Family TELLINIDAE Blainville, 1814
Bibliography for TELLINIDAE Blainville, 1814
The TELLINIDAE Blainville, 1814 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Adams, A. 1850 [imprint 1849]. Descriptions of new species of shells from the Cumingian collection. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 17: 169-170, pl. 16 [Date published Jan-Jun 1850]
- Adams, H. 1860. On two new genera of Acephalous Mollusks. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 28: 369 [Date of publication uncertain; published between August 1860 and March 1861]
- Adams, H. 1870. Descriptions of twenty-six new species of shells collected by Robert M'Andrew, Esq. in the Red Sea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1870: 788-793
- Afshar, F. 1969. Taxonomic revision of the superspecific groups of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic Tellinidae. Geological Society of America Memoirs 119: 1-215
- Allan, J. 1962. Australian Shells, with related animals living in the sea, in freshwater and on land. Melbourne : Georgian House Rev. ed., 487 pp.
- Allan, J.K. 1950. Australian shells: with related animals living in the sea, in freshwater and on the land. Melbourne : Georgian House xix, 470 pp., 45 pls, 112 text figs.
- André F. & Rosenberg, G. 2013. Loxoglypta assimilis (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Anton, H.E. 1838. Verzeichniss der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung von Hermann Eduard Anton befinden. Halle : Eduard Anton xvi + 110 pp. [imprint date 1839; see Cernohorsky (1978: 299) for publication dates]
- Barnard, K.H. 1964. The works of the S.S. Peter Faure in Natal waters, with special reference to the Crustacea and Mollusca, with descriptions of new species of Mollusca from Natal. Annals of the Natal Museum 16: 9-29
- Beesley, P.L., Ross, G.J.B. & Wells, A. (eds) 1998. Mollusca: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 5(Part A) pp. xvi, 1-563.
- Bernard, F.R., Cai, Y.Y. & Morton, B. 1993. Catalogue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press 121 pp.
- Bertin V. 1878. Révision des Tellinides. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 2 1: 201-361, pls 8-9
- Bieler, R., Carter, J.G. & Coan, E.V. 2010. Classiication of Bivalve Families. pp. 113-133 in Bouchet, P. & Rocroi, J.-P. Nomenclator of Bivalve Families; with a classiication of bivalve families by R. Bieler, J.G. Carter & E.V. Coan. Malacologia 52(2): 1-184
- Biggs, H.E.J. 1965. Mollusca from Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea. Journal of Conchology 25: 337-341
- Bock, C. 1878. Description of two new species of shells from China and Japan. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1878: 727, pl. 46
- Born, I. von 1778. Index rerum naturalium Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, pl. 1, Testacea. - Verzeichniss etc. Illust. Vindobonae. Vienna : J.P. Krauss xlii 458 pp.
- Bory De St-Vincent, J.B.G.M. (ed) 1827. Encyclopedie Methodique. Paris : Liège Vol. 3.
- Boss, K.J. 1969. The subfamily Tellininae in South African waters (Bivalvia, Mollusca). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 138(4): 81-162
- Bouchet, P. 2012. Abranda hypelliptica (Salisbury, 1934). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2012. Abranda jeanae (Healy & Lamprell, 1992). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2012. Herouvalia caelata (A. Adams, 1854). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2013. Macoma hemicilla (Iredale, 1936). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2013. Punipagia Iredale, 1930. World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2015. Angulus morrisoni M. Huber, Langleit & Kreipl, 2015. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2015. Indotellina chariessa (Salisbury, 1934). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species.
- Bouchet, P. 2015. Sylvanus lilium. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species.
- Brown, T. 1827. Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. W.H. Lizars, Engraver, and D. Lizars, Bookseller, Edinburgh; and S. Highley, Bookseller, London. [pp. i-v systematic index; unpaginated; 52 plates]
- Carter, J.G., Altaba, C.R., Anderson, L.C., Araujo, R., Biakov, A.S., Bogan, A.E., Campbell, D.C., Campbell, M., Chen, J.H., Cope, J.C.W., Delvene, G., Dijkstra, H.H., Fang, Z.J., Gardner, R.N., Gavrilova, V.A., Goncharova, I.A., Harries, P.J., Hartman, J.H., Hautmann, M., et al. 2011. A synoptical classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). University of Kansas Paleontological Institute Paleontological Contributions 4: 1-47
- Coan, E.V., Valentich Scott, P. & Bernard, F.R. 2000. Bivalve Seashells of Western North America: Marine Bivalve Mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja California. California : Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History viii, 764 pp.
- Coan E.V. & Kabat A.R. 2012. The malacological works and taxa of Sylvanius Hanley (1819-1899). Malacologia 55(2): 285-359
- Coleman, N. 1975. What Shell is That? Sydney : Lansdowne Press 298 pp.
- Conrad, T.A. 1837. Descriptions of new marine shells, from Upper California. Collected by Thomas Nuttall, Esq. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia series 1 7(2): 227-268
- Cooke, A.H. 1886. Report on the Testaceous Mollusca obtained during a dredging excursion in the Gulf of Suez in the months of February and March 1869. By Robert Macandrew - Republished with additions and corrections. Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 5 17: 128-142
- Cossmann, M. 1886. Catalogue illustré des coquilles fossiles de l'Éocène des environs de Paris. Annales de la Société Malacologique de Belgique 21: 17-186, pls 181-188
- Cotton, B.C. 1961. South Australian Mollusca. Pelecypoda. Adelaide : W.L. Hawes, Government Printer 363 pp. [Date published Oct: Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia Series]
- Cotton, B.C. & Godfrey, F.K. 1938. The Molluscs of South Australia. Part 1. The Pelecypoda. Adelaide : Government Printer 314 pp. [Handbook of the flora and fauna of South Australia]
- Dall, W.H. 1900. Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida with special Reference to the Silex Beds of Tampa and the Pliocene Beds of the Caloosahatchie River including in many cases complete revision of the Generic Groups Treatted of and their American Tertiary Species. Part 5 - Teleodesmacea: Solen to Diplodonta. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia 3(5): 949-1218, pls 36-47
- Dall, W.H. 1900. Synopsis of the family Tellinidae and of the North American species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23: 285-326 [imprint date 1901; publication 14 November 1900]
- Dall, W.H. 1924. Notes on molluscan nomenclature. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 37: 87-90
- Dall, W.H., Bartsch, P. & Rehder, H.A. 1938. A manual of the recent and fossil marine Pelecypod mollusks of the Hawaiian Island. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 153: 3-233, pls 1-57 [Date published July 25]
- Dautzenbeg, P. & Fischer, H. 1912. Mollusques provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice dans les Mers du Nord. Résultats des Campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert 1er Prince souverain de Monaco publiés sous sa direction avec le concours de M. Jules Richard. Monaco : Imprimerie de Monaco Vol. 37 630 pp.
- Dautzenberg, P. 1906. Contribution a la Fauna Malacologique de l'Indo-Chine. Journal de Conchyliologie 54(3): 145-226, pls 5-7
- Deshayes, G.P. 1855 [imprint 1854]. Descriptions of new shells from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Vol. 22 for 1854: 317-371 [Date published May 1855]
- Deshayes, G.P. & Milne Edwards, H. 1835. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. Paris : J.B. Baillière Vol. 6 iv, 600 pp.
- Dey, A. 2006. Contribution to the knowledge of Indian marine molluscs (Part IV): Family Tellinidae. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper 249: 1-124
- Dillwyn, L.W. 1817. A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method; with particular attention to the synonymy. London : John and Arthur Arch 2 volumes 1092 + 29 pp.
- Finlay, H.J. 1926. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320-485 pls 18-23 [Issued separately 23 Dec 1926; but Vol. 57 issued 10 March, 1927]
- Fischer, P. 1887. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paléontologie Conchyliologique. Paris : F. Savy Vol. 11 pp. 1009-1369.
- Gatliff, J.H. & Gabriel, C.J. 1914. Alterations in the nomenclature of some Victorian marine Mollusca. Victorian Naturalist 31(5): 82-84
- Glover E.A., Williams, S.T. & Taylor, J.D 2016. Lucinid bivalves of Singapore and their relationships (Bivalvia: Lucinidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 34: 539-656
- Gmelin J.F. 1791. Caroli a Linné. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Lipsiae : Georg. Emanuel. Beer Vermes. Vol. 1(Part 6) pp. 3021–3910. [officially regarded by the ICZN Opinion 296 (26 Oct 1954) as the 13th edition of Systema Naturae]
- Gofas, S., Bouchet, P. 2014. Tellina divergens Anton, 1838. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Bouchet, P. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellina philippii Anton, 1844. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Bouchet, P. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Hemimetis plicata (Valenciennes, 1827). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Bouchet, P. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Semelangulus tenuiliratus (Sowerby, 1867). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Rosenberg, G. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Jactellina obliquaria (Deshayes, 1855). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F., Rosenberg, G. & Bouchet, P. 2014. Pinguitellina robusta (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Pharaonella pharaonis (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Pinguitellina pinguis (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Serratina capsoides (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellina lanceolata Gmelin, 1791. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellina lux Hanley, 1844. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellinella pulcherrima (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S., Sartori, A.F. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellinella verrucosa (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Bouchet, P. 2014. Abranda Iredale, 1924. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Bouchet, P. 2014. Pinguitellina languida (E. A. Smith, 1885). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Laciolina chloroleuca (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Obtellina bougei (Sowerby III, 1909). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Pharaonella perna (Spengler, 1798). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Pharaonella rostrata (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Quadrans gargadia (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Serratina sulcata (Wood, 1815). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellina crucigera (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellinella patagiata (Prashad, 1932). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellinella staurella (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Rosenberg, G. 2014. Tellinella virgata (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Clathrotellina carnicolor (Hanley, 1846). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Clathrotellina elegantissima (E. A. Smith, 1885). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Clathrotellina pretium (Salisbury, 1934). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Clathrotellina tenuilamellata (Smith, 1885). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Clathrotellina tessellata (Deshayes, 1855). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Cyclotellina remies (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A. 2014. Cyclotellina umbonella (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F 2014. Tellinella albinella (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Homalina brevialata (Sowerby, 1868). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Laciolina sowerbii (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Macomona australis (Deshayes, 1855). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Macomona deltoidalis (Lamarck, 1818). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Pharaonella astula (Hedley, 1917). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Pharaonella tongana (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Phylloda foliacea (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Pistris serricostata (Tokunaga, 1906). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Pseudarcopagia botanica Hedley, 1918. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Pseudarcopagia victoriae (Gatliff & Gabriel, 1914). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Quadrans parvitas Iredale, 1931. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Quidnipagus palatum (Iredale, 1929). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Scutarcopagia linguafelis (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Scutarcopagia scobinata (Linnaeus, 1758). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Semelangulus brazieri (Sowerby, 1869). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Semelangulus lilium (Hanley, 1844). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Semelangulus unifasciatus (Sowerby, 1867). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Tellina clathrata Deshayes, 1835. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Tellina minuta Lischke, 1872. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Tellina plicata Valenciennes, 1827. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Tellina valtonis Hanley, 1844. World Register of Marine Species.
- Gofas, S. & Sartori, A.F. 2014. Tellinides ovalis (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825). World Register of Marine Species.
- Gould, A.A. 1851. Shells from the United States Exploring Expedition. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 3: 214-219; 252-258
- Gould, A.A. 1861. Descriptions of shells collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition (continued). Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 8: 14-40
- Habe, T. 1960. New species of molluscs from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Reikoku-cho, Amakusa, Kumamoto Pref., Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8: 289-298, 5 figs
- Hanley, S 1846. A monograph of the genus Tellina. pp. 221-336 in Sowerby, G.B. (ed.). Thesaurus Conchyliorum or monographs of genera of shells. London : Sowerby Vol. 1(7).
- Hanley, S. 1844. Descriptions of new species of Tellina, chiefly collected by H. Cuming, Esq., in the Philippine Islands and Central America:continued. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1844(Part 12): 68-72, 140-144, 146-149 [published: pp. 68-72, Settembre 1844; pp. 140-144, Dicembre 1844; pp. 147-149, Dicembre 1844]
- Hanley, S. 1844. Descriptions of new species of Tellina, chiefly collected by H. Cuming, Esq., in the Philippine Islands and Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1844(Part 12): 59-64 [published Settembre 1844]
- Hanley, S. 1845. Description of new species of Tellina, chiefly collected collected by H. Cuming, Esq. in the Philippine Islands and Central America: conclusion. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1844, Part 12: 164-166 [published Febbraio 1845]
- Harris G. F. & Burrows H. W. 1891. The Eocene and Oligocene beds of the Paris basin. London : Geologists' Association pp.129.
- Healy, J.M. & Lamprell, K. 1992. New species of Veneridae, Cardiidae, Crassatellidae, Tellinidae and Mactridae from Australia (Veneroida, Bivalvia, Mollusca). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australasia 13: 75-97
- Healy, J.M. & Potter, D.G. 2010. A preliminary checklist of the marine bivalves (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of Moreton Bay, Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum - Nature 54(3): 235-252
- Hedley, C. 1908. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part 10. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33: 456–489
- Hedley, C. 1909. Mollusca from the Hope Islands, north Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 34(1): 420–466, pls 36–44
- Hedley, C. 1913. Studies of Australian Mollusca. Part XI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 38: 258–339
- Hedley, C. 1917. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XIII. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 41: 680–719
- Hedley, C. 1918. A checklist of the marine fauna of New South Wales. Part 1. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 51: M1–M120
- Hedley, C. 1918. Narrative of an expedition of exploration in North Western Australia by Herbert Basedow. Special Report. Mollusca. Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch 18: 263-283
- Huber, M. 2010. Compendium of Bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world's marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim, Germany : ConchBooks 901 pp., 1 CD-ROM.
- Huber, M. 2015. Compendium of Bivalves 2. A full-color guide to the remaining seven families. A systematic listing of 8,500 bivalve species and 10,500 synonyms. Hackenheim, Germany : ConchBooks 907 pp, 1 CD-ROM. [Date published May: Markus Huber, Annioe Langleit & Kurt Kreipl: TELLINIDAE; Markus Huber: all other parts]
- Huber, M., Langleit, A. & Kreipl, K. 2015. TELLINIDAE. In, Huber, M. Compendium of Bivalves 2. A full-color guide to the remaining seven families. A systematic listing of 8,500 bivalve species and 10,500 synonyms. Hackenheim, Germany : ConchBooks 907 pp, 1 CD-ROM. [Date published May: Markus Huber, Annioe Langleit & Kurt Kreipl: TELLINIDAE; Markus Huber: all other parts]
- Huber, M. & Schniebs, K. 2009. The type specimens of recent molluscs described by Anton (1837 and 1838): 8. Ostreidae, Cardiidae, Tellinidae, and Mactridae. Mollusca 27(2): 201-208 [Date published 25 Nov]
- Hylleberg, J. & Kilburn, R.N. 2002. Annotataed inventory of molluscs from the Gulf of Mannar and vicinity. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 26: 19-79
- Iredale, T. 1924. Results from Roy Bell's molluscan collections. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 49(3): 179–279, pls 33–36
- Iredale, T. 1927. New molluscs from Vanikoro. Records of the Australian Museum 16(1): 73-78
- Iredale, T. 1929. Queensland molluscan notes, No. 1. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 9(3): 261–297, pls 30–31 [29 June 1929]
- Iredale, T. 1930. More notes on the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 17(9): 384-407 [Date published 27 June]
- Iredale, T. 1930. Queensland Molluscan notes, No. 2. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 10(1): 73–88
- Iredale, T. 1931. Australian molluscan notes. No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum 18(4): 201–235, pls xxii–xxv [Date published 29 June]
- Iredale, T. 1936. Australian molluscan notes. No. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 19(5): 267-340, pls 20-24
- Iredale, T. 1937. Mollusca. pp. 232-261, pls 15-17 in Whitley, G.P. The Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs South Pacific Ocean. The Australian Zoologist 8: 232-261 [Date published 12 March]
- Iredale, T. & McMichael, D.F. 1962. A reference list of the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 11: 1–109
- Issel, A. 1869. Malacologia del Mar Rosso. Richerche zoologische e paleontologiche. Pisa : Biblioteca malacologica pp. 1-388, pls 1-5.
- Jarrett, A.G. 2011. Marine Shells of the Whitsunday Coast & Islands. Australia : Midas Printing 268 pp., 960 figs.
- Jousseaume, F.P. in Lamy, E. 1918. Les Tellines de la Mer Rouge (d'apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 24: 26-33
- Kay, E.A. 1979. Hawaiian marine shells. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 4 : Mollusca. Honolulu, Hawaii : Bishop Museum Press Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication Vol. 64(4) 653 pp.
- Kendrick, G.W. & Brearley, A. 1984. A new species of Tellina (Tellinides) (Bivalvia: Tellinidae) from Western Australia. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australasia 6(3-4): 181-190
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. 1818. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y rapportent; précédée d'une Introduction offrant la Détermination des caractères essentiels de l'Animal, sa distinction du végétal et des autres corps naturelles, enfin, l'Exposition des Principes fondamentaux de la Zoologie. Vol. 5. 612 pp.
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de M. 1798. Livraison 64, plates 287-390, in Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des trois Régnes de la Nature. Vers, Coquilles, Mollusques et Polypiers. Paris Vol. 2.
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet de 1818-1822. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leursgenres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y rapportent ; précédée d'une introduction off rant la détermination des caractères essentiels de l'animal, sa distinction du végétal et des autres corps naturels ; enfi n, l'exposition des principes fondamentaux de la zoologie. Paris : L’auteur Vol. 5, 612 pp. [1818]; vol. 7, 711 p. [1822].
- Lamprell, K. & Healy, J. 1998. Bivalves of Australia. Leiden : Backhuys Publishers Vol. 2 288 pp.
- Lamprell, K. & Whitehead, T. 1992. Bivalves of Australia. Bathurst, New South Wales : Crawford House Press Vol. 1 xiv 182 pp.
- Lamy, E. 1918. Les Tellines de la Mer Rouge (d'apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 24: 26-33
- Lamy, E. 1918. Les Tellines de la Mer Rouge (d'apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 24: 116-124
- Lamy, E. 1918. Les Tellines de la Mer Rouge (d'apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 24(3): 167-172
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Macandrew, R. 1870. Report on the testaceous Mollusca obtained during a dredging excursion in the Gulf of Suez in the months of February and March 1869. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4 6: 429-450
- Macpherson, J.H. & Gabriel, C.J. 1962. Marine molluscs of Victoria. Melbourne : Melbourne University Press & National Museum of Victoria 475 pp.
- Maes, V.O. 1967. The littoral marine mollusks of Cocos-Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 119: 93–217
- Martens, E.C. von 1860. On the Mollusca of Siam. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1860(28): 17
- Martens, E.K. von 1865. Descriptions of new species of shells. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3 16: 428-432
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