Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<i>Ledromorpha planirostris</i> (Donovan), type species of <i>Ledromorpha</i> Stål.

Ledromorpha planirostris (Donovan), type species of Ledromorpha Stål.


Regional Maps

Genus Ledromorpha Stål, 1864

Compiler and date details

29 November 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher


This monotypic, endemic genus was included in the Ledrini by Evans (1966) on the basis of its foliaceous head and the position of the ocelli although he recognised certain characteristics (multibranched Cu1 and tendency of the anal veins to form a Y-vein) which were in common with members of the Stenocotini. Jones & Deitz (2009) transferred the genus to the Stenocotini where they regarded it as a close relative of Stenocotis Stål. Its apparent similarity to the exotic Ledra Fabricius was regarded by Jones & Deitz (2009) as being due to ecological convergence.




New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld, Tas, Vic: Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Flinders (FLI), King (KIN), Nandewar (NAN), New England Tablelands (NET), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE)


Corpus depressum. Caput valde productum, foliaceum, subtiis concaviusculum, facie apice inter pedes anticos anguste producta, margine exteriore genarum toto late sinuato. Oculi parvi. Ocelli pone medium verticis positi, inter se et ab oculis fere aeque longe distantes. Thorax transversus, sexangularis, marginibus lateralibus parallelis, antice sat rotuindato, angulis posticis rotundatis. Scutellum nonnihil brevius quam basi latum. Tegmina lata, coriacea, venis longitudinalibus pluries furcatis et pone medium venulis numerosis irregulariter conjunctis. Pedes mediocres, femoribus leviter compressis, tibiis dilatatis, posticis triquetris, extus dilatatis et remote serratis. Vagina feminarum longissima. (Stål 1864).

The face of the head is longer than wide and the labium extends to the base of the hind coxae. The maxillary plates narrowly enfold the anteclypeus and extend anteriorly beyond it. The position of the maxillary suture is discernible as a transverse fold. The anterior tentorial pits are prominently exposed. The frons, which is considerably wider than the postclypeus, is medially convex and narrow posteriorly; laterally it is deeply longitudinally depressed. The crown of the head, which is foliaceous, is convex. The eyes are prominent and the ocelli, which are raised on slight prominences, are nearer to each other than to the eyes on each side. The pronotum medially is on the same plane as the crown and is laterally depressed. The scutellum is slightly raised posteriorly, the elevated portion being transversely striated. The tegmen, which is coriaceous, progressively widens to a little beyond the apex of the claval suture and it is apically bent. The venation is profusely reticulate apically; in particular there are numerous costal veinlets and Cu1 is multibranched. The tibiae of all three pairs of legs are foliaceous. In the female, the ovipositor extends beyond the folded tegmina (Evans 1966).


ID Keys

Fletcher, M.J. (2003) Illustrated Key to the Genera of the Tribe Stenocotini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Tartessinae) [accessed 29.xi.2011]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2011 MOVED
20-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2011 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)