Family ONCHOLAIMIDAE Filipjev, 1916
Bibliography for ONCHOLAIMIDAE Filipjev, 1916
The ONCHOLAIMIDAE Filipjev, 1916 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Allgén, C. 1927. Freilebende marine Nematoden von der Kuste Tasmaniens. Zoologischer Anzeiger 73: 197-217
- Allgen, C. 1932. Die Desmodoren (Desmodora de Man), ein bemerkenswertes marines Genus der Nematodenfamilie Chromadoridae. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik 62: 431-468
- Allgén, C. 1932. Über eine neue Art des Genus Paroncholaimus Filipjev, P. donsi, von der Insel Röst (Lofoten-Archipel). Zoologischer Anzeiger 97: 334-336
- Allgén, C. 1947. West American marine nematodes (Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-16 75). Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 110: 65-219
- Allgén, C. 1951. Das Mannchen des Pelagonema obtusicaudum Filipjev von Port Jackson (Australien). Zoologischer Anzeiger 146: 127-128
- Allgén, C. 1951. Pacific freeliving marine nematodes (Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-1916, 76). 3. Some mainly Australian marine freeliving nematodes. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 113: 263-411
- Allgen, C.A. 1951. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-16. LXXVI. Pacific freeliving marine nematodes. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 113: 263-411
- Alongi, D.M. 1986. Population structure and trophic composition of the free-living nematodes inhabiting carbonate sands of Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37: 609-619
- Bastian, H.Ch. 1865. Monograph on the Auguillulidae, or free Nematoids, marine, land, and freshwater; with descriptions of 100 new species. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25: 73-184
- Chitwood, B.G. 1951. North American marine nematodes. Texas Journal of Science 3: 617-672
- Chitwood, B.G. 1960. A preliminary contribution on the marine nemas (Adenophora) of Northern California. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 79: 347-384
- Chitwood, B.G. & Chitwood, M.B. 1938. Notes on the 'culture' of aquatic nematodes. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 28(10): 455-460
- Cobb, N.A. 1894. Tricoma and other new nematode genera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 8(2): 389-421 [Date published 13.4.1894]
- Cobb, N.A. 1898. Australian free-living marine nematodes. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 23: 383-407
- Cobb, N.A. 1930. The demanian vessels in nemas of the genus Oncholaimus; with notes on four new Oncholaims. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 20: 225-241
- Decraemer, W. & Coomans, A. 1978. Scientific Report on the Belgian Expedition to The Great Barrier Reef in 1967. Nematodes XII. Ecological Notes on the Nematode Fauna in and around Mangroves on Lizard Island. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 29: 497-508
- de Man, J.G. 1876. Contributions à la connaissance des nematoides marins du golfe de Naples. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging iii: 31 pp.
- de Man, J.G. 1889. Troisième Note sur les Nématodes libres de la mer du Nord et de la Manche. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France 2: 182-216
- de Man, J.G. 1890. Quatième Note sur les Nématodes libres de la mer du Nord et de la Manche. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France 3: 169-195
- Ditlevsen, Hj. 1928. Free-living marine nematodes from Greenland waters. Meddelelser om Grønland 23(Suppl.): 199-250
- Dujardin, F. 1845. Histoire naturelle des Helminthes. In, Roret's Collections des Suites à Buffon. Paris.
- Eberth, C.I. 1863. Untersuchungen über Nematoden. Leipzig : W. Engelmann. 1-77 pp.
- Filipjev, I. 1916. Les nématodes libres contenus dans les collections du musée Zoologique de l'Academie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Annals of the Museum of Zoology, Academy of Science, Petrograd 21: 59-116
- Filipjev, I. 1927. Les Nématodes libres des mers septentrionales appartenant à la famille des Enoplidae. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 91A(6): 1-216
- Filipjev, I.N. 1918. Free-living marine Nematodes from the vicinity of Sevastopol. Pt. I. Trudy Osoboi Zoologicheskoi Laboratorii Sebastopolskoi Stantsii Rossiikoi series 2 4: 1-614
- Gerlach, A. & Riemann, F. 1974. The Bremerhaven Checklist of Aquatic Nematodes. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Supplement 4(2): 1-730
- Hodda, M. & Nicholas, W.L. 1985. Meiofauna associated with mangroves in the Hunter River Estuary and Fullerton Cove, south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 36: 41-50
- Inglis, W.G. 1971. Marine Enoplida (Nematoda) from Western Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 95(2): 65-78
- Kreis, H. 1924. Zur Kenntnis der freilebenden marinen Nematoden. Schriften. Süsswasser-Meereskundes 2: 157-170
- Kreis, H.A. 1928. Die freilebenden marinen Nematoden der Spitzbergen-Expedition von F. Roemer und F. Schaudinn im Jahre 1898. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 14: 131-197
- Kreis, H.A. 1932. Freilebende marine Nematoden von den Sunda-Inseln. ii. Oncholaiminae. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 93: 23-70
- Kreis, H.A. 1934. Oncholaiminae Filipjev 1916. Eine monographische Studie. Capita Zoologica 4(5): 1-271
- Leidy, J. 1855. Contributions towards a knowledge of the marine invertebrate fauna of the coasts of Rhode Island and New Jersey. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2 3: 135-152
- Lorenzen, S. 1981. Entwurf eines phylogenetischen Systems der freilebenden Nematoden. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Supplement 7: 1-472
- Mawson, P.M. 1953. Some marine freeliving nematodes from the Australian coast. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 76: 34-40
- Mawson, P.M. 1956. Free-living nematodes Section I: Enoploidea from Antarctic stations. British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B (Zoology and Botany) 6: 37-74
- Mawson, P.M. 1957. Marine freeliving nematodes from South Australia Part 1. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 80: 98-108
- Mawson, P.M. 1958. Free-living nematodes Section 3: Enoploidea from Subantarctic stations. British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B (Zoology and Botany) 6: 309-358
- Mawson, P M 1958. Free-living nematodes. Section 2: Additional Enoploidea from Antarctic stations. British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B (Zoology and Botany) 6(13): 291-305
- Micoletzky, H. 1924. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis freilebender Nematoden aus Suez. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 132: 225-262
- Nicholas, W.L. 2001. Seasonal variations in nematode assemblages on an Australian temperate ocean beach; the effect of heavy seas and unusually high tides. Hydrobiologia 464: 17-26
- Nicholas, W.L., Bird, A.F., Beech, T.A. & Stewart, A.C. 1992. The nematode fauna of the Murray River estuary, South Australia; the effects of the barrages across its mouth. Hydrobiologia 234: 87-101
- Nicholas, W.L. & Hodda, M. 1999. The free-living nematodes of a temperate, high energy, sandy beach: faunal composition and variation over space and time. Hydrobiologia 394: 113-127
- Nicholas, W.L. & Stewart, A.C. 1984. Oncholaimus balli n. sp. (Nematoda: Oncholaimidae) from a volcanic crater lake in Papua New Guinea, with observations on the colonisation of the lake by nematodes. Nematologica 30(1): 1-10
- Rachor, E. 1969. Das de Mansche Organ der Oncholaimidae, eine genito-intestinale Verbindung bei Nematoden. Zoomorphology (Berlin) 66(2): 87-166
- Schneider, W. 1939. Wurmer oder Vermes. II. Fadenwurmer oder Nematoden. I. Freilebende und pflanzenparasitische Nematoden. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile 36: 1-260
- Strassen, O. zur 1894. Über das rohrenförmige Organ von Oncholaimus. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 58: 460-474
- Timm, R.W. 1952. A survey of the marine nematodes of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Contributions from the Chesapeake Biology Laboratories 95: 1-70
- Wieser, W. 1953. Free-living marine nematodes I. Enoploidea. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift 49(6): 1-155
- Wieser, W. & Hopper, B. 1967. Marine nematodes of the east coast of North America. I. Florida. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 135: 239-344
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