Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Reid, A. & Jereb, P. 2005. Family Sepiolidae. pp. 153-203 in Jereb, P. & Roper, C.F.E. (Eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4 Rome : FAO Vol. 1 pp. 1-262.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Austrorossia Berry, 1918 Valid Name Austrorossia Berry, 1918 Distributions 193
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Austrorossia australis (Berry, 1918) Valid Name Austrorossia australis (Berry, 1918) Distributions 193
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Austrorossia australis (Berry, 1918) Valid Name Austrorossia australis (Berry, 1918) Introduction 193
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887 Valid Name Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887 Distributions 173, 181, 182
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Euprymna hoylei Adam, 1986 Valid Name Euprymna hoylei Adam, 1986 Introduction 181
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Euprymna stenodactyla (Grant, 1833) Valid Name Euprymna stenodactyla (Grant, 1833) Distributions 182
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Euprymna tasmanica (Steenstrup, 1887) Valid Name Euprymna tasmanica (Steenstrup, 1887) Distributions 173
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Euprymna tasmanica (Steenstrup, 1887) Valid Name Euprymna tasmanica (Steenstrup, 1887) Introduction 173
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Heteroteuthis Gray, 1849 Valid Name Heteroteuthis Gray, 1849 Distributions 203
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis (Berry, 1909) Valid Name Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis (Berry, 1909) Distributions 203
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis (Berry, 1909) Valid Name Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis (Berry, 1909) Introduction 203
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Heteroteuthis serventyi Allan, 1945 Valid Name Heteroteuthis serventyi Allan, 1945 Distributions 203
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Japanese Bobtail Squid Common Name Sepiolina nipponensis (Berry, 1911) 201
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Neorossia leptodons Reid, 1991 Valid Name Neorossia leptodons Reid, 1991 Distributions 197
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Neorossia leptodons Reid, 1991 Valid Name Neorossia leptodons Reid, 1991 Introduction 197
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Sepiolina Naef, 1912 Valid Name Sepiolina Naef, 1912 Distributions 201
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Sepiolina nipponensis (Berry, 1911) Valid Name Sepiolina nipponensis (Berry, 1911) Distributions 201
MOLLUSCA SEPIOLIDAE Sepiolina nipponensis (Berry, 1911) Valid Name Sepiolina nipponensis (Berry, 1911) Introduction 201

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