Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hutchings, P., Capa, M. & Peart, R. 2012. Revision of the Australian Sabellariidae (Polychaeta) and description of eight new species. Zootaxa 3306: 1-60

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Idanthyrsus Kinberg, 1867 Valid Name Idanthyrsus Kinberg, 1867 Introduction 6
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Idanthyrsus australiensis (Haswell, 1883) Valid Name Idanthyrsus australiensis (Haswell, 1883) Introduction 6, figs 1A, B, 2-5, 6A, table 1
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Idanthyrsus nesos Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Idanthyrsus nesos Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 13, figs 1C-D, 6A, 7, 8, table 1
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Idanthyrsus willora Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Idanthyrsus willora Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 18, figs 1E-F, 6A, 9, 10, table 1
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Lygdamis Kinberg, 1867 Valid Name Lygdamis Kinberg, 1867 Introduction 21
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Lygdamis augeneri Kirtley, 1994 Valid Name Lygdamis augeneri Kirtley, 1994 Introduction 21, figs 6B, 11A-D, 12-13, table 2
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Lygdamis giardi (McIntosh, 1885) Valid Name Lygdamis giardi (McIntosh, 1885) Introduction 26, figs 6B, 11 D, E, 14, 15, table 2
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Lygdamis wambiri Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Lygdamis wambiri Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 29, figs 6B, 11F, G, 16, 17, table 2
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Phalacrostemma Marenzeller, 1895 Valid Name Phalacrostemma Marenzeller, 1895 Introduction 31
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Phalacrostemma maloga Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Phalacrostemma maloga Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 31, figs 6A, 18, 19, 20, table 3
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Sabellaria Lamarck, 1812 Valid Name Sabellaria Lamarck, 1812 Introduction 36
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Sabellaria kooraltha Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Sabellaria kooraltha Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 36, figs 6B, 21, 22, 23, table 4
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Sabellaria lungalla Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Sabellaria lungalla Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 44, figs 6B, 24, 25, table 4
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Sabellaria pyramis Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Sabellaria pyramis Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 47, fig. 6A, 26, table 4
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Tetreres Caullery, 1913 Valid Name Tetreres Caullery, 1913 Introduction 48
ANNELIDA SABELLARIIDAE Tetreres terribilis Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 synonym Tetreres terribilis Hutchings, Capa & Peart, 2012 Primary 48, figs 6B, 27, table 5

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