Species Ozestheria packardi (Brady, 1886)
- Estheriella packardi Brady, G.S. 1886. Notes on freshwater Entomostraca from South Australia. Proceeding of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London 1886: 82-93 [85-86, fig. C] [as var. typica. see Spencer & Hall 1896].
Type data:
Status unknown, unknown; possibly from Lake Bonney, near River Murray, SA. - Estheria packardi cancellata Spencer, B. & Hall, T.S. 1896. Crustacea. Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. II. Zoology. London and Melbourne. [237-238, pl. 21, figs 11-12] [as var. cancellata].
- Estheria packardi minor Spencer, B. & Hall, T.S. 1896. Crustacea. Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. II. Zoology. London and Melbourne. [237-238 pl. 21 figs 11-12] [as var. minor].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Richter, S. & Timms, B.V. 2005. A list of recent clam shrimps (Crustacea: Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata, Cyclestherida) of Australia, including a description of a new species of Eocyzicus. Records of the Australian Museum 57: 341-354
Generic Combinations
- Caenestheriella packardi (Brady, 1886). —
Dakin, W.J. 1914. Fauna of Western Australia. II. The Phyllopoda of Western Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1914: 293-305 [108, 116-120, fig. 20] (key) - Cyzicus (Estheria) packardi (Brady, 1886). —
Wolf, E. 1911. Phyllopoda. In Michaelsen, W. & Hartmeyer, R. (eds) Die Fauna Südwest-Australiens. Ergebnisse der Hamburger südwest-australischen Forschungsreise 1905. Jena : G. Fischer Vol. 3. 253-276 pp. (list) - Ozestheria packardi (Brady, 1886).
New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Widespread throughout much of mainland Australia. In detail: central and northern SA (Brady 1886; Spencer & Hall 1986), southern NT (Spencer & Hall, 1886), inland NSW west of Dubbo and also Botany (Henry 1924; Timms & Richter 2002), Victoria (Henry 1924), southwestern Qld (Henry 1924; Timms & Richter 2002), and most of inland WA (Timms et al., in press; S. Halse, pers. comm.).
NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory: Lake Eyre basin, W plateau
- Queensland: Bulloo River basin, Lake Eyre basin, Murray-Darling basin
- South Australia: Lake Eyre basin, W plateau
- Victoria
- Western Australia: NW coastal, SW coastal, W plateau
Ecological Descriptors
Probably suspension feeder.
Spencer & Hall (1896: 237) described three 'varieties' in Caenestheriella (synonym Estheria packardi, which according to ICZN rule 45.6.4 should be considered as subspecies, although the written text suggests a level below subspecific status. Spencer & Hall give no separate distribution records for their 'varieties' and noted intermediate forms. Richter & Timms (2005) considered these arguments in favour of the 'varieties' of Caenestheriella packardi being not considered as subspecies, and therefore they are not listed separately.
General References
Bishop, J.A. 1967. Seasonal occurrence of a branchiopod crustacean, Limnadia stanleyana King (Conchostraca) in eastern Australia. Journal of Animal Ecology 36: 77-95 [fig. D, 1] (as Cyzicus packardi)
Brtek, J. 1997. Checklist of the valid and invalid names of the “Large Branchiopods” (Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata), with a survey of the taxonomy of all Branchiopoda. Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea. Prírodné Vedy 43: 3-66 [52] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement as Cyzicus packardi Brady (1886) in list, but combination not supported)
Brtek, J. 1997. Checklist of the valid and invalid names of the “Large Branchiopods” (Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata), with a survey of the taxonomy of all Branchiopoda. Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea. Prírodné Vedy 43: 3-66 [48] (listed as Cyzicus packardi)
Chilton, C. 1917. Crustacea. In Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks, September and October 1916. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 41: 475-482 [480]
Dakin, W.J. 1914. Fauna of Western Australia. II. The Phyllopoda of Western Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1914: 293-305 [295] (listed as Cyzicus (Estheria) packardi)
Richter, S. & Timms, B.V. 2005. A list of recent clam shrimps (Crustacea: Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata, Cyclestherida) of Australia, including a description of a new species of Eocyzicus. Records of the Australian Museum 57: 341-354
Sars, G.O. 1895. Descriptions of some Australian Phyllopoda. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, Kristiania 17(2): 1-51, pl. 1-8 [28-29, pl. 4 & 5]
Sars, G.O. 1896. Descriptions of two new Phyllopoda from North Australia. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, Kristiania 18(8): 1-36, 6 pls [1-27, pls 1-4]
Sayce, O.A. 1903. The Phyllopoda of Australia, including descriptions of some new genera and species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 15: 224-261, pl. 27-36 [250-252, 255, pl. 34, fig. 3, a-c] (as two varieties)
Simon, E. 1886. Étude sur les crustacés du sous-ordre des Phyllopodes. II. Catalogue général des Phylopodes et desciptions d' espèces nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 6: 441-460 [453] (list)
Spencer, B. & Hall, T.S. 1896. Crustacea. Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. II. Zoology. London and Melbourne. [236-238, figs 9-14]
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