Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Williams, G.A. & Williams, T. 1983. A list of the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of the Sydney basin, New South Wales, with adult food plant records and biological notes on food plant associations. Australian Entomological Magazine 9(6): 81-93

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Leptospermum flavescens Sm. [MYRTACEAE] Tantoon (on flowers) Associated Flora Castiarina variopicta (Thomson, 1878) 88
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Leptospermum flavescens Sm. [MYRTACEAE] Tantoon Associated Flora Castiarina victoriensis (Blackburn, 1890) 88
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb. [MYRTACEAE] Associated Flora Neocuris coerulans Fairmaire, 1877 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb. [MYRTACEAE] Associated Flora Neocuris crassa Obenberger, 1923 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Leptospermum sp. [MYRTACEAE] Tea-tree Associated Flora Anilara obscura (Macleay, 1872) 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Nascioides carissima (Waterhouse, 1882) Valid Name Nascioides carissima (Waterhouse, 1882) Introduction 89
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Pultenaea subternata H.B.Will. [FABACEAE] (on flowers and foliage) Associated Flora Melobasis propinqua propinqua (Laporte & Gory, 1837) 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Syzygium floribundum F.Muell. [MYRTACEAE] Weeping Satin Ash (on flowers) Associated Flora Pseudanilara cupripes (Macleay, 1872) 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Viminaria juncea (Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.) Hoffmanns. [FABACEAE] Golden Spray (on flowers) Associated Flora Melobasis cupriceps (Kirby, 1818) 86

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