Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Subspecies Uhleria araucariae araucariae (Maskell, 1879)

Felted Pine Coccid


Ecological Descriptors



ID Keys

(Hodgson, C.J. & Miller, D.R., 2002) [193] (female; key to adult females of genera and species of Eriococcidae known from Chile); (Kosztarab, M., 1996) [228] (adult female; as Acanthococcus araucariae; Acanthococcus species of northeastern North America); (Tang, F.T. & Hao, J., 1995) [520, 654] (adult female; as Rhizococcus araucariae; Rhizococcus species); (Gill, R.J., 1993) [156] (adult female; as Acanthococcus araucariae; Acanthococcus species of California); (Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L., 1992) [3] (adult female; as Acanthococcus araucariae; North American species of Acanthococcus); (Miller, D.R. & González, R.H., 1975) [138] (adult female; Eriococcus species of Chile); (Danzig, E.M., 1971) [822] (female; as Rhizococcus araucariae; key to species of family Eriococcidae); (Afifi, S., 1968) [203] (adult female); (Danzig, E.M., 1964) [632] (adult female; as Rhizococcus araucariae; Rhizococcus species of USSR); (Hoy, J.M., 1962) [31] (adult female; New Zealand species of Eriococcidae); (Ferris, G.F., 1955) [95-97] (adult female; North American species of Eriococcus).



An early description and illustration are provided by Ferris, G.F. 1955. Atlas of the Scale Insects of North America, v. 7, the Families Aclerdidae, Asterolecaniidae, Conchaspididae Dactylopiidae and Lacciferidae. iii. Palo Alto, California : Stanford University Press 233 pp. and subsequent detailed description and illustration are provided by Williams, D.J. & Watson, G.W. 1990. The Scale Insects of the Tropical South Pacific Region. Pt. 3: The soft scales (Coccidae) and other families. London : CAB International Institute of Entomology 267 pp. and by Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1992. Systematic analysis of Acanthococcus (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) in the western United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 118(1): 1–106. Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1993. Description of a new genus of scale insect with a discussion of relationships among families related to the Kermesidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Systematic Entomology 18(3): 237–251 also deal with the relationships of this species. Citation list is not complete because this species is cited in hundreds of places.


Slide-mounted adult female with: marginal enlarged setae noticeably longer than other dorsal setae; enlarged setae with truncate apices; microtubular ducts with bifurcate orifice; hind tibia with 4 setae, front tibia with 5 (see Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1992. Systematic analysis of Acanthococcus (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) in the western United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 118(1): 1–106).


A widespread ornamental pest, E. araucariae has been carried all over the world, but is most likely from Australia (see Hoy, J.M. 1962. Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 146: 1–219).


Newly mature adult female brownish-yellow with 1 pair of purple stripes on sublateral area of dorsum; old females purple. Eggs are yellow (see Miller, D.R. & González, R.H. 1975. A taxonomic analysis of the Eriococcidae of Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomología 9: 131–163). Ovisac felted, oval, white and covering insect (see Williams, D.J. & Watson, G.W. 1990. The Scale Insects of the Tropical South Pacific Region. Pt. 3: The soft scales (Coccidae) and other families. London : CAB International Institute of Entomology 267 pp.).


General References

Abou-Elkhair, S. 2001. Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and their parasitoids on ornamental plants in Alexandria, Egypt. Entomologica 33[1999]: 185-195 [187] (distribution, host)

Afifi, S. 1968. Morphology and taxonomy of the adult males of the families Pseudococcidae and Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). British Museum (Natural History), 2nd Report on Economic Zoology 13: 3-210 [8, 26, 167-171] (description, structure, illustration, taxonomy)

Ali, S.M. 1970. A catalogue of the Oriental Coccoidea. (Part III.) (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccoidea). Indian Museum Bulletin 5: 9-94 [76] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Almeida, D.M. de 1974. Contribution to a listing of the Coccoidea of Mozambique. Acta Biologica B 12: 49-68 [60] (distribution, host)

Arnett, R.H. 1985. American insects: a handbook of the insects of America north of Mexico. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 850 pp. [239] (distribution, economic importance)

Baeta Neves, C.M. 1947. [Some insects that damage trees of Sintra.] Alguns insectos prejudiciais nos arvoredos de Sintra. Revista Agronomica. Lisbon 35: 128-142 [134] (taxonomy)

Baeta Neves, C.M. 1954. A entomafauna exoticas em Portugal. Portugaliae Acta Biologica 4: 191-196 [192] (distribution, host)

Balachowsky, A.S. 1927. Contribution à l'étude des coccides de l'Afrique mineure (1re note). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 96: 175-207 [188] (host, distribution)

Balachowsky, A.S. 1930. Contribution à l'étude des coccides de France (3e note). Coccides nouveaux ou peu connus de la faune de France. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1930: 178-184 [184] (distribution, host)

Balachowsky, A.S. 1939. Les cochenilles de Madère (seconde partie). II. Lecaniinae – Eriococcinae – Dactylopinae – Ortheziinae – Margarodidae. Revue de Pathologie Végétale et d'Entomologie Agricole de France 25: 255-272 [267] (distribution, host)

Balachowsky, A.S. 1946. Étude biogéographique des Coccoidea des Iles Atlantides (Canaries et Madère). Mémoires de la Société Biogéographique 8: 209-218 [216] (distribution)

Ballou, C.H. 1926. Los cóccidos de Cuba y sus plantas hospederas. Boletín Estación Experimental Agronómica, Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba 51: 1-47 [22] (distribution, host)

Ballou, C.H. 1936. Insectos observados durante el año 1934. C.N.A. Boletín Centro Nacional de Agricultura. Costa Rica 20: 1-60 [6] (distribution, host)

Ballou, C.H. 1945. Notas sobre insectos daninos observados en Venezuela—1938–43—Coccidae. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Inter-American Agriculture, Caracas 34: 1-151 [14, 92] (distribution, host)

Barbagallo, S., Binazzi, A., Bolchi Serini, G., Conci, C., Longo, S., Marotta, S., Martelli, M., Patti, I., Pellizzari, G., Rapidsarda, C. & Russo, A. 1995. Homoptera Sternorrhyncha. In, Minelli, A., Ruffo, S. & La Posta, S. (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 43. Bologna : Calderini 50 pp. [42] (distribution)

Bartlett, B.R. 1978. Eriococcidae. In, Clausen, C.P. (ed.). Introduced Parasites and Predators of Arthropod Pests and Weeds: a World Review. Washington, D.C. : Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture 545 pp. [129] (biological control, distribution, host)

Ben-Dov, Y. 1985. Coccoidea. pp. 168-175 in Scholtz, C.H. & Holm, E. (eds). Insects of Southern Africa. Durban : Butterworths 502 pp. [175] (taxonomy)

Ben-Dov, Y. 1985. Further observations on scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the Middle East. Phytoparasitica 3: 185-192 [187] (distribution, host)

Bhasin, G.D. & Roonwal, M.L. 1954. List of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries. Pt. 2. List of insects of plant genera 'a' (Aberia to Azima). Indian Forest Bulletin Entomology 171: 5-93 [81] (distribution, host)

Bianchi, F.A. 1940. Annual address: notes on the role of the self-introduced insects in the economic entomology of Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 10: 377-388 [386] (biological control)

Biezanko, C.M. & Freitas, R.G. 1939. [Catalog of insects found in Pelotas and surrounding areas.] Catalogo dos insetos encontrados em Pelotas e seus arredores: Fasciculao II Homopteros. Boletim (Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Magiel, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) No. 26: 1-18 [9] (distribution, host)

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1923. On some cecidia produced by coccidae in Palestine. Marcellia (Rivista Internazionale di Cecidologia) 19: 118-119 [118-120] (host, distribution)

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1924. The Coccidae of Palestine. First report on this family. Zionist Organization Institute of Agriculture and Natural History, Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 1: 1-100 [77-78] (description, distribution, host, life history)

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1927. First note on the zoocecidia of Palestine. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d'Egypte 1926: 64-88 [81] (distribution, host)

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1935. Studies on the zoogeography and ecology of palearctic Coccidae I–III. Eos 10: 237-271 [251] (distribution)

Bodenheimer, F.S. 1953. The Coccoidea of Turkey. III. Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université d'Istanbul B 18: 91-164 [116-117, 159] (description, distribution, host,)

Borchsenius, N.S. 1949. Insects Homoptera. suborders mealybugs and scales (Coccoidea). Family mealybugs (Pseudococcidae). Vol. VII. Fauna SSSR. Zoologicheskii Institut Akademii Nauk SSSR 38: 1-382 [7, 383] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Borchsenius, N.S. 1950. Mealybugs and Scale Insects of USSR (Coccoidea). Moscow : Akademii Nauk SSSR, Zoological Institute Vol. 32 250 pp. [123] (distribution, host)

Borchsenius, N.S. 1963. Practical guide to the determination of scale insects of cultivated plants and forest trees of the USSR. Akademii Nauk (SSR) Zoologicheskogo Instituta Leningrad. 311 pp. [280, 281] (host)

Borchsenius, N.S. 1973. Practical determination of scale insects (Coccoidea) of cultivated plants and trees of the USSR. Akademii Nauk SSSR Zoologicheskogo Instituta Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 81: 1-311 [280] (host)

Borg, J. 1922. Cultivation and diseases of fruit trees. Malta : Government Printing Office 622 pp. [402] (host)

Borg, J. 1932. Scale Insects of the Maltese Islands. Malta : Government Printing Office 20 pp. [17] (distribution, host)

Borg, P. 1919. The scale insects of the Maltese Islands. Malta : Government Printing Office 71 pp. [13, 46] (distribution, host)

Brain, C.K. 1915. The Coccidae of South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 5: 65-194 [149] (taxonomy)

Brain, C.K. & Kelly, A.E. 1917. The status of introduced coccids in South Africa in 1917. Bulletin of Entomological Research 8: 181-185 [182] (distribution)

Brick, C. 1910. Bericht die tätigkeit der abteilung für Pflanzenschutz für die zeit vom 9 Juli 1909 Bis 30 Juni 1910. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 27: 499-519 [506] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Brick, C. 1912. [Examination of fresh fruit.] Untersuchung des frischen Obstes. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Abteilung für Pflanzenschutz 14: 1-22 [6] (host)

Brookes, H.M. 1957. The Coccoidea (Homoptera) naturalised in South Australia: an annotated list. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 80: 81-90 [88] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Brown, S.W. 1967. Chromosome systems of the Eriococcidae (Coccoidea–Homoptera). 1. A survey of several genera. Chromosoma (Berlin) 22: 126-150 [130] (distribution, host)

Bruner, S.C., Scaramuzza, L.C. & Otero, A.R. 1945. Catálogo de los insectos que atacan a las plantas económicas de Cuba. Boletín Estación Experimental Agronómica, Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba 63: 1-246 [16] (distribution, host)

Bytinski-Salz, H. 1966. An annotated list of insects and mites introduced into Israel. Israel Journal of Entomology 1: 15-48 [31] (distribution, host)

Carnero Hernandez, A. & Perez Guerra, G. 1986. [Coccids of the Canary Islands.] Coccidos (Homoptera: Coccoidea) de las Islas Canarias. Comunicaciones Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Serie: Protección Vegetal. Madrid 25: 1-85 [49, 64] (distribution, host)

Carnes, E.K. 1907. The Coccidae of California. Second Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Horticulture of the State of California [1905–1906]: 155-222 [172] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Charlin, C.R. 1972. [Geographic distribution, host plants and new identifications of coccids in Chile.]. Revista Peruana del Entomología Agrícola 15: 215-218 [216] (distribution, host)

Cockerell, T.D.A. 1894. A check list of Nearctic Coccidae. The Canadian Entomologist 26: 31-36 [31] (taxonomy)

Cockerell, T.D.A. 1896. A check list of the Coccidae. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 4: 318-339 [323] (taxonomy)

Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. Two new genera of lecaniine Coccidae. The Entomologist 32: 12-13 [164] (distribution)

Cockerell, T.D.A. 1900. A new Eriococcus, with remarks on other species. Entomological News 11: 594-596 [595] (taxonomy)

Cohic, F. 1956. Parasites animaux des plantes cultivées on Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. O.R.S.T.O.M., Institut Française d'Oceanie, Nouméa [1956]: 1-92 [3, 53] (host)

Cohic, F. 1958. Contribution à l'étude des cochenilles d'intérêt economique de Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Documents Techniques de la Commission du Pacifique Sud 116: 1-35 [8, 20] (distribution, host)

Coleman, G.A. 1903. Coccidae of the Coniferae, with the description of ten new species from California. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 11: 61-85 [73, 80] (host, taxonomy)

Colvée, P. 1882. Nuevos estudios sobre algunos insectos de la familia de los coccidos. Valencia. 16 pp. [7-10] (description, host, taxonomy)

Comstock, J.H. 1881. Report of the Entomologist. Part II. Report on scale insects. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture 1880–1881: 276-349 [339-340] (description, distribution, host)

Comstock, J.H. 1883. Second report on scale insects, including a monograph of the sub-family Diaspidinae of the family Coccidae and a list, with notes of the other species of scale insects found in North America. Cornell University Agricultural Experimental Station, Department of Entomology Report 2: 47-142 [137] (host, taxonomy)

Cooke, M. 1881. Scale insects injurious to fruit and other trees. pp. 28-47 in Cooke, M. (ed.). A treatise on the insects injurious to fruit and fruit trees of the state of California and remedies recommended for their extermination. Sacramento, California : State Office. [41] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Costa Lima, A. 1927. Segundo catalogo systematico dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil e ensaio de bibliographia entomologica brasileira. Archivos da Escola Superior de Agricultura e Medicina Veterinaria. Rio de Janeiro 8: 69-301 [105] (distribution, host)

Costa Lima, A. 1930. Supplemento ao 2o catalogo systematico dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil e ensaio de bibliographia entomologica Brasileira. O Campo, Brazil 1: 84-91 [86] (distribution, host)

Costa Lima, A. 1936. Terceiro catálogo dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro : Directoria de Estatistica da Produccao 460 pp. [178] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Costantino, G. 1950. Elenco delle cocciniglie osservate in Sicilia (Hemiptera–Homoptera, Fam.–Coccidae). Bollettino di Zoologia. Torino 17: 1-24 [4] (distribution, host)

Craw, A. 1896. Injurious insect pests found in the trees and plants from foreign countries. Biennial Report of the California State Board of Horticulture 5: 33-47 [40] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Danzig, E.M. 1964. 5. Suborder Coccinea — Coccids or mealybugs and scale insects. Akademii Nauk SSSR Zoologicheskogo Instituta Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 1: 616-654 [632] (taxonomy)

Danzig, E.M. 1971. Suborder Coccinea — coccids or mealybugs and scale insects. In, Bei-Bienko, G.Y. (ed.). Keys to the Insects of the European USSR. Vol. 1. Moscow : Acad. Sci. USSR, Zool. Inst. [822] (taxonomy)

Deitz, L.L. & Tocker, M.F. 1980. W.M. Maskell's Homoptera: Species-group names and type-material. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Information Series 146: 1-76 [5, 45] (distribution, taxonomy)

De Lotto, G. 1967. A contribution to the knowledge of the African Coccoidea (Homoptera). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 29: 109-120 [117] (distribution, host)

Department of Agriculture, Ceylon. 1923. A preliminary list of the pests of cultivated plants in Ceylon. Bulletin (Department of Agriculture, Ceylon) No. 67: 68 pp. [7] (distribution, host)

Draper, W. (ed.) 1907. Notes on the Injurious Scale Insects and Mealy Bugs of Egypt; Together with Other Insect Pests and Fungi. Cairo : National Printing Department XX + 28 pp. [12-13] (chemical control, description, distribution, host)

Efimoff, A. 1937. List of Insect Pests in Spain and Portugal. Moscow : Central Laboratory of Plant Quarantine Admin. 110 pp. [10] (taxonomy)

Ehrhorn, E.M. 1916. Contributions to the knowledge of the Dactylopiinae of Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3: 231-247 [235] (taxonomy)

Entomologist of the Hawaiian Government 1897. Report of the Entomologist of the Hawaiian Government. Planters Monthly 16: 67-85 [77] (biological control, distribution)

Essig, E.O. 1915. Injurious and beneficial insects of California. California State Printing Office. 2nd edn. 541 pp. [120] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Essig, E.O. 1926. Insects of Western North America. New York : Macmillan 1035 pp. [274] (distribution, host)

Essig, E.O. 1931. A History of Entomology. New York : MacMillan 1029 pp. [292, 294, 305, 594] (distribution, host)

Fernald, M.E. 1903. A catalogue of the Coccidae of the world. Bulletin of the Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College 88: 1-360 [71] (catalogue, taxonomy)

Fernandes, I.M. 1981. [Coccoidea occurring in the Azores.] Contribuitao para o conhecimento da quermofauna do arquipelago dos Atores. Garcia de Orta. Serie de Zoologia. Lisboa 10: 47-50 [48] (distribution, host)

Ferris, G.F. 1920. Scale insects of the Santa Cruz Peninsula. Stanford University Publications, Biological Sciences 1: 1-57 [16] (description, distribution, host, illlustration, taxonomy)

Ferris, G.F. 1955. Atlas of the Scale Insects of North America. v. 7. The Families Aclerdidae, Asterolecaniidae, Conchaspididae Dactylopiidae and Lacciferidae. (Part 3). Palo Alto, California : Stanford University Press Vol. 7(3) 233 pp. [96, 100] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Foldi, I. 2001. [List of scale insects of France (Hemiptera, Coccoidea).] Liste des cochenilles de France (Hemiptera, Coccoidea). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 106(3): 303-308 [305, 307] (distribution, economic importance)

Froggatt, W.W. 1900. Notes on Australian Coccidae (scale insects). I. Genus Eriococcus. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 11: 99-107 [101] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Froggatt, W.W. 1916. A descriptive catalogue of the scale insects (Coccidae) of Australia. (Part II [in part]). Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 27: 425-430, 568-577, 809-816, 883-888 [427] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Froggatt, W.W. 1921. A descriptive catalogue of the scale insects (Coccidae) of Australia. (Part II [Concl.]). Science Bulletin, Department of Agriculture, New South Wales 18: 1-159 [72] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Fullaway, D.T. 1920. Natural control of scale insects in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 237-246 [240] (biological control, distribution)

Fullaway, D.T. 1923. Notes on the mealy-bugs of economic importance in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 5: 305-321 [305] (taxonomy)

Fullaway, D.T. 1932. Synopsis of the Hawaiian Diaspinae (Coccidae). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 8: 93-111 [112] (distribution)

Fuller, C. 1901. First report of the government entomologist. 1899–1900. Natal : Department of Agriculture, South Africa 147 pp. [107-108] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Fulmek, L. 1943. Wirtsindex der Aleyrodiden- und Cocciden- Parasiten. Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem 10: 1-100 [32, 56, 60, 72] (biological control, distribution)

Gill, R.J. 1993. The Scale Insects of California: The Minor Families (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Sacramento, California : California Dept of Food & Agriculture Part 2. [156, 159] (economic importance, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Girola, C.D. & Araujo, J.J. 1925. [Diseases of plants: list of those observed in Argentina from 1918 to 1923.] Enfermedades de las plantas: lista de las observadas en la República Argentina en los años de 1918 a 1923. Publicación del Museo Agrícola S.R.A. No. 46. [38] (distribution, host)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1935. Notas entomológicas. Un cóccido neuvo de la República Dominicana. Revista de Agricultura y Comercio 27: 2152-2153 [2153] (taxonomy)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1937. Cóccidos de España. Madrid : Instituto de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Estación 432 pp. [346, 350-354, 422] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1946. Adiciones a los Cóccidos de España (1a nota). Eos 22: 59-106 [96] (description, distribution, taxonomy)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1957. Adiciones a los cóccidos de España (4a nota). Eos 33: 39-86 [79] (distribution, host)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1958. Distribución geográfica y ensayo de la ecológica de los cóccidos en España. Publicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada (Barcelona) 27: 5-15 [8] (distribution, host)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1967. Lista de Coccoidea de las Islas Canarias (adiciones) (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Eos 43: 131-134 [134] (distribution, host)

Gómez-Menor Ortega, J. 1968. Adiciones a los Coccidos de España VII nota (Hem. Homoptera). Eos 43: 541-563 [552] (distribution, host)

Gonzalez, R.H. & Charlin, R. 1968. [Preliminary notes on the coccoid insects of Chile.] Nota preliminar sobre los insectos cóccoideos de Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomología 6: 109-113 [110] (distribution)

Gordon, R.D. & Hilburn, D.J. 1990. The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of Bermuda. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 98(3): 265-309 [271] (biological control)

Gourlay, E.S. 1930. Preliminary host-list of entomophagous insects in New Zealand. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 22: 3-13 [8] (biological control, distribution, host)

Goux, L. 1936. Notes sur les coccides [Hem. Coccidae] de la France (14e note). Deux Eriococcus nouveau des environs de Marseille. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 61: 344-356 [356] (taxonomy)

Goux, L. 1944. Contribution à l'étude de la biologie des Eriococcus (Hem. Coccoidae). Régime spécificité alimentaire et races biologiques. Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Marseille 4: 135-152 [137] (host, taxonomy)

Green, E.E. 1896. Catalogue of Coccidae collected in Ceylon. Indian Museum Notes 4: 2-10 [7] (distribution, host)

Green, E.E. 1922. The Coccidae of Ceylon. London : Dulau & Co. Vol. 5. [347, 348] (economic importance, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Green, E.E. 1923. Observations on the Coccidae of the Madeira Islands. Bulletin of Entomological Research 14: 87-99 [87] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Green, E.E. 1937. An annotated list of the Coccidae of Ceylon, with emendations and additions to date. Ceylon Journal of Science 20(Section B. Zoology and Geology): 277-341 [296] (economic importance, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hall, W.J. 1922. Observations on the Coccidae of Egypt. Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service 22: 1-54 [6-7] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hall, W.J. 1923. Further observations on the Coccidae of Egypt. Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service 36: 1-61 [32] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hall, W.J. 1925. Notes on Egyptian Coccidae with descriptions of new species. Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service 64: 1-31 [18] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hall, W.J. 1926. Contribution to the knowledge of the Coccidae of Egypt. Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service 72: 1-41 [36] (distribution, taxonomy)

Hall, W.J. 1937. Observations on the Coccidae of southern Rhodesia. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 86: 119-134 [123] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hartman, F.T. 1916. List of the Coccidae in the collection of the New York State Museum. Bulletin of the New York State Museum (of Natural History) 606: 92-109 [94] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hayward, K.J. 1943. Primera lista de insectos Tucumanos perjudiciales. Publicaciones Misceláneas de la Estación Experimental Agrícola de Tucumán 1: 1-110 [71-72, 81] (distribution, host)

Herting, B. & Simmonds, F.J. 1972. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. U.K. : Farnham Roy. 210 pp. [131] (biological control, distribution, host)

Hodgson, C.J. & Hilburn, D.J. 1990. List of plant hosts of Coccoidea recorded in Bermuda up to 1989. Hamilton, Bermuda : Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Parks Vol. 39 22 pp. [3] (distribution, host)

Hodgson, C.J. & Hilburn, D.J. 1991. An annotated checklist of the Coccoidea of Bermuda. Florida Entomologist 74(1): 133-146 [142] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Hosny, M. & Ezzat, Y.M. 1957. Further additions of the Coccoidea of Egypt. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d'Egypte 41: 331-333 [331] (distribution, host)

Hoy, J.M. 1962. Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of New Zealand. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 146: 1-219 [6, 8, 31, 40, 192] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Hoy, J.M. 1963. A catalogue of the Eriococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the world. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 150: 1-260 [69-71] (catalogue, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Huber, J.T. 1986. Systematics, biology, and hosts of the Mymaridae and Mymarommatidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera): 1758–1984. Entomography 4: 185-243 [208] (biological control)

Jancke, G.D. 1955. Zur Morphologie der männlichen Cocciden. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 37: 265-314 [287-288] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Johnson, W.T. & Lyon, H.H. 1976. Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs: an Illustrated Practical Guide. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press 464 pp. [74-75] (distribution, host, illustration, life history)

Johnson, W.T. & Lyon, H.H. 1988. Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca, N.Y. : Comstock Pub. Associates 556 pp. [90, 91] (distribution, host, illustration)

Kirk, T.W. 1908. Appendix VI. Division of Biology and Horticulture. Report, New Zealand Department of Agriculture 16: 97-162 [118] (biological control, distribution)

Kirk, T.W. & Cockayne, A.H. 1909. Scale insects in New Zealand. Report, New Zealand Department of Agriculture 17: 273-285 [276] (distribution)

Kirk, T.W. & Cockayne, A.H. 1909. The gum-tree scale. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Agriculture, Division of Biology No. 13: 1-8 [4] (distribution, host)

Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902. Hemiptera. Fauna Hawaiiensis 3(2): 93-174 [102] (distribution)

Kirkaldy, G.W. 1904. A list of the Coccidae of the Hawaiian Islands (Hemiptera). The Entomologist 37: 226-230 [226] (biological control, distribution, host)

Köhler, G. 1998. Eriococcidae. In, Kozár, F. (ed.). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coccoidea. Budapest, Hungary : Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 526 pp. [396-397] (catalogue, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Kosztarab, M. 1996. Scale insects of Northeastern North America. Identification, biology, and distribution. Martinsburg, Virginia : Virginia Museum of Natural History 650 pp. [33, 228-230] (description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy)

Kozár, F. & Walter, J. 1985. Check-list of the Palaearctic Coccoidea (Homoptera). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 46: 63-110 [75] (distribution)

Kuhlgatz, Dr. 1898. Schildläuse auf Kakteen nebst Beschreibung von Rhizococcus multispinosus nov. spec. Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde 8: 166-170, 185-188 [187] (taxonomy)

Kunkel, H. 1967. Systematische Übersicht über die Verteilung zweier Ernährungsformtypen bei den Sternorrhynchen (Rhynchota, Insecta). (In German; Summary in English). Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 54: 37-74 [47] (distribution, host)

Laing, F. 1933. The Coccidae of New Caledonia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 11: 675-678 [676] (distribution, host)

Leonardi, G. 1901. Insetti novici. Volume 4. Napoli, Italy : Marghieri 862 pp. [411-415] (taxonomy)

Leonardi, G. 1918. Terza contribuzione alla conoscenza delle cocciniglie Italiane. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri', Portici 12: 188-216 [215] (distribution, host)

Leonardi, G. 1920. Monografia delle cocciniglie Italiane. Portici : Della Torre 555 pp. [427] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Lepage, H.S. 1938. Catálogo dos coccídeos do Brasil. Revista do Museu Paulista 23: 327-491 [379] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Lepiney, J. & Mimeur, J.M. 1931. Les coccides du Maroc. Revue de Pathologie Végétale et d'Entomologie Agricole de France 18: 243-255 [254] (distribution, host)

Lindinger, L. 1911. Afrikanische Schildläuse. IV. Kanarische Cocciden. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna der Kanarischen Inseln. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 28: 1-38 [7, 20] (host, taxonomy)

Lindinger, L. 1912. Die Schildläuse (Coccidae) Europas, Nordafrikas und Vorder-Asiens, einschliesslich der Azoren, der Kanaren und Madeiras. Stuttgart : E. Ulmer 388 pp. [72] (host, taxonomy)

Lindinger, L. 1918. Catálogo de les cóccidos (Hem. Hom.) de las Islas Canarias. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica de España 1: 51-52 [52] (distribution)

Lindinger, L. 1930. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Abteilung für Pflanzenschutz. A. die überwachung der ein- und ausfuhr von obst, Pflanzen und Pflanzenteilen (amtliche pflanzenbeschau). Jahresbericht, Institut für Angewandte Botanik. Hamburg [1929]: 88-111 [102] (distribution, host)

Lindinger, L. 1931. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Abteilung für Pflanzenschutz. A. die überwachung der Ein- und Ausfuhr von Obst, Pflanzen und Pflanzenteilen (amtliche pflanzenbeschau). Jahresbericht, Institut für Angewandte Botanik. Hamburg [1930]: 102-125 [121] (distribution, host)

Lindinger, L. 1933. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Schildläuse (Hemipt. – Homopt., Coccid.). Entomologischer Anzeiger 13: 77-166 [108] (taxonomy)

Lindinger, L. 1935. Die nunmehr gültigen Namen der Arten in meinem 'Schildläusebuch' und in den 'Schildläusen der Mitteleuropäischen Gewächshäuser'. (In German). Arbeiten über Physiologische und Angewandte Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 44: 127-149 [134] (taxonomy)

Lindinger, L. 1943. Verzeichnis der Schildlaus-Gattungen, 1. Nachtrag. (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Zeitschrift der Wiener Entomologischen Gesellschaft 28: 205-208, 217-224, 264-265 [223] (host, taxonomy)

Lindinger, L. 1958. Richtigstellung der Schildlausnamen in der Bearbeitung von Schmutterer, Kloft und Ludicke in 'Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten' (V. Bd., 5 Aufl., 4. Liefg., 1957). Beiträge zur Entomologie (Berlin) 8: 365-374 [368] (taxonomy)

Lit, I.L. 1997. First report of the family Lecanodiaspididae and other new records and notes on Philippine scale insects (Coccoidea, Hemiptera). Philippine Entomologist 11: 87-95 [89, 92-93] (distribution, host, illustration)

Lizer y Trelles, C.A. 1938. Cochinillas exóticas introducidas en la República Argentina y daños que causan. Jornadas Agronómicas y Veterinarias 1937: 341-362 [349] (distribution)

Lobdell, G. H. 1937. Two-segmented tarsi in coccids; other notes (Homoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 30: 75-80 [75-80] (taxonomy)

Longo, S., Marotta, S., Pellizzari, G., Russo, A. & Tranfaglia, A. 1995. An annotated list of the scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of Italy. Israel Journal of Entomology 29: 113-130 [121] (distribution)

Longo, S., Marotta, S., Pellizzari, G., Russo, A. & Tranfaglia, A. 1999. A zoogeographical analysis of the Italian scale insect fauna. p. 25 in, VIIIth International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies. 41 pp. [148] (distribution)

Lounsbury, C.P. 1898. Notes and Studies on the Season's Pests. In, [Unknown] (ed.). Report of the Government Entomologist for year 1898. Cape Town, South Africa : W.A. Richards & Sons 65 pp. [35] (distribution)

Lounsbury, C.P. 1914. Division of Entomology. Annual report, 1913–14. Division of Entomology, South Africa Union. 1-26 pp. [6] (taxonomy)

Lounsbury, C.P. 1916. Appendix X. Division of Entomology. Annual report, 1915–16. Division of Entomology, South Africa Union. 83-103 pp. [86] (taxonomy)

Lounsbury, C.P. 1922. Entomology. Annual report. No. 9. Division of Entomology, South Africa Union. 205-210 pp. [206] (taxonomy)

MacGillivray, A.D. 1921. The Coccidae. Tables for the identification of the subfamilies and some of the more important genera and species together with discussions of their anatomy and life history. Urbana, Illinois : Scarab Company vi 502 pp. [145] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Mamet, J.R. 1943. A revised list of the Coccoidea of the islands of the western Indian Ocean, south of the equator. Mauritius Institute Bulletin 2: 137-170 [145] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Mamet, J.R. 1948. A food-plant catalogue of the insects of Mauritius. Colony of Mauritius, Department of Agriculture, Scientific Series Bulletin 30: 1-74 [15] (distribution, host)

Martin-Mateo, M.P. 1985. Inventario preliminar de los cóccidos de España. III. Pseudococcidae, Ortheziidae y Margarodidae. Graellsia, Revista de Entomólogos Ibéricos. Madrid 41: 89-104 [91] (distribution, host)

Maskell, W.M. 1879. On some Coccidae in New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 11[1878]: 187-228 [218] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Maskell, W.M. 1884. Art. V. – Further notes on Coccidae in New Zealand, with descriptions of new species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 16: 120-144 [134-135] (distribution, taxonomy)

Maskell, W.M. 1887. An account of the insects noxious to agriculture and plants in New Zealand, the scale insects (Coccididae). Wellington : State Forests & Agricultural Department 116 pp. [93] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Maskell, W.M. 1892. Migrations and new localities of some coccids. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 28: 69-71 [71] (distribution)

Maskell, W.M. 1895. Synoptical list of Coccidae reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands up to December 1894. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 27: 1-35 [21] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Matile-Ferrero, D. & Oromí, P. 2001. Hemiptera. Coccoidea. pp. 186-190, 193, 195-196 in Izquierdo, I., Martín, J.L., Zurita, N. & Arechavaleta, M. (eds). List of wild species from the Canaries (mushrooms, plants and land animals). Tenerife : Consejería de Política Territorial y Medio Ambiente Gobierno de Canarias. [190] (distribution)

Merrill, G.B. 1953. A revision of the scale insects of Florida. Bulletin of the Florida State Plant Board 1: 1-143 [119] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Miller, D. 1918. Limitation of injurious insects by beneficial species. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 17: 12-18 [15] (biological control)

Miller, D. 1925. Forest and timber insects in New Zealand. New Zealand State Forest Service Bulletin 2: 1-76, figs 1-165 [35] (description, distribution, host, illustration)

Miller, D.R. 1996. Checklist of the scale insects (Coccoidea: Homoptera) of Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98: 68-86 [79] (distribution, host)

Miller, D.R. & Gimpel, M.E. 2000. A Systematic Catalogue of the Eriococcidae (Felt Scales) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of the World. Andover, UK : Intercept Ltd 589 pp. [125-130] (biological control, catalogue, description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy)

Miller, D.R. & González, R.H. 1975. A taxonomic analysis of the Eriococcidae of Chile. Revista Chilena de Entomología 9: 131-163 [138-140] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1992. Systematic analysis of Acanthococcus (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) in the western United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 118(1): 1-106 [3, 9-12] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1993. Description of a new genus of scale insect with a discussion of relationships among families related to the Kermesidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Systematic Entomology 18(3): 237-251 [247, 249] (taxonomy)

Miller, D.R. & Miller, G.L. 1993. Eriococcidae of the Eastern United States (Homoptera). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 27(4): 1-91 [9, 11] (distribution, illustration, taxonomy)

Misra, C.S. 1924. A list of Coccidae in the Pusa collection. Proceedings of the Entomology Meetings. India 5: 345-351 [346] (distribution, host)

Mohammad, Z.K., Mohammad, S.K. & Mohammad, M.A. 1997. Taxonomic studies and survey of four families of Coccoidea (Homoptera) in Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology 22: 189-233 [192-193, 203-206, 22] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Morrison, H. 1919. A report on collection of Coccidae from Argentina with descriptions of apparently new species (Hom.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 21: 63-91 [68-69] (taxonomy)

Munro, H.K. & Fouché, F.A. 1936. A list of the scale insects and mealy bugs (Coccidae) and their host-plants in South Africa. Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Union of South Africa, Pretoria 158: 1-104 [86] (distribution, host)

Myers, J.G. 1922. A synonymic reference list of New Zealand Coccidae. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 5: 196-201 [198] (distribution, taxonomy)

Nakahara, S. 1981. List of the Hawaiian Coccoidea (Homoptera: Sternorrhyncha). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 23: 387-424 [405] (distribution, host)

Neves, M. 1936. Les coccides du Portugal (première liste). Bulletin de la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles, Lisbonne 12: 191-213 [173, 210] (distribution, host)

Newell, W. 1921. Report of the Plant Commissioner for the biennium ending April 30, 1920, and supplemental reports. Quarterly Bulletin of the Florida State Plant Board 5: 37-108 [128] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Newstead, R. 1906. General entomology. (Identification of Egyptian insect pests; list of other known African species; preliminary report on collection of insects sent from Khedival Agricultural Society for identification). Quarterly Journal, Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. University of Liverpool 1: 68-72 [69] (distribution, host)

Newstead, R. 1907. List of other known African species of scale pests. In, Draper, W. (ed.). Notes on the Injurious Scale Insects and Mealy Bugs of Egypt; Together with Other Insect Pests and Fungi. Cairo : National Printing Department XX + 28 pp. [12-13] (chemical control, description, distribution, host)

Nur, U. 1967. Chromosome systems in the Eriococcidae (Coccoidea Homoptera). II. Gossyparia spuria and Eriococcus araucariae. Chromosoma (Berlin) 22: 151-163 [159] (chemistry, distribution, host)

Peck, O. 1963. A catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera). The Canadian Entomologist Supplement 30: 1092 pp. [934] (biological control)

Pellizzari-Scaltriti, G. & Fontana, P. 1996. [Contribution to the knowledge of Homoptera Coccoidea of Sardinia with description of a new species.]. Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura. Milano 28: 119-140 [120] (distribution)

Pérez Guerra, G. & Carnero Hernandez, A. 1985. Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de los cóccidos en Canarias. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia 1: 313-321 [317] (distribution)

Pierce, W.D. 1917. A Manual of Dangerous Insects likely to be Introduced in the United States through Importations. Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office 256 pp. [25] (distribution, economic importance, host)

Poole, R.W. & Gentili, P. (eds) 1997. Nomina Insecta Nearctica. A Check List of the Insects of North America. Volume 4: Non-Holometabolous Orders. Rockville, MD : Entomological Information Services 731 pp. [354] (taxonomy)

Pope, R.D. 1981. Rhyzobius ventralis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), its constituent species, and their taxonomy and historical roles in biological control. Bulletin of Entomological Research 71: 19-31 [21] (biological control, distribution, host)

Puttarudriah, M. 1954. Recent entomological investigations and developments in plant protection. Mysore Agricultural Calendar and Yearbook for 1954. 51-55 pp. [59] (biological control)

Quilis P., M. 1935. [Influence of climatic factors in the calculation of biological cycles of insects.] Influencia de los factores climáticos en el cálculo de los ciclos biológicos de los insectos. VI Congreso Internacional de Entomología 2: 621-633 [631] (host, taxonomy)

Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. 1919. A contribution to our knowledge of South Indian Coccidae. Bulletin of the Agricultural Research Institute. Pusa 87: 1-50 [46] (distribution, host)

Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. 1919. Notes on new and unrecorded species of Indian Coccidae. Bulletin of the Agricultural Research Institute. Pusa 89: 91-99 [92] (distribution, host)

Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. 1930. A contribution to our knowledge of South Indian Coccidae (Scales and Mealybugs). Bulletin of the Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research, Pusa, India 197: 1-73 [55] (distribution, host, taxonomy)

Rasina, B.P. 1955. Material on the Coccoidea (Homoptera) fauna of the Latvian SSR. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviiskoi SSR 5: 67-75 [69] (distribution)

Reyne, A. 1961. Scale insects from Dutch New Guinea. Beaufortia 8: 121-167 [131] (taxonomy)

Reyne, A. 1964. Scale insects from the Netherlands Antilles. Beaufortia 11: 95-130 [101] (taxonomy)

Ridley, G.S., Bain, J., Bulman, L.S., Dick, M.A. & Kay, M.K. 2000. Threats to New Zealand's indigenous forests from exotic pathogens and pests. Science for Conservation No. 142: 67 pp. [35] (distribution, host)

Riley, C.V. 1894. Notes on Coccidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 3: 65-71 [71] (distribution, host, life history)

Russo, A. 1993. Check-list of scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) reported for Sicilian fauna. Phytophaga. Palermo 3: 147-162 [148] (distribution)

Rutherford, A. 1915. Notes on Ceylon Coccidae. Spolia Zeylanica 10: 103-115 [110-111] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Rutherford, A. 1915. Some new Ceylon Coccidae. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 24: 111-118 [110-111] (misspelling of genus name as Criococcus araucariae)

Saakyan-Baranova, A.A. 1954. [Pests of greenhouse plants.]. Akademii Nauk SSSR Glav. Bot. Sad. Zashchita Rastenii Vreditelei i Bodez 4: 7-41 [23] (taxonomy)

Schmidt, G. 1939. Gebräuchliche Namen von Schadinsekten in verschiedenen Ländern. Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem 6: 1-160 [129] (taxonomy)

Seabra, A.F. de 1942. Contribuiçoes para o inventário da fauna Lusitânica. Insecta: Homoptera (Coccidae). 1. Aditamento. Memórias e Estudos do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra Série 1. Zoologia Sistemática 128: 1-2 [2] (distribution)

Silva d'Araujo, G.A., Goncalves, C.R., Galvao, G.M. & Goncalves, D.M. 1968. Quarto catalogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil. Parte II. Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Rio de Janeiro : Ministerio da Cultura Vol. 1 622 pp. [159] (distribution, host)

Silvestri, F. 1939. Compendio di Entomologia Applicata. Parte speciale. Portici : Tipografia Bellavista 974 pp. [683-684] (taxonomy)

Simmonds, F.J. 1957. A list of the Coccidae of Bermuda and their parasites. Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Bermuda 30: 1-12 [11] (distribution, host)

Stimmel, J.F. 1987. The scale insects of Pennsylvania greenhouses. Harrisburg : Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture 35 pp. [23] (distribution, host)

Stoetzel, M.B. & Miller, D.R. 1979. A list of coccoidean species deposited in the United States National Museum (Natural History), Beltsville, Maryland, Pt. III. Coccidologist's Newsletter 5: 1-20 [6] (taxonomy)

Suresh, S. & Mohanasundaram, M. 1996. Coccoid (Coccoidea: Homoptera) fauna of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi) 20: 233-274 [258] (distribution, host)

Takahashi, R. 1952. Some species of nondiaspine scale insects from the Malay Peninsula. Insecta Matsumurana 18: 9-17 [10] (distribution, host)

Tang, F.T. & Hao, J. 1995. [The Margarodidae and others of China.]. Beijing, P. R. China : Chinese Agricultural Science Technology Press 738 pp. [520, 522-523, 654] (description, distribution, host, taxonomy)

Tereznikova, E.M. 1981. [Scale insects: Eriococcidae, Kermesidae and Coccidae.]. Fauna Ukraini. Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR. Institut Zoologii. Kiev 20: 1-215 [19, 20] (host, taxonomy)

Thomson, G.M. 1922. Naturalisation of animals and plants in New Zealand. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 607 pp. [337] (biological control, distribution, host)

Timberlake, P.H. 1919. Descriptions of new genera and species of Hawaiian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 197-232 [Date published 30/06/1919] [227] (biological control, distribution)

Timberlake, P.H. 1919. Observations on the sources of Hawaiian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 183-196 [190] (biological control, distribution)

Timberlake, P.H. 1924. Records of the introduced and immigrant chalcid-flies of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 5: 418-449 [431] (biological control, distribution)

Timberlake, P.H., Ehrhorn, E.M. & Swezey, O.H. 1921. Report of Committee on Common Names of Economic Insects in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 607-609 [608] (taxonomy)

Trabut, L. 1910. La défense contre les cochenilles et autres insectes fixés. Algiers : Gouvt. Gén. Algérie 151 pp. [70-71] (distribution, illustration, taxonomy)

Trabut, L. 1911. Catalogue des cochenilles observées en Algérie. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3: 51-64 [53] (distribution, host, illustration)

Tranfaglia, A., Pellizzari, G. & Marotta, S. 1985. [Records on Coccoidea of Italian fauna.] Reperti su coccoidea della fauna Italiana. Atti XIV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Palermo, 1985. 119-126 pp. [123] (distribution, host)

Tranfaglia, A. & Esposito, A. 1985. Study on the Homoptera Coccoidea. VII. The Italian species of the genus Eriococcus Targioni-Tozzetti, 1869. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri', Portici 42: 113-134 [113, 115] (distribution, host)

Valentine, E.W. 1967. A list of the hosts of entomophagous insects of new Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 1100-1210 [1104, 1168] (biological control, distribution)

Vernalha, M.M., Rocha, M.A.L. da, Gabardo, J.C. & Da Silva, R.P. 1971. A new pest of Araucaria excelsa R. Brown in the State of Paraná, Eriococcus araucariae Maskell, 1878 – Homoptera – Dactylopiidae. Floresta 3: 37-42 [37-42] (distribution, host)

Vieira, R.M.S., Carmona, M.M. & Pita, M.S. 1983. Sobre os coccideos do Arquipelago da Madeira (Homoptera – Coccoidea). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 35: 81-162 [136] (distribution, host)

Weber, H. 1930. Biologie der Hemipteren. Berlin : Springer 543 pp. [265-266] (taxonomy)

Westcott, C. 1973. The Gardener's Bug Book. Garden City : Doubleday & Co. 689 pp. [387] (distribution, host)

Williams, D.J. & Watson, G.W. 1990. The Scale Insects of the Tropical South Pacific Region. Pt. 3: The soft scales (Coccidae) and other families. London : CAB International Institute of Entomology 267 pp. [50-51, 216] (description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy)

Wise, K.A.J. 1977. A synonymic checklist of the Hexapoda of the New Zealand sub-region. The smaller orders. Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum. Auckland, New Zealand 11: 1-145 [96] (distribution, taxonomy)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 COCCOIDEA 30-Oct-2023 MODIFIED Dr Vivian Sandoval (ABRS)
21-Nov-2012 01-May-2014 MODIFIED
29-Jun-2012 29-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)