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Sub-publications- Alexander, C.P. 1960. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 81. The crane flies of the Fourth Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (Diptera, Tipulidae), 1. American Museum Novitates 1983: 1-25
- Alexander, C.P. 1962. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 82. The crane flies of the Fourth Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (Diptera, Tipulidae), 2. American Museum Novitates 2073: 1-22
- Amadon, D. 1942. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. L Notes on some non-passerine genera, 2. American Museum Novitates 1176: 1-21
- Amadon, D. 1943. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. 52 Notes on some non-passerine genera, 3. American Museum Novitates 1237: 1-22
- Archer, A.F. 1951. Studies in the orbweaving spiders (Argiopidae). 1. American Museum Novitates 1487: 1-52
- Archer, A.F. 1958. Studies in the orbweaving spiders (Argiopidae). 4. American Museum Novitates 1922: 1-21
- Armstrong, J.C. 1940. New species of Caridea from the Bermudas. American Museum Novitates 1096: 1-10 4 figs
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. New Caridea from the Dominican Republic. American Museum Novitates 1410: 1-27
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Armstrong, J.C. 1949. The systematic position of the crustacean genus Derocheilocaris and the status of the subclass Mystacocarida. American Museum Novitates 1413: 1-6
- Baehr, B.C., Harvey, M.S. & Smith, H.M. 2010. The Goblin Spiders of the new endemic Australian genus Cavisternum (Araneae: Oonopidae). American Museum Novitates 3684: 1-40 [Date published March 4]
- Banks, N. 1941. Some new and interesting Neuroptera in the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates 1143: 1-5
- Barton, O. 1950. A new Siganus, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. American Museum Novitates 1464: 1-2
- Bogert, C. 1937. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXXIV The distribution and the migration of the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Urodynamis taitensis Sparrman). American Museum Novitates 933: 1-12
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