Bibliography for Taphozous georgianus Thomas, 1915
The Taphozous georgianus Thomas, 1915 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- ABRS 2001. Census of Australian Vertebrates. Australian Biological Resources Study.
- Chimimba, C.T. & Kitchener, D.J. 1991. A systematic revision of Australian Emballonuridae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15: 203-265
- Fenton, M.B. 1982. Echolocation calls and patterns of hunting and habitat use of bats (Microchiroptera) from Chillagoe, north Queensland. Australian Journal of Zoology 30: 417-425
- Friend, G.R. & Braithwaite, R.W. 1986. Bat fauna of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory. Australian Mammalogy 9: 43-52
- Jolly, S. 1988. Vaginal smears and the reproductive cycle of the common sheath-tail bat, Taphozous georgianus (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae). Australian Mammalogy 11: 75-76
- Jolly, S. 1990. The biology of the common sheath-tail bat, Taphozous georgianus (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) in central Queensland. Australian Journal of Zoology 38: 65-77
- Jolly, S. 1995. Common Sheathtail-bat Taphozous georgianus. pp. 472-474 in Strahan, R. (ed.). The Mammals of Australia: The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. Sydney : Reed New Holland 756 pp.
- Jolly, S.A. 1989. A comparison of two banding methods in the common sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous georgianus. Macroderma 4: 64-66
- Jolly, S.E. & Blackshaw, A.W. 1987. Prolonged epididymal storage, and the temporal dissociation of testicular and accessory gland activity in the common sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous georgianus, of tropical Australia. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 81: 205-211
- Kitchener, D.J. 1973. Reproduction in the common sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous georgianus (Thomas) (Microchiroptera: Emballonuridae), in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 21: 375-389
- Koopman, K.F. 1984. Taxonomic and distributional notes on tropical Australian bats. American Museum Novitates 2778: 1-48
- Kulzer, E., Nelson, J.E., McKean, J.L. & Möhres, F.P. 1970. Untersuchungen über die Temperaturregulation australischer Fledermäuse (Microchiroptera). Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie 69: 426-451
- McKean, J.L. & Hamilton-Smith, E. 1967. Litter size and maternity sites in Australian bats (Chiroptera). Victorian Naturalist 84: 203-206
- McKean, J.L. & Price, W.J. 1967. Notes on some Chiroptera from Queensland, Australia. Mammalia 31: 101-119
- Thomas, O. 1915. Scientific results from the mammal survey. No. XI K.— Notes on Taphozous and Saccolaimus. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 24: 57-63
- Vestjens, W.J.M. & Hall, L.S. 1977. Stomach contents of forty-two species of bats from the Australasian region. Australian Wildlife Research 4: 25-35
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