Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Laticlerada laticollis (Horváth, 1909)




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

QLD—Brisbane, NSW—Houlaghan's Creek, VIC—Meredith, Tanjil River, SA—Athelstone, Banksia Park, Belair, Blackwood, Medindie, Unley Park, Mitcham.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld, SA, Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mulga Lands (ML), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

Nest, sanguinivore (host(s): Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr, 1792) [PHALANGERIDAE] Common Brushtail Possum; Pseudocheirus peregrinus (Boddaert, 1785) [PSEUDOCHEIRIDAE] Common Ringtail Possum), subtropical, temperate, terrestrial, volant.


General References

Bergroth, E. 1914. On an hemipterous insect from an Australian opossum's nest. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 38: 53-57 [57] (key)

Horváth, G. 1914. Miscellanea Hemipterologica. XIII–XVII. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Zoologica) 12: 623-660 [638] (description)

Malipatil, M.B. 1981. Revision of Australian Cleradini (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 29: 773-819 [804-806] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement incorrect interpretation of Scudder's female lectotype as Laticlerada nidicola (Bergroth, 1914))

Malipatil, M.B. 1981. Revision of Australian Cleradini (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 29: 773-819 [804] (misidentification as Laticlerada nidicola (Bergroth, 1914); incorrect interpretation of Scudder's lectotype female)

Malipatil, M.B. 1983. Revision of world Cleradini (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), with a cladistic analysis of relationships within the tribe. Australian Journal of Zoology 31: 205-225 [224] (list, as Laticlerada nidicola)

Myers, J.G. 1929. Facultative blood-sucking in phytophagous Hemiptera. Parasitology 21: 472-480 [472] (host)

Slater, J.A. 1964. A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. Storrs : University of Connecticut xviii 1668 pp. [1035] (catalogue)

Wilton-Smith, P.D. 1978. Two haematophagous species of Clerada (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) inhabiting the nest of the ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 17: 1-4 [3] (host, species probably Clerada laticollis)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Dec-2019 LYGAEOIDEA 17-Nov-2022 MODIFIED
15-Aug-2012 17-Nov-2022 MODIFIED
17-Nov-2022 MODIFIED