Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Ligyra calabyana Paramonov, 1967




Western Australia

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


WA: Great Sandy Desert (GSD)


. Head reddish brown. Face and frons with moderately dense, yellowish scales and black hairs. Style of third antenna] segment shorter than half the basal part of the segment. A narrow stripe of white scales behind hind margin of eyes.
Thorax brown; scutellum reddish. Bristles black, but mesopleura with only a tuft of long yellow hairs. A short, longitudinal, poorly developed whitish stripe at base of wing. Mesonotum and scutellum with yellow, adpressed and black, erect hairs. Legs reddish, with black scales. Halteres yellow.
Wings with 4 submarginal cells; first posterior cell rather broadly open; vein r-m at about middle of discal cell. Vein M2 S-shaped. Second and third posterior cells equal at hind margin. Dark basal area of wing extending to centres of lower
basal and anal cells; 2 dark crossbands; one occupying basal parts of discal, third and fourth posterior cells, and apex of anal cell, but not reaching hind margin of wing; the other occupying apical part of discal cell and basal part of second posterior cell. Central third of discal cell hyaline.
Abdomen with the last 3 tergites wholly covered with white scales and a few black hairs. First tergite with tufts of yellowish hairs laterally. Second and third tergites with about basal two-thirds covered by yellowish scales, and apical third with brownish scales. Fourth tergite covered with mainly brownish scales. Underside uniformly yellowish, with yellowish hairs.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
26-Aug-2010 ADDED