Species Liza argentea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
Goldspot Mullet, Brown-back Mullet, Bull-nose Mullet, Fantail Mullet, Flat-tail Mullet, Flattail Mullet, Gold-gill, Gold-gill Mullet, Jumpin Mullet, Jumping Mullet, Ramsay's Mullet, Rock Mullet, Rockies, Tiger Mullet, Tygum, Tygum Mullet, Wankari
- Mugil argenteus Quoy, J.R.C. & Gaimard, J.P. 1825. Chapter 9. Poissons. pp. 329-401 pls 43-65 in Freycinet, L.C.D. de (ed.). Voyage Autour du Monde, entrepris par orde du Roi, sous le Ministère et conformément aux instructions de S. Exc. M. le Vicomte de Boucharge, secrétaire d'État au Département de la Marine exécuté sur les corvettes de S.M. l'Uranie et la Physicienne, pendent les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820; publié sous les auspices de S.E.M. le Conte Corbière, secrétaire d'État de l'Intérieur, pour la partie historique et les sciences naturelles, et de S.E.M. le Marquis de Clermont-Tonnerre, Secrétaire d'État de la Marine et des Colonies, pour la partie nautique; par M. Louis Freycinet, etc. Paris : Pillet Aîné Vol. 1 + atlas iv 712 pp. [published in parts Sherborn, C.D. & Woodward, B.B. 1901. Notes on the dates of publication of the natural history portions of some French voyages. Part I. Amérique meridionale; Indes orientales; Pôle Sud (Astrolabe and Zélée); La Bonite; La Coquille; and L'Uranie et La Physcienne. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(7): 388–392 [392]] [338, pl. 59(3)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) MNHP 4961, Port Jackson, NSW. - Mugil ferrandi Valenciennes, A. in Cuvier, G.L. & Valenciennes, A. 1836. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. Paris : Levrault Vol. 11 506 pp. pls 307-343. [142] [junior objective synonym of Mugil argenteus Quoy & Gaimard 1825; ex Quoy & Gaimard's MS figure of Mugil argenteus; as a nom. nud. in Cuvier, G.L. 1829. Le Règne Animal Distribué d'après son Organisation. Poissons. Paris : Fortin, Masson et Co. pp. 122–406. (232)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) MNHP 4961, Port Jackson, NSW. - Mugil peronii Valenciennes, A. in Cuvier, G.L. & Valenciennes, A. 1836. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. Paris : Levrault Vol. 11 506 pp. pls 307-343. [138].
Type data:
Syntype(s) MNHP A.3620, Western Port and north-western Australia; MNHP 4965, Western Port and north-western Australia. - Mugil australis Steindachner, F. 1879. Über einige neue und seltene Fischarten aus den zoologischen Museen zu Wien, Stuttgart und Warschau. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 16(4): 29-34 [30] [described subsequently in more detail in Steindachner, F. 1879. Über einige neue und seltene Fischarten aus den k.k. Zoologischen Museen zu Wien, Stuttgart und Warschau. I. Zur Fischfauna von süd-Australien. Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 41(2): 1–15 figs 1–9 [6]].
Type data:
Holotype NHMW 68550, Port Jackson, NSW. - Mugil ramsayi Macleay, W.J. 1883. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Burdekin and Mary Rivers, Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1 8(2): 199-213 [208].
Type data:
Lectotype AM IA.5944, Burdekin River, QLD.
Paralectotype(s) AM IA.5945–5946.Subsequent designation references:
Whitley, G.P. 1941. Ichthyological notes and illustrations. The Australian Zoologist 10(1): 1-50 figs 1-32 pls 1-2 [18 fig. 14]. - Mugil convexus De Vis, C.W. 1885. New fishes in the Queensland Museum. No. 5. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1 9(4): 869-887 [869].
Type data:
Holotype QM I.999, Cardwell, QLD.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Thomson, J.M. 1997. The Mugilidae of the world. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 41(3): 457-562 fig. 1 [516]
Generic Combinations
- Liza argentea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825). —
McCulloch, A.R. 1929. A check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia. Part I. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 5: 1–144 [116] - Moolgarda argentea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825). —
Whitley, G.P. 1964. A survey of Australian Ichthyology. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 89(1): 11-127 [39] (646, changed combination cited) - Liza ramsayi (Macleay, 1883). —
Thomson, J.M. 1954. The Mugilidae of Australia and adjacent seas. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 5(1): 70-131 figs 1-16 pls 1-2 [105]
Munro, I.S.R. 1961. Handbook of Australian fishes. Nos 1–42. Australian Fisheries Newsletter 15–17, 19, 20: 1-172 [published as separates 1956–1961] [104] (711) - Gracilimugil ramsayi (Macleay, 1883). —
Whitley, G.P. 1941. Ichthyological notes and illustrations. The Australian Zoologist 10(1): 1-50 figs 1-32 pls 1-2 [18] (changed combination as type of genus Gracilimugil)
Whitley, G.P. 1964. A survey of Australian Ichthyology. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 89(1): 11-127 [40] (661)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Cardwell, QLD (18°16´S) to Perth, WA (31°55´S); tropical, temperate.
Australian Endemic.
Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
Estuary, inshore, mud bottom-marine, pelagic.
General References
Gomon, M.F. 2008. Family Mugilidae. pp. 390-394 in Gomon, M.F., Bray, D.J. & Kuiter, R.H. (eds). Fishes of Australia's Southern Coast. Sydney : Reed New Holland 928 pp. [392]
Harrison, I.J. & Senou, H. 1999. Order Mugiliformes. pp. 2069-2790 in Carpenter, K.E. & Niem, T.H. (eds). The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fisheries Purposes. Rome : FAO Vol. 4 pp. 2069-2790. [2087] (treatment of L. ramsayi as a distinct species, p. 2092)
Kuiter, R.H. 1994. Family Mugilidae. pp. 659-664, figs 578-581 in Gomon, M.F., Glover, C.J.M. & Kuiter, R.H. (eds). The Fishes of Australia's South Coast. Adelaide : State Printer 992 pp. 810 figs. [661]
McCulloch, A.R. 1929. A check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia. Part I. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 5: 1–144 [116] (and as Mugil ramsayi)
Munro, I.S.R. 1961. Handbook of Australian fishes. Nos 1–42. Australian Fisheries Newsletter 15–17, 19, 20: 1-172 [published as separates 1956–1961] [104] (710 and 711 as L. ramsayi)
Thomson, J.M. 1954. The Mugilidae of Australia and adjacent seas. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 5(1): 70-131 figs 1-16 pls 1-2
Thomson, J.M. 1996. Family Mugilidae. pp. 191-197 in McDowall, R.M. (ed.). Freshwater Fishes of South-eastern Australia. Sydney : Reed Books 247 pp. [197]
Thomson, J.M. 1997. The Mugilidae of the world. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 41(3): 457-562 fig. 1 [516]
Whitley, G.P. 1964. A survey of Australian Ichthyology. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 89(1): 11-127 [39] (646, as Moolgarda argentea and p. 40, 661, as Gracilimugil ramsayi)
Common Name References
Allan, R. 2002. Australian Fish and How to Catch Them. Sydney : New Holland Publishers (Australia) 394 pp. [233] (Brown-back Mullet, Jumpin Mullet)
Gomon, M.F., Glover, C.J.M. & Kuiter, R.H. (eds) 1994. The Fishes of Australia's South Coast. Adelaide : State Printer 992 pp. 810 figs. [661] (Bull-nose Mullet, Flattail Mullet, Gold-gill Mullet, Tygum Mullet)
Grant, E.M. 1975. Guide to Fishes. Brisbane : Queensland Government, Co-ordinator General’s Department 640 pp. [152] (Gold-gill, Rock Mullet, Tygum)
Grant, E.M. 1991. Fishes of Australia. Brisbane : EM Grant Pty Ltd 480 pp. [141] (Jumping Mullet, Tiger Mullet)
Hutchins, J.B. & Swainston, R. 1986. Sea Fishes of Southern Australia. Complete field guide for anglers and divers. Perth : Swainston Publishing 180 pp. [662] (Fantail Mullet)
Marshall, T.C. 1964. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coastal Waters of Queensland. Sydney : Angus & Robertson 566 pp. 136 pls. [411] (Rockies, Wankari)
Munro, I.S.R. 1961. Handbook of Australian fishes. Nos 1–42. Australian Fisheries Newsletter 15–17, 19, 20: 1-172 [published as separates 1956–1961] [104] (Ramsay's Mullet)
Seafood Services Australia 2008. Australian Fish Names Standard. http://www.fishnames.com.au/. (Goldspot Mullet)
Yearsley, G.K., Last, P.R. & Ward, R.D. (eds) 1999. Australian Seafood Handbook. Hobart : CSIRO Marine Research 460 pp. [190] (FAO) (Flat-tail Mullet)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
13-Apr-2015 | MUGILIFORMES | 29-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | Dr Doug Hoese |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |