Showing references 1 to 13 on page 1 of 1.
Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | PYLOCHELIDAE Bate, 1888 | Valid Name | PYLOCHELIDAE Bate, 1888 | Synonymy references | 25 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | PYLOCHELIDAE Bate, 1888 | Valid Name | PYLOCHELIDAE Bate, 1888 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Pylocheles A. Milne Edwards, 1880 | Valid Name | Pylocheles A. Milne Edwards, 1880 | Distributions | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | Valid Name | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | Synonymy references | 51 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | synonym | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | Type Data | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | Valid Name | Pylocheles mortensenii Boas, 1926 | Distributions | 51 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Pylochelinae Bate, 1888 | Valid Name | Pylochelinae Bate, 1888 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizocheles Forest, 1987 | Valid Name | Trizocheles Forest, 1987 | Distributions | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizocheles Forest, 1987 | synonym | Trizocheles Forest, 1987 | Primary | 155 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizocheles spinosus (Henderson, 1888) | Valid Name | Trizocheles spinosus (Henderson, 1888) | Taxonomic arrangement | 202 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizocheles spinosus (Henderson, 1888) | Valid Name | Trizocheles spinosus (Henderson, 1888) | Distributions | 202 |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizochelinae Forest, 1987 | Valid Name | Trizochelinae Forest, 1987 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | PYLOCHELIDAE | Trizochelinae Forest, 1987 | synonym | Trizochelinae Forest, 1987 | Primary | 155 |
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