Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Metadelphax propinqua (Fieber, 1866)

Compiler and date details

6 January 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher



This widespread species was first recorded in Australia by Jacobi (1928) who stated that he had it from numerous localities without providing details. However, Jacobi (1928) covered material not only from Australia (North Queensland, Northern Territory and the Kimberley region of Western Australia) but also from Java in Indonesia. Only one other author has listed the species from Australia and that was Fennah (1965) who recorded it from Brisbane. Its distribution within Australia beyond Fennah's record needs to be confirmed. The species is almost certainly an introduction from the Palaearctic region. Gonzon & Bartlett (2007) designated a male lectotype in NHMW to stabilise the name of the species since there is some variation across its range. The specimen they selected did not have a locality label but had a label indicating the collector was Ullrich. The status of this material is subject to further investigation and may not be part of the syntype series and hence not be available for designation as lectotype.





IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Qld: South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



Hinterleib schwarz, letzte Schiene weiss gerandet. Pro- und Meso-notum weisslich, Mitte des Mesonotum bisweilen zwischen den weisslichen Seitenkielen orangegelblich oder schmutzig. Die vollkommen ausgebildeten Decken am ganzen Bogenrande besonders aussen dunkler und die Endrippen braun, ein kleiner brauner Strich auf der Spitze des Clavusrandes. ♂ Umfang des Afterträgers rundlich, der obere Rand des Auschnittes bildet mit dem unteren Seitenrande eine spitze weissgeraudete weit vorstehende Ecke, die etwas nach innen umgebogen. Unterrand bogig ausgeschnitten, Raife bräunlich, gross, aufgerichtet, aus breit viereckigem Grunde auswärts bogig und schmäler, am Ende erweitert, oben gestutzt, eine nach innen dreieckige Platte bildend. ♂ geflüg. 3.75mm. (Fieber 1866)

Male brachypterous. Ochraceous-tawny, darker between carinae, on face, clypeus and genae fuscous between carinae, coxae and a round spot on metapleura fuscous, abdomen dark, lighter on base, sides, the anal segment and dorsal portion of pygophor. Tegmina ochraceous-tawny, slightly darker over apex, veins concolorous with membrane, without granules. Antennae reaching nearly to the middle of clypeus, first joint half the length of second; first joint of hind tarsus not quite so long as the other two together, spur about as long as the first joint, broad, laminate, with many small teeth on hind margin; lateral pronotal carinae divergingly curved, not reaching hind margin. The genitalia is near to D. propinqua (Fieb.) but the aedeagus is distinct; the genital styles have a less angular projection on the inner basal third, and the truncate apices distinctly narrowed. Length 1.7 mm; tegmen 1.3 mm. (Muir 1917, of D. neopropinqua).

Male, macropterous. Light brown or ochraceous, darker between carinae of head and over coxae and abdomen. Tegmina hyaline with light brown veins, granules very small bearing black hairs, a dark mark at end of commissure, wings hyaline with brown veins. Vertex slightly broader than long; antennae reaching to base of clypeus, first joint about half the length of second; length of face about twice the width, slightly narrowed between the eyes, beyond which the sides are parallel; median carina furcate at base; hind tibia equal in length to the tarsi, first tarsal joint equal to the second and third together, spur as long as first tarsi at joint, wide, pointed laminate, small teeth on the hind margin. Opening of pygofer round, margin produced into a small lobe at each side of the anal segment; anal segment small with a pair of small stout spines on the medio-ventral edge, touching at their bases and slightly diverging to the apices; armature or diaphragm small, Y-shape; genital styles long, flat, slightly curved, slightly narrowed at middle, apex truncate with the corners slightly produced. Length 1.6 mm; tegmen 2.0 mm. Female light in colour, especially so on coxae and abdomen. Length 2.2 mm; tegmen 2.8 mm. (Muir 1919, of D. subfusca).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-May-2011 20-May-2011 MODIFIED
07-Jan-2011 07-Jan-2011 MOVED
16-Dec-2010 16-Dec-2010 MOVED
15-Dec-2010 15-Dec-2010 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)