Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Ligyra cingulata (Wulp, 1885)


Generic Combinations

  • Ligyra cingulata (Wulp, 1885).




New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia

Distribution References


& . Face and frons reddish, occiput dark. Hairs on head mostly yellowish and black. Style of third antenna1 segment about one-third length of basal part.
Thorax dark brown. Bristles, including those on humeral calli, black. Collar yellowish. Hairs yellowish with an admixture of moderately dense, erect, black hairs, which are lighter at base of wings. Mesopleura without black hairs or bristles. Legs reddish. Halteres yellowish.
Wing with 4 submarginal cells. First posterior cell narrowed towards apex, but widely open at margin of wing. Vein r-m at middle of discal cell. Vein M2 distinctly S-shaped. Axillary cell very broad, about twice as broad as anal cell. Axillary and anal cells touched by dark colour only at their bases. Basal half of lower basal cell brown, like the dark spot at its apex. A semi-band occupies the bases of discal, third and fourth posterior cells. Apex of discal cell hyaline. In some specimens the brown semi-band may be interrupted, appearing only as a dark spot around the m-cu cross vein and adjacent areas.
Dorsum of abdomen reddish, with dark median stripe. First tergite with tufts of long and dense whitish hairs at sides. The second and the last 3 tergites covered with pure white scales. Underside of abdomen also with whitish hairs.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
26-Aug-2010 ADDED