Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<i>Andes ikelus</i> Löcker, adult

Andes ikelus Löcker, adult


Regional Maps

Species Andes ikelus Löcker, 2007

Compiler and date details

3 August 2010 - Murray J. Fletcher



This species was described from three species labelled from "National Bridge" which was interpreted by Löcker et al. (2007) as being a misspelling of "Natural Bridge" a feature of Springbrook National Park, SE Queensland.





IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Qld: South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)

Ecological Descriptors

Adult: phloem feeder.

Extra Ecological Information

Nymph might be phloem feeder or fungivore.



Colour. Vertex light brown with two longitudinal white stripes; frons light brown without brown dots; pronotum light brown; mesonotum light to mid brown; legs light brown; forewing hyaline, colourless, with transverse band 1 narrow, yellowish to light brown, at least one pterostigma length basad of pterostigma, covering fork CuA1+CuA2 or passing slightly distad and terminating at CuP, forewing with transverse band 2 narrow, weakly developed, yellowish to light brown, along CuP, forewing with brown marks near icu and fork MA1+MA3, veins concolorous with wings, tubercles and pterostigma light brown; abdominal sternites light to mid brown. Morphology. Body length: ♂ 5.9 mm. Head: Vertex 0.8 x as long as wide. In lateral view, vertex and frons forming curve, head at junction of vertex and frons not produced. Frons 3.6 x longer than wide; median carina incomplete, covering about 1/4 of length of frons; lateral carinae not extending laterally, not concealing base of antennae; median ocellus separated from frontoclypeal suture by more than its own diameter. Rostrum slightly surpassing hind coxae. Thorax: Forewing 2.6 x longer than wide; CuA1+CuA2 forking 1/3 away from apex of clavus; costa with 20 tubercles. Hind leg: tibia with 6 small to medium sized lateral spines; 1st tarsomere with 8 apical teeth; 2nd tarsomere with 7 apical teeth. Male genitalia: Aedeagus: phallotheca without cucullus, with numerous flattened processes; flagellum unarmed; virga elongated, sinuate. Remarks. This species shares the external appearance, in particular the colouration of the wing and head, the shape of the genital styles and the general structure of the aedeagus with Andes distinctus Muir from Sandakan, Malaysia. However, A. distinctus varies in the shape and presence of certain flattened processes on the aedeagus. The overall shape of the genital styles is further shared with Andes siberutensis Muir from Siberut, Indonesia. The latter has a number of rounded spines on the aedeagus whereas A. ikelus and A. distinctus are characterised by flattened spines on the aedeagus. Andes ikelus can be distinguished from all other Australian Andini by the presence of numerous flattened processes on the phallotheca and the absence of a cucullus. (Löcker et al. 2007)


ID Keys

Löcker et al. 2007: 45


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2010 13-Oct-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)