Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


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Genus Tropiphlepsia Muir, 1924

Compiler and date details

29.7.2010 - Murray J. Fletcher



This genus was created by Muir (1924) who did not mention its most distinctive feature, the fact that the wings are held vertically with their apices apposed, rather than horizontally with their apices overlapping. It is possible that Muir's single specimen had the wings set out rather than in resting position. A specimen from E of Kimba in South Australia indicates that the distribution is wider than just coastal Queensland and New South Wales and this specimen may represent a second species. A review of the genus is needed to determine how many species are represented in collections.




New South Wales, Queensland

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld: Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Nandewar (NAN), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)


Head with eyes as wide as pronotum. Vertex broader across base than long in middle (8:1), anterior margin carinate, transverse at apex, lateral margins carinate, longer than vertex in middle line, slightly convex, diverging basad, posterior margin roundly excavate, median carina present; frons broad, slightly wider at base than apex, lateral margins slightly convex, not foliate, median carina weakly present; clypeus short, medially and laterally carinate; antennae subglobose, scarcely sunk in a depression, eyes not completely overlapping pronotum though nearly so. Pronotum very short, disk broad, areas laterad of disk strongly inclinded anteroventrally, lateral carinae of disk each twice as long as median carina; mesonotum slightly wider than long, about five times as long as vertex and pronotum combined, distinctly tricarinate, lateral carinae convex. Legs short, pro- and meso-femora slightly flattened. Tegmina with a small costal area at base, Sc+R fork almost level with Cu1 fork, M united basally in a stalk with Sc+R, M fork level with node, M1+2 forked basad of apical transverse veins, M3+4 forked at their level; Cu1 curved mesad to meet M3+4; clavus terminating about middle; a foliate carina on M, Cu1a+b, Cu1b and in two places on second claval vein. Anal segment of female small, seventh sternite with posterior margin deeply angularly excavate. (Fennah 1950)


ID Keys

Fennah 1950: 47


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Aug-2010 12-Aug-2010 MODIFIED
21-Jul-2010 MODIFIED