The PSEUDOSCORPIONES bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Alexander, J.B., Burger, M.A.A. & Harvey, M.S. 2014. A new species of troglobitic Anatemnus (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from the Pilbara bioregion of Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 29: 141–148
- Austin, A.D., Gibson, G.A.P. & Harvey, M.S. 1998. Synopsis of Australian Calymmochilus Masi (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), description of a new Western Australian species associated with a pseudoscorpion, and review of pseudoscorpion parasites. Journal of Natural History 32: 329-350 [Date published 6/03/1998]
- Balzan, L. 1890. Revisione dei Pseudoscorpione del bacino dei fiumi Paranà e Paraguay nell'America meridionale. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova 2 9: 401-454
- Balzan, L. 1892. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela (Décembre 1887 - Avril 1888). Arachnides. Chernetes (Pseudoscorpiones). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 60: 497-552
- Banks, N. 1891. Notes on North American Chernetidae. The Canadian Entomologist 23: 161-166
- Beier, M. 1929. Die Pseudoskorpione des Wiener Naturhistorischen Museums. II. Panctenodactyli. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 43: 341-367
- Beier, M. 1930. Alcuni pseudoscorpioni esotici raccolti dal Prof. F. Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Facoltà Agraria in Portici 23: 197-209
- Beier, M. 1930. Neue Höhlen-Pseudoscorpione der Gattung Chthonius. Environmental Entomology 6: 323-327
- Beier, M. 1931. Neue Pseudoscorpione der U. O. Neobisiinea. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 17: 299-318
- Beier, M. 1931. Zur Kenntnis der Chthoniiden (Pseudoskorpione). Zoologischer Anzeiger 93: 49-56
- Beier, M. 1932. Pseudoscorpionidea I. Suborder Chthoniinea et Neobisiinea. Das Tierreich 57: i-xx 1-258
- Beier, M. 1932. Pseudoscorpionidea II. Suborder Cheliferinea. Das Tierreich 58: i-xxi, 1-294
- Beier, M. 1932. Revision der Atemnidae (Pseudoscorpionidae). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik 62: 547-610
- Beier, M. 1932. Zur Kenntnis der Cheliferidae (Pseudoscorpionidea). Zoologischer Anzeiger 100: 53-67
- Beier, M. 1932. Zur Kenntnis der Lamprochernetinae (Pseudoscorpionidea). Zoologischer Anzeiger 97: 258-267
- Beier, M. 1933. Two new species of Cheliferinea (Pseudoscorpionidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 10 11: 644-647
- Beier, M. 1944. Über Pseudoscorpioniden aus Östafrika. Environmental Entomology 20: 173-212
- Beier, M. 1947. Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpionidenfauna des südlichen Afrika, insbesondere der südwest- und südafrikanischen trockengebiete. Environmental Entomology 23: 285-339
- Beier, M. 1948. Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudoscorpioniden. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1: 441-497
- Beier, M. 1948. Über Pseudoscorpione der australischen region. Environmental Entomology 24: 525-562
- Beier, M. 1951. Die Pseudoscorpione Indochinas. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris [1936-1950] ns 1: 47-123
- Beier, M. 1952. On some Pseudoscorpionidea from Malaya and Borneo. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 24: 96-108
- Beier, M. 1953. Pseudoscorpionidea von Sumba und Flores. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64: 81-88
- Beier, M. 1953. Ueber einige phoretische und phagophile afrikanische Pseudoscorpione. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 48: 73-78
- Beier, M. 1954. A second collection of Pseudoscorpionidea from Malaya. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 25: 38-46
- Beier, M. 1954. Report from Prof. T. Gislén's expedition to Australia in 1951–1952. 7. Pseudoscorpionidea. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N.F. 50(3): 1-26
- Beier, M. 1955. Pseudoscorpionidea. pp. 263-328 in Hanstrom, B., Brinck, P. & Rudebeck, G. (eds). South African Animal Life. Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950–1951. Stockholm : Almquist & Wiksells.
- Beier, M. 1955. Pseudoscorpionidea, gesammelt während der schwedischen Expeditionen nach Ostafrika 1937-1938 und 1948. Arkiv för Zoologi 2 7: 527-558
- Beier, M. 1956. Ein neuer Blothrus (Pseudoscorp.) aus Sardinien, und ueber zwei Pseudoscorpione des West Mediterranean litorals. Fragmenta Entomologica 2: 55-63
- Beier, M. 1957. Pseudoscorpionidea. Insects of Micronesia 3: 1-64
- Beier, M. 1962. On some Pseudoscorpionidea from New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum 7: 399-402
- Beier, M. 1965. Die Pseudoscorpioniden Neu-Guineas und der benachbarten Inseln. Pacific Insects 7: 749-796
- Beier, M. 1966. Ergebnisse der österreichischen Neukaledonien-Expedition 1965. Pseudoscorpionidea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 69: 363-371
- Beier, M. 1966. On the Pseudoscorpionidea of Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 14: 275-303
- Beier, M. 1967. Pseudoscorpione vom kontinentalen Südost-Asien. Pacific Insects 9: 341-369
- Beier, M. 1967. Pseudoskorpione aus dem tropischen Ostafrika (Kenya, Tansania, Uganda, etc.). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 70: 73-93
- Beier, M. 1967. Some Pseudoscorpionidea from Australia, chiefly from caves. The Australian Zoologist 14: 199-205
- Beier, M. 1968. Some cave-dwelling Pseudoscorpionidea from Australia and New Caledonia. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 15: 757-765
- Beier, M. 1969. Neue Pseudoskorpione aus Australien. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 73: 171-187 [Date published November 1969]
- Beier, M. 1971. A new Synsphronus [sic] Chamberlin (Pseudoscorpiones) from the Great Victoria Desert. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 10: 161-162
- Beier, M. 1971. A new chthoniid pseudoscorpion from Western Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 10: 233-234
- Beier, M. 1971. Pseudoskorpione unter Araucarien Rinde in Neu-Guinea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 75: 367-373
- Beier, M. 1974. Pseudoscorpione aus Südindien des Naturhistorischen Museums in Genf. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 81: 999-1017
- Beier, M. 1975. Neue Pseudoskorpione aus Australien und Neu-Guinea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 78: 203-213 [title page bears the date December 1974]
- Beier, M. 1976. A cavernicolous atemnid pseudoscorpion from New South Wales. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 15: 271-272
- Beier, M. 1976. The pseudoscorpions of New Zealand, Norfolk and Lord Howe. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 3: 199-246
- Beier, M. 1979. Neue afrikanische Pseudoskorpione aus dem Musée Royal de l'Afrique Central in Tervuren. Revue de Zoologie Africaine 93: 101-113
- Benedict, E.M. & Malcolm, D.R. 1978. Some garypoid false scorpions from western North America (Pseudoscorpionida: Garypidae and Olpiidae). 5:113–132. Journal of Arachnology 5: 113–132
- Bristowe, W.S. 1931. Notes on the biology of spiders. IV. Further notes on aquatic spiders, with a description of a new species of pseudoscorpion from Singapore. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 10 8: 457-465
- Caporiacco, L. di 1949. Aracnidi della colonia del Kenya raccolti da Toschi e Meneghetti negli anni 1944-1946. Commentationes Pontificiae Academia Scientarum 13: 309-492
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1929. A synoptic classification of the false scorpions or chela-spinners, with a report on a cosmopolitan collection of the same. Part I. The Heterosphyronida (Chthoniidae) (Arachnida-Chelonethida). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 10 4: 50-80
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1929. A synoptic classification of the false scorpions or chela-spinners, with a report on a cosmopolitan collection of the same. Part II. The Diplosphyronida (Arachnida-Chelonethida). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5: 1-48, 585-620
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1930. A synoptic classification of the false scorpions or chela-spinners, with a report on a cosmopolitan collection of the same. Part II. The Diplosphyronida (Arachnida-Chelonethida). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 10 5: 1-48, 585-620
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1931. Parachernes ronnaii, a new genus and species of false scorpions from Brazil (Arachnida-Chelonethida). Entomological News 42: 192-195
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1931. A synoptic revision of the generic classification of the chelonethid family Cheliferidae Simon (Arachnida). The Canadian Entomologist 63: 289-294
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1931. The arachnid order Chelonethida. Stanford University Publications, Biological Sciences 7: 1-284
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1932. On some false scorpions of the superfamily Cheiridioidea (Arachnida, Chelonethida). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 8: 137-144 [Date published /Jan/1932]
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1938. A new genus and three new species of false scorpion from Yucatan Caves. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 491: 109-121
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1939. New and little-known false scorpions from the Marquesas Islands (Arachnida: Chelonethida). Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 142: 207-215
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1943. The taxonomy of the false scorpion genus Synsphyronus with remarks on the sporadic loss of stability in generally constant morphological characters. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 36: 486-500
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1949. New and little-known false scorpions from various parts of the world (Arachnida, Chelonethida), with notes on structural abnormalities in two species. American Museum Novitates 1430: 1-57
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1952. New and little-known false scorpions (Arachnida, Chelonethida) from Monterey County, California. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 99: 259-312
- Chamberlin, J.C. 1962. New and little-known false scorpions, principally from caves, belonging to the families Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Arachnida, Chelonethida). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 123: 303-352
- Chamberlin, J.C. & Chamberlin, R.V. 1945. The genera and species of the Tridenchthoniidae (Dithidae): a family of the arachnid order Chelonethida. Bulletin of the University of Utah. Biological Series 9: 1-67
- Cole, D.C., Elgar, M.A. & Harvey, M.S. 1995. Associations between Australian pseudoscorpions and ants. Psyche (Cambridge) 101: 221-227
- Cullen, K.L. & Harvey, M.S. 2021. New species of the pseudoscorpion genus Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum (36): 033–065
- Cullen, K.L. & Harvey, M.S. 2021. Two new species of the pseudoscorpion genus Geogarypus (Pseudoscorpiones: Geogarypidae) from northern Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum (36): 071–078
- Curran, M.K. & Harvey, M.S. 2024. Nesidiochernes fissuricola, a new species of pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) from north-western Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 78: 1-7
- Daday, E. 1889. A Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum álskorpióinak áttekintése. Természetrajzi Füzetek 11: 111-136, 165-192
- Darms, D. & Harvey, M.S. 2013. Review of the cave-dwelling species of Pseudotyrannochthonius from mainland Australia, with description of two troglobitic species. Australian Journal of Entomology 52: 129–143
- Dartnall, A.J. 1969. Pseudoscorpions. Tasm. Nat. No. 17: 2.
- Dartnall, A.J. 1970. Some Tasmanian chthoniid pseudoscorpions. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 104: 65-68
- Dartnall, A.J. 1975. A note on the natural history of a pseudoscorpion. Tasm. Nat. No. 40: 5–6.
- Dumitresco, M. & Orghidan, T. 1981. Représentants de la fam. Cheiridiidae Chamberlin (Pseudoscorpionidea) de Cuba. pp. 77-87 in Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Decou, V., Negrea, St. & Viña Bayés, N. (eds). Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba. Bucaresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România Vol. 3.
- Edward, K.L. & Harvey, M.S. 2008. Short-range endemism in hypogean environments: the pseudoscorpion genera Tyrannochthonius and Lagynochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) in the semiarid zone of Western Australia. Invertebrate Systematics 22: 259–293
- Ellingsen, E. 1906. Report on the pseudoscorpions of the Guinea Coast (Africa) collected by Leonardo Fea. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova 3 2: 243-265
- Gabbutt, P.D. 1967. Quantitative sampling of the pseudoscorpion Chthonius ischnocheles from beech litter. Journal of Zoology, London 151: 469-478
- Geoffroy, E.L. 1762. Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris; dans laquelle ces Animaux sont rangés suivant un ordre méthodique. Paris : Durrand Vol. 2 690 pp.
- Harms, D. 2013. A new species of Pseudotyrannochthonius Beier (Pseusoscorpiones: Pseudotyrannochthoniidae) from the Warrumbungle Range, New South Wales. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum - Nature 58: 23-32
- Harvey, M.S. 1981. Geogarypus rhantus sp. nov. (Pseudoscorpionida: Garypidae: Geogarypinae); a generic addition to the Australian fauna. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 20: 279-283
- Harvey, M.S. 1981. A checklist of the Australian Pseudoscorpionida. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 5: 237-252
- Harvey, M.S. 1982. A parasitic nematode (Mermithidae) from the pseudoscorpion "Sternophorus" hirsti Chamberlin (Sternophoridae). Journal of Arachnology 10: 192
- Harvey, M.S. 1984. The genus Nannochelifer Beier, with a new species from the Coral Sea (Pseudoscorpionida, Cheliferidae). Journal of Arachnology 12: 291-296
- Harvey, M.S. 1985. Pseudoscorpionida. pp. 126-155 in Walton, D.W. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 3. Arachnida: Mygalomorphae, Araneomorphae (in part), Pseudoscorpionida, Amblypygi and Plapigradi. Canberra : Australian Government Publishing Service x 183 pp.
- Harvey, M.S. 1985. The systematics of the family Sternophoridae (Pseudoscorpionida). Journal of Arachnology 13: 141-209
- Harvey, M.S. 1986. The Australian Geogarypidae, new status, with a review of the generic classification (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida). Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 753-778
- Harvey, M.S. 1987. A revision of the genus Synsphyronus Chamberlin (Garypidae: Pseudoscorpionida: Arachnida). Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 126: 1-99
- Harvey, M.S. 1987. Redescription and new synonyms of the cosmopolitan species Lamprochernes savignyi (Simon) (Chernetidae: Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 7: 111-116
- Harvey, M.S. 1987. The occurrence in Australia of Chthonius tetrachelatus (Preyssler) (Pseudoscorpionida:Chthoniidae). Australian Entomological Magazine 13: 68-70
- Harvey, M.S. 1988. The systematics and biology of pseudoscorpions. pp. 75-85 in Austin, A.D. & Heather, N.W. (eds). Australian Arachnology. Brisbane : Australian Entomological Society 137 pp.
- Harvey, M.S. 1989. A new species of Feaella Ellingsen from north-western Australia (Pseudoscorpionida: Feaellidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 8: 41-44
- Harvey, M.S. 1989. Two new cavernicolous chthoniids from Australia, with notes on the generic placement of the south-western Pacific species attributed to the genera Paraliochthonius Beier and Morikawia Chamberlin (Pseudoscorpionida: Chthoniidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 8: 21-29
- Harvey, M.S. 1990. New pseudoscorpions of the genera Americhernes Muchmore and Cordylochernes Beier from Australia (Pseudoscorpionida: Chernetidae). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 50: 325-336
- Harvey, M.S. 1991. Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester : Manchester University Press.
- Harvey, M.S. 1991. The cavernicolous pseudoscorpions (Chelicerata: Pseudoscorpionida) of Cape Range, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 15: 487-502
- Harvey, M.S. 1992. A new genus of myrmecophilous Chernetidae from southern Australia (Pseudoscorpionida). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15: 763-775
- Harvey, M.S. 1992. The phylogeny and classification of the Pseudoscorpionida (Chelicerata: Arachnida). Invertebrate Taxonomy 6: 1373-1435
- Harvey, M.S. 1993. The systematics of the Hyidae (Pseudoscorpionida: Neobisioidea). Invertebrate Taxonomy 7: 1-32
- Harvey, M.S. 1994. Redescription and the systematic position of the Brazilian genus Xenochernes Feio (Pseudoscorpionida: Chernetidae). Journal of Arachnology 22: 131-137
- Harvey, M.S. 1995. Barbaraella gen. nov. and Cacoxylus Beier (Pseudoscorpionda: Chernetidae), two remarkable sexually dimorphic pseudoscorpions from Australasia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 52: 199-208
- Harvey, M.S. 1998. Pseudoscorpion groups with bipolar distributions: a new genus from Tasmania related to the Holarctic Syarinus (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae). Journal of Arachnology 26: 429-441
- Harvey, M.S. 2000. From Siam to Rapa Nui - the identity and distribution of Geogarypus longidigitatus (Rainbow) (Pseudoscorpiones: Geogarypidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 11: 377-384
- Harvey, M.S. 2006. A new species of Lechytia from eastern Australia (Pseudoscorpiones: Lechytiidae. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 23: 13-18
- Harvey, M.S. 2006. New species and records of the pseudoscorpion family Menthidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 23: 167-174
- Harvey, M.S. 2009. The first Australasian species of the halophilic pseudoscorpion genus Paraliochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 25: 329–344
- Harvey, M.S. 2010. Two new species of Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from southern Western Australian granite landforms. Records of the Western Australian Museum 26: 11-22
- Harvey, M.S. 2012. A new species of Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27: 55-81
- Harvey, M.S. 2014. A review and redescription of the cosmopolitan pseudoscorpion Chelifer cancroides (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae). Journal of Arachnology 42: 86-104
- Harvey, M.S. 2015. Revised diagnoses for the pseudoscorpion genera Metawithius and Microwithius, with the description of a new Australian genus, and notes on Withius (Pseudoscorpiones, Withiidae). Journal of Arachnology 43: 353-370
- Harvey, M.S. 2018. Balgachernes occultus, a new genus and species of pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) associated with balga (Xanthorrhoea preissii) in south-western Australia, with remarks on Austrochernes and Troglochernes. Records of the Western Australian Museum 33: 115-130
- Harvey, M.S. 2021. A new genus of the pseudoscorpion family Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones) from southern Australia with Gondwanan affinities. Journal of Arachnology (48): 300–310
- Harvey, M.S. 2022. Three new species of the pseudoscorpion genus Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from semi-arid Western Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 6: 1-15
- Harvey, M. S. 2023. A new species of Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones:Garypidae) from eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 18: 1-5
- Harvey, M.S. 2023. A preliminary phylogeny for the pseudoscorpion family Garypinidae (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypinoidea), with new taxa and remarks on the Australasian fauna. Invertebrate Systematics 37(9): 623-676
- Harvey, M.S. 2025. Synsphyronus armasi, a new species (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Zootaxa 5563(1): 382-387
- Harvey, M.S., Abrams, K.M, Beavis, A.S., Hillyer, M.J. & Huey, J.A. 2016. Pseudoscorpions of the family Feaellidae (Pseudoscorpiones : Feaelloidea) from the Pilbara region of Western Australia show extreme short-range endemism. Invertebrate Systematics 30: 491-508
- Harvey, M.S., Abrams, K.M. & Burger, M.A.A 2015. A new species of the pseudoscorpion genus Synsphyronus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from Barrow Island, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 30: 137-143
- Harvey, M.S., Burger, M.A.A, Abrams, K.M., Finston, T.L, Huey, J.A. & Perina, G. 2023. The systematics of the pseudoscorpion genus Indohya (Pseudoscorpiones: Hyidae) in Australia. Zootaxa 5342(1): 1-119
- Harvey, M.S., Hillyer, M.J., Carvajal, J.I., & Huey, J.A. 2020. Supralittoral pseudoscorpions of the genus Garypus (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypidae) from the Indo-West Pacific region, with a review of the subfamily classification of Garypidae. Invertebrate Systematics 34: 34-87
- Harvey, M.S., Waldock, J., Teale, R.J. & Webber, J. 2007. New distribution records of the intertidal pseudoscorpion Parahya submersa (Pseudoscorpiones: Parahyidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 23: 393-395
- Harvey, M.S. & Cullen, K.L. 2021. A new species of the pseudoscorpion genus Anatemnus (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from tropical Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum (36): 066–070
- Harvey, M.S. & Edward, K.L. 2007. A review of the pseudoscorpion genus Ideoblothrus (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae) from western and northern Australia. Journal of Natural History 41(5-8): 445–472
- Harvey, M.S. & Leng, M.C. 2008. Further observations on Ideoblothrus (Pseudoscorpiones: Syarinidae) from subterranean environments in Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 24: 381–386
- Harvey, M.S. & Leng, M.C. 2008. The first troglomorphic pseudoscorpion of the family Olpiidae (Pseudoscorpiones), with remarks on the composition of the family. Records of the Western Australian Museum 24: 387-394
- Harvey, M.S. & Mould, L.G. 2006. A new troglomorphic species of Austrochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) from Australia, with remarks on Chthonius caecus. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23: 205-211
- Harvey, M.S. & Muchmore, W.B. 1990. The systematics of the family Menthidae (Pseudoscorpionida). Invertebrate Taxonomy 3: 941-964
- Harvey, M.S. & Parnaby, H.E. 1993. Records of pseudoscorpions associated with bats. Australian Mammalogy 16: 39-40
- Harvey, M.S. & Stahlavsky, F. 2009. A review of the pseudoscorpion genus Oreolpium (Pseudoscorpiones: Garypinidae), with remarks on the composition of the Garypinidae and on pseudoscorpions with bipolar distributions. Journal of Arachnology 38: 294–308
- Harvey, M.S. & Volschenk, E.S. 2007. A review of some Australasian Chernetidae: Sundochernes, Troglochernes and a new genus (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Arachnology 35: 238–277
- Harvey, M.S. & Volschenk, E.S. 2007. Systematics of the Gondwanan pseudoscorpion family Hyidae (Pseudoscorpiones:Neobisioidea): new data and a revised phylogenetic hypothesis. Invertebrate Taxonomy 21: 365-406
- Heurtault, J. 1971. Chambre génitale, armature génitale et caractères sexuals secondaires chez quelques espèces de pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) du genre Withius. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [published 1907-1971] 2 42: 1037-1053
- Heurtault, J. 1976. Nouveaux caractères taxonomiques pour la sous-famille des Olpiinae (Arachnides, Pseudoscorpions). Note préliminaire. Comptes Rendus 3ème Réunion des Arachnologistes d'Expression Française, Les Eyzies, 1976. 62-73 pp.
- Heurtault, J. 1980. Données nouvelles sur les genres Xenolpium, Antiolpium, Indolpium et Euryolpium (Arachnides, Pseudoscorpions). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 87: 143-154
- Hoff, C.C. 1945. The pseudoscorpion subfamily Olpiinae. American Museum Novitates 1291: 1-30
- Hoff, C.C. 1947. New species of diplosphyronid pseudoscorpions from Australia. Psyche (Cambridge) 54: 36-56
- Hoff, C.C. 1951. New species and records of chthoniid pseudoscorpions. American Museum Novitates 1483: 1-13
- Judson, M.L.I. 2001. Synonymy of Cecoditha (Cecodithinae) with Austrochthonius (Chthoniinae) (Chelonethi, Chthoniidae). Journal of Arachnology 29: 141-145
- Judson, M.L.I. 2007. A new and endangered species of the pseudoscorpion genus Lagynochthonius from a cave in Vietnam, with notes on chelal morphology and the composition of the Tyrannochthoniini (Arachnida, Chelonethi, Chthoniidae). Zootaxa 1627: 53–68
- Kennedy, C.M.A. 1989. Conicochernes doyleae, a new Australian species of the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpionida: Arachnida). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 111: 123-129
- Kennedy, C.M.A. 1989. Pycnodithella harveyi, a new Australian species of the Tridenchthoniidae (Pseudoscorpionida: Arachnida). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 110: 289-296
- Kennedy, C.M.A. 1990. Redescription of Austrochthonius australis Hoff (Chthoniidae: Pseudoscorpionida). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 111: 233-240
- Kew, H.W. 1911. A synopsis of the false scorpions of Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy B 29: 38-64
- Koch, L. 1873. Uebersichtliche Darstellung der Europaischen Chernetiden (Pseudoscorpione). Nürnberg : Bauer & Raspe vi 68 pp.
- Koch, L. & Keyerling, E. 1885. Ordo Chelonethi. pp. 44-51 in Koch, L. & Keyserling, E. (eds). Die Arachniden Australiens, nach der Natur beschrieben und abgebildet. Nürnberg : Bauer & Raspe Vol. 2.
- Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundem classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae : Laurentii Salvii Vol. 1 10 Edn., 824 pp.
- Mahnert, V. 1988. Die Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) Kenyas. Familien Withiidae und Cheliferidae. Tropical Zoology 1: 39-89
- Mello-Leitão, C. 1939. Pseudoscorpionidos de Argentina. Notas del Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires (Zoologia) 4: 115-122
- Menge, A. 1855. Ueber die Scheerenspinnen, Chernetidae. Neueste Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig 5(2): 1-43
- Morikawa, K. 1952. Three new species of false-scorpions from the island of Marcus in the West Pacific Ocean. Memoirs of the Ehime University Natural Sciences Series B 1: 241-248
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