Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Subgenus Haliclona (Halichoclona) Laubenfels, 1932



IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Macquarie Island Province (24)

Other Regions

Australian Antarctic Territory


Massive, tubiform, cushion-shaped or encrusting sponges, with a strong tendency in several species to form fistular outgrowths. Oscula usually large, not numerous. Colour orange, pink, purplish or white; in some species there is a two-colour combination of a whitish transparent ectosome and a darker coloured, purple or orange choanosome. Consistency relatively crisp and brittle, only slightly compressible. Spongin absent or very scarce, at the nodes of the spicules. Ectosomal skeleton of the same structure as the choanosome, usually very loosely overlaying the choanosome, from which it may be separated by extensive subectosomal spaces. Choanosomal skeleton a subisotropic, somewhat confused reticulation, commonly intercepted by many choanosomal spaces. Megascleres usually acerate or hastate oxeas, reaching substantial sizes in some species. Microscleres, if present, microxeas or sigmas.


ID Keys

See Genus Haliclona Diagnosis


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
29-Mar-2018 PORIFERA Grant, 1836 27-Mar-2018 MODIFIED Dr Kathryn Hall
29-Mar-2018 15-Dec-2011 MOVED
29-Mar-2018 19-Apr-2011 MODIFIED
24-Mar-2011 ADDED