Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Rhizoecus dianthi Green, 1926

African Violet Mealybug, Blind Mealybug, Pritchard Mealybug




Ecological Descriptors



ID Keys

(Marotta, S., 1995) [120] (female; Italy); (Tang, F.T., 1992) [54] (female; China); (Williams, D.J., 1987) [192] (female; Australia); (Williams, D.J., 1985) [353] (female; Australia); (Williams, D.J., 1985) [624] (female; species of Rhizoecus on Saintpaulia spp.); (Hambleton, E.J., 1979) [148] (female; U.S.A., Florida); (Cox, J.M., 1978) [624] (female; New Zealand); (Hambleton, E.J., 1976) [8] (female; world); (Hambleton, E.J., 1973) [64] (female; U.S.A., Florida); (McKenzie, H.L., 1967) [372] (female; U.S.A., California); (McKenzie, H.L., 1962) [673] (female; North America); (Williams, D.J., 1962) [41] (female); (McKenzie, H.L., 1961) [42] (female; North America); (McKenzie, H.L., 1960) [743] (female; North America); (Hambleton, E.J., 1946) [17] (female; world)



Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Green, E.E. 1926. Observations on British Coccidae. – X. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 62: 172–183, Williams, D.J. 1962. The British Pseudococcidae (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 12: 1–79, McKenzie, H.L. 1960. Taxonomic study of California mealybugs with descriptions of new species (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae). Hilgardia 29: 681–770, McKenzie, H.L. 1967. Mealybugs of California with taxonomy, biology, and control of North American species (Homoptera: Cooccoidea: Pseudococcidae). Berkeley : Univ. Calif. Press 526 pp., Cox, J.M. 1978. Revision of the Rhizoecus species (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) known from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5: 623–638; Cox, J.M. 1987. Pseudococcidae (Insecta: Hemiptera). In, Duval, C.T. (ed). Fauna of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand : DSIR Science Information Publishing Centre Vol. 11 229 pp. and by Zahradník, J. 1990. Conifers. In, Rosen, D. (ed). Armoured Scale Insects, Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control, Vol. 4B. World Crop Pests. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Elsevier. Good description of the adult female given by Tang, F.T. 1992. [The Pseudococcidae of China]. Taigu, Shanxi, China : Shanxi Agricultural University 768 pp..


Occurring on the roots of its host plants. In California it develops up to six generations per year. Females are ovoviviparous and reproduce parthenogenetically (see McKenzie, H.L. 1967. Mealybugs of California with taxonomy, biology, and control of North American species (Homoptera: Cooccoidea: Pseudococcidae). Berkeley : Univ. Calif. Press 526 pp. and Snetsinger, R. 1966. Biology and control of a root-feeding mealybug on Saintpaulia. Journal of Economic Entomology 59: 1077–1078).


See colour photograph of the adult female in McKenzie, H.L. 1967. Mealybugs of California with taxonomy, biology, and control of North American species (Homoptera: Cooccoidea: Pseudococcidae). Berkeley : Univ. Calif. Press 526 pp..


A serious pest of African violet in greenhouses in California (see Snetsinger, R. 1966. Biology and control of a root-feeding mealybug on Saintpaulia. Journal of Economic Entomology 59: 1077–1078). A major pest of greenhouse plants in Europe (see Zahradník, J. 1990. Conifers. In, Rosen, D. (ed). Armoured Scale Insects, Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control, Vol. 4B. World Crop Pests. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Elsevier).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 COCCOIDEA 16-Apr-2024 MODIFIED Dr Vivian Sandoval (ABRS)
20-Jun-2022 COCCOIDEA 20-Jun-2022 MOVED
21-Nov-2012 01-May-2014 MODIFIED
29-Jun-2012 29-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)