Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Granara de Willink, M.C., Scatoni, I.B., Terra, A.L. & Frioni, M.I. 1997. [Mealybugs (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) that affect crops and wild plants in Uruguay, updated list of the host plants.] Cochinillas harinosas (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) que afectan plantas cultivadas y silvestres en Uruguay. Agrociencia 1(1): 96-100

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Dysmicoccus Ferris, 1905 Valid Name Dysmicoccus Ferris, 1905 Introduction 97
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1893 Valid Name Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1893 Introduction 97
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Phenacoccus parvus Morrison, 1924 Valid Name Phenacoccus parvus Morrison, 1924 Introduction 97, 98
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Planococcus Ferris, 1950 Valid Name Planococcus Ferris, 1950 Introduction 97
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Pseudococcus Westwood, 1840 Valid Name Pseudococcus Westwood, 1840 Introduction 98

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