Journal of Taxonomy 655: 1-53
- Bergstrom, B. & Summers, W.C. 1983. Sepietta oweniana. pp. 75-91 in Boyle, P.R. (ed.). Cephalopod Life Cycles. Vol. 1. Species Accounts. London : Academic Press xvii 474 pp.
- Berry, S.S. 1909. Diagnoses of new cephalopods from the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 37: 407-419
- Berry, S.S. 1911. A new sepiolid from Japan. Zoologischer Anzeiger 37: 39
- Berry, S.S. 1918. Report on the Cephalopoda obtained by the F.I.S. Endeavour in the Great Australian Bight and other southern Australian localities. Biological Results of the Fishing Experiments carried on by the F.I.S. Endeavour 1909-1914 4: 203-298 pls 59-88
- Boletzky, S.v. 1971. Neorossia n.g. pro Rossia (Allorossia) caroli Joubin, 1902, with remarks on the generic status of Semirossia Steenstrup, 1887 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Bulletin of Marine Science 214: 964-969
- Boletzky, S.v. 1983. Sepiola robusta. pp. 53-67 in Boyle, P.R. (ed.). Cephalopod Life Cycles. Vol. 1. Species Accounts. London : Academic Press xvii 474 pp.
- Boletzky, S.v. 1987. Juvenile behaviour. pp. 45-60 in Boyle, P.R. (ed.). Cephalopod Life Cycles. Vol. 2. Comparative Reviews. London : Academic Press xxi 441 pp.
- Boletzky, S.v., Boletzky, M.v., Frösch, D. & Gätzi, V. 1971. Laboratory rearing of Sepiolinae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Marine Biology, Berlin 8: 82-87
- Boletzky, S.v. & Boletzky, M.v. 1970. Das Eingraben in Sand bei Sepiola und Sepietta (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 77: 536-548
- Boletzky, S.v. & Boletzky, M.V.v. 1973. Observations on the embryonic and early post-embryonic development of Rossia macrosoma (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 25: 135-161
- Brazier, J. 1892. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Australia and Tasmania. Pt I. Cephalopoda; Pt II. Pteropoda. Sydney : Australian Museum Catalogue Vol. 15 42 pp.
- Brocco, S. 1970. Aspects of the biology of the sepiolid squid Rossia pacifica Berry. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 151 pp.
- Choe, S. 1966. On the growth, feeding rates and the efficiency of food conversion for cuttlefishes and squids. Korean Journal of Zoology 9: 12-20 [in Korean]
- Choe, S. & Oshima, Y. 1963. Rearing of cuttlefishes and squids. Nature (London) 197: 307
- Cotton, B.C. 1938. The spermatophores of Rossia australis Berry. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 50: 338-440, pls 19, 20
- Dell, R.K. 1959. Some additional New Zealand cephalopods from Cook Strait. Zoological Publications of the Victoria University, Wellington 25: 1-12
- English, S.A. 1981. The biology of two species of estuarine cephalopods from the Sydney region. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Sydney, Sydney 125 pp.
- Fernandez-Alvarez, F.A. Sanchez, P. & Villanueva, R. 2021. Morphological and molecular assessments of bobtail squids (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) reveal a hidden history of biodiversity. Frontiers of Marine Science 7(632261)
- Grant, R.E. 1833. On a new species of Sepiola (Sep. Stenodactyla) from the Mauritius, presented by C. Telfair Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1833(1): 42-43
- Gray, J.E. 1849. Catalogue of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. 1. Cephalopoda Antepedia. London : British Museum (Natural History) 164 pp.
- Herring, P.J. 1988. Luminescent organs. pp. 449-489 in Trueman, E.R. & Clarke, M.R. (eds). The Mollusca. Vol. 11. Form and function. London : Academic Press.
- Hochberg, F.G. Jr & Fields, W.G. 1980. Cephalopoda: The squids and octopuses. pp. 429-444 in Morris, R.H., Abbot, D.P. & Haderlie, E.C. (eds). Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford : Stanford University Press.
- Jereb, P. & Roper, C.F.E. (Eds) 2005. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4 Rome : FAO Vol. 1 pp. 1-262.
- Joubin, L. 1902. Revision des sépiolides. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France 15: 80-145
- Leach, W.E. 1817. The Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals … illustrated with coloured figures drawn from nature by R.P. Nodder &c. London : E. Nodder & Son Vol. 3 pp. i-vi 1-152 pls 121-149.
- Leach, W.E. (ed.) 1817. The Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals. London : R.P. Nodder Vol. 3 v 151 pp. pls 121-150.
- Lu, C., & Okutani, T. 2022. Two new genera and species of sepioline squids (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) from Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81: 1-23
- Lu, C.C. 2001. Cephalopoda. pp. 129-308 in Wells, A. & Houston, W.W.K. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 17.2 Mollusca: Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia xii 353 pp. [Date published 3 July 2001]
- Lu, C.C. & Phillips, J.U. 1985. An annotated checklist of Cephalopoda from Australian waters. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Victoria 2: 21-36
- Naef, A. 1912. Teuthologische Notizen: (1) Die familien der Myopsiden. (2) Die Gattungen der Sepioliden. Zoologischer Anzeiger 39: 241-248
- Naef, A. 1923. Die Cephalopoden, Systematik. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 35 1: 1-863
- Norman, M. 2000. Cephalopods, a world guide. Hakenheim : ConchBooks 320 pp.
- Norman, M.D. & Lu, C.C. 1997. Redescription of the southern dumpling squid Euprymna tasmanica and a revision of the genus Euprymna (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 77: 1109-1137
- Pfeffer, G. 1884. Die Cephalopoden des Hamburger Naturhistorischen Museums. Abhandlungen Herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen 8: 63-90 3 pls
- Reid, A. 1991. Taxonomy review of the Australian Rossiinae (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae), with a description of a new species, Neorossia leptodons, and redescription of N. caroli (Joubin, 1902). Bulletin of Marine Science 49(3): 748-831
- Reid, A. 2011. Euprymna pardalota sp. nov. (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae), a new dumpling squid from northern Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 27: 135-142
- Reid, A. 2016. Cephalopods of Australia and Sub-Antarctic Territories. Clayton South, Victoria : CSIRO Publishing pp. 446.
- Reid, A. 2021. Two new species of Iridoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae: Heteroteuthinae) from the southwest Pacific, with a redescription of Stoloteuthis maoria (Dell, 1959). Zootaxa 5005: 503-537
- Reid, A. & Jereb, P. 2005. Family Sepiolidae. pp. 153-203 in Jereb, P. & Roper, C.F.E. (Eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4 Rome : FAO Vol. 1 pp. 1-262.
- Sanchez, G. Fernandez-Alvarez, F.A. Tait, M. Sugimoto, C. Jolly, J. Simakov, O. Marletaz, F. Allcock, L. & Rokhsar, D.S. 2021. Phylogenomics illuminates the evolution of bobtail and bottletail squid (order Sepiolida). Communications Biology 4(819): 1-9
- Sasaki, M. 1929. A monograph of the dibranchiate cephalopods of the Japanese and adjacent waters. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University 20(Suppl.): 1-357 30 pls
- Steenstrup, J.J. 1887. Notae Teuthologicae. 6. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger 1887: 47-66
- Verrill, A.E. 1881. The cephalopods of the north-eastern coast of America, Part II. The smaller cephalopods, including the "squids" and the octopi, with other allied forms. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 5: 259-446
- Voss, G.L. 1955. The Cephalopoda obtained by the Harvard-Havanna Expedition off the coast of Cuba in 1938–39. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 5: 81-115
- Voss, G.L. 1956. A review of the cephalopods of the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 6: 85-178
- Voss, G.L. 1963. Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands. United States National Museum Bulletin 234: 1-180
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