Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Melanterius latipennis Lea, 1928



South Australia, Western Australia

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


SA, WA: Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Kanmantoo (KAN)

Ecological Descriptors

Acacia shrubs.

Extra Ecological Information

'The true host(s) of M. latipennis remain(s) unknown. Specimens in the ANIC were reared from seeds of Acacia cyclops and A. saligna … and specimens were also collected on A. cyclops at other localities in Western Australia, but these two species are typically the hosts of M. servulus and M. castaneus, respectively. We took a few specimens on A. cyclops and A. saligna too, as well as on Acacia decurrens, A.longifolia sophorae, A. mearnsii, A. microbotrya and A. pulchella, but most on A. myrtifolia and A. pentadenia in Western Australia and on A. iteaphylla and A. uncifolia in South Australia …The last four species are thus more likely to constitute proper hosts of M. latipennis …, but it is evident that the species is not narrowly host-specific.' (Pinzón-Navarro et al. 2017: 36)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
02-Nov-2017 Cleogonini Gistel, 1848 24-Oct-2017 MODIFIED
27-Feb-2012 27-Feb-2012 MOVED
11-Apr-2011 ADDED