Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Martyn, T. 1784. The universal conchologist : exhibiting the figure of every known shell accurately drawn and painted after nature, with a new systematic arrangement / by the author, Thomas Martyn = Le conchologiste universel, montrant la figure de chaque coquille aujourd'hui connue soigneusement dessinee, et peinte d'apres nature, le tout arrange selon le systeme de l'auteur. London : Thomas Martyn 4 vols. 39 pp. 160 pls.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA BATILLARIIDAE Clava herculea Martyn, 1784 synonym Pyrazus ebeninus (Bruguière, 1792) Primary 13
MOLLUSCA HALIOTIDAE Haliotis naevosa Martyn, 1784 invalid name Haliotis rubra rubra Leach, 1814 Primary vol. ii, f. 63
MOLLUSCA CERITHIIDAE Clava Martyn, 1784 synonym Rhinoclavis Swainson, 1840 Primary 12-13
MOLLUSCA CERITHIIDAE Clava maculata Martyn, 1786 Miscellaneous Literature Name Pseudovertagus (Pseudovertagus) clava (Gmelin, 1791) fig. 57
MOLLUSCA CERITHIIDAE Clava rugata Martyn, 1784 synonym Rhinoclavis (Rhinoclavis) aspera (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary pl. 12
MOLLUSCA CERITHIIDAE Rubus Martyn, 1786 Miscellaneous Literature Name Cerithium echinatum Lamarck, 1822 pl. 58
MOLLUSCA TELLINIDAE Tellina subrubicunda Martyn, 1784 synonym Tellinella virgata (Linnaeus, 1758) Primary fig. 159
MOLLUSCA TURBINIDAE Limax stamineus Martyn, 1784 invalid name Lunella (Ninella) torquata torquata (Gmelin, 1791) Primary fig. 71

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