Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<i>Thymbris pulcherrima</i> Evans, adult female.

Thymbris pulcherrima Evans, adult female.


Regional Maps

Species Thymbris pulcherrima Evans, 1969

Compiler and date details

15 February 2012 - Murray J. Fletcher



This nicely patterned species is widespread in arid regions across the northern half of the Australian continent.




Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NT, Qld, WA: Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Gascoyne (GAS), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Pilbara (PIL), Sturt Plateau (STU)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



General coloration boldly mottled with light and dark brown. Face of head pale buff, irregularly mottled with light and dark brown. Anteclypeus projecting anteriorly beyond maxillary plates; ocelli marginal, visible neither in facial nor in dorsal aspect. Crown of head very slightly wider in centre. Pronotum straw coloured mottled with light and dark brown. Scutellum concolorous with pronotum, transversely ridged apically. Tegmen hyaline, irregularly mottled with light and dark brown and with two irregular, vitreous fasciae; veins barred with white and brown except in the areas of the fasciae where they are entirely white. Length ♂ ♀, 9 mm (Evans 1969).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2011 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)