Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Archirhiza primordialis Haeckel, 1880

Compiler and date details

June 2012 - Lisa-ann Gershwin


This taxon is under review. This record is released now for public view, prior to final verification. For further information or comment email us.



Tasmania, Victoria

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Ecological Descriptors

Marine, neritic, planktonic.



Archirhiza with the umbrella slightly vaulted, hat-shaped or semi-spherical. 2-3 times as broad as high. Umbrella margin with 48 marginal flaps. In every Octant four large pointed velar flaps and two small ocular flaps. Mouth-arms about as long as the Umbrella-radius, cylindrical, simple and undivided; on the axial margin with simple zig-zag shaped suction crisp. Size: Diameter of Umbrella, 40 mm. Height, 20 mm.



Originally found in the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania, it has not been reported since.

The species was regarded as valid by von Lendenfeld (1884). However, Mayer (1910: 712) considered it (as A. aurosa) to be a young or reconstructed version of some other species; it was not treated by Kramp (1961).

Judging by the description and the accompanying illustrations, this is a very young rhizostome that cannot be positively identified to an adult species, and is better left as obsolete.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Aug-2013 MODIFIED