Infraorder GEBIIDEA de Saint Laurent, 1979
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Poore, G.C.B., Ahyong, S.T., Bracken-Grissom, H.D., Chan, T.-Y., Chu, K.H., Crandall, K.A., Dworschak, P.C., Felder, D.L., Feldmann, R.M., Hyžný, M., Karasawa, H., Lemaitre, R., Komai, T., Li, X., Mantelatto, F.L., Martin, J.W., Ngoc-Ho, N., Robles, R., Schweitzer, C.E., Tamaki, A., Tsang, L.M. & Tudge, C.C. 2014. On stabilising the names of the infraorders of thalassinidean shrimps, Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 and Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 (Decapoda). Crustaceana 87: 1258–1272
Gebiideans are small lobsters with symmetrical chelate or subchelate first pereopods and subchelate or simple second pereopods. Gebiidea is one of two infraorders until recently considered part of Thalassinidea Latreille, 1831 (Poore et al. 2014; Robles et al. 2009). The other is Axiidea. The two infraorders are probable sister taxa or not, according to the molecular data used (Timm and Bracken-Grissom 2015). Gebiideans are separated from axiideans in the possession of enlarged chelate or subchelate pereopods 1 and subchelate or simple pereopods 2 (Dworschak et al. 2012; de Saint Laurent 1979). Most species are cryptic burrowers in mud, sponges or corals.
Sponge shrimps, mud lobsters. Carapace more or less cylindrical, longer than wide; epistome short, not fused to basal antennular and antennal articles, with narrow point of contact with lateral margin of carapace. Exoskeleton calcified, or chitinised (rarely). Thoracic sternite 8 free from thoracic sternites 1–7. Pleon elongate, muscular; pleonite 2 pleuron overlapping pleonites 1 and 3, or all pleura overlapping next most posterior pleuron. Antennular penduncle articles aligned linearly, main flagellum long, lash-like, aesthetascs more-or-less evenly distributed. Pereopod 1 large, chelate or subchelate; pereopod 2 subchelate or simple. Pereopod 5 shorter than others, subchelate. Uropods biramous.
Diagnosis References
General References
de Saint Laurent 1979. Vers une nouvelle classification des Crustacés Décapodes Reptantia. Bulletin de l'Office Nationale de Pêche de Tunisie 3(1): 15-31
Dworschak, P.C., Felder, D.F. & Tudge, C.C. 2012. Chapter 69. Infraorders Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 and Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 (formerly known collectively as Thalassinidea). pp.109-219 in Schram, F.R., & von Vaupel Klein, J.C. Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea. Complementary to the volumes translated from the French of the Traité de Zoologie [founded by P.-P. Grassé]. Vol. 9 Part B. Eucarida: Decapoda: Astacidea p.p. (Enoplometopoidea, Nephropoidea), Glypheidea, Axiidea, Gebiidea, and Anomura. Leiden : Brill.
Poore, G.C.B., Ahyong, S.T., Bracken-Grissom, H.D., Chan, T.-Y., Chu, K.H., Crandall, K.A., Dworschak, P.C., Felder, D.L., Feldmann, R.M., Hyžný, M., Karasawa, H., Lemaitre, R., Komai, T., Li, X., Mantelatto, F.L., Martin, J.W., Ngoc-Ho, N., Robles, R., Schweitzer, C.E., Tamaki, A., Tsang, L.M. & Tudge, C.C. 2014. On stabilising the names of the infraorders of thalassinidean shrimps, Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 and Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 (Decapoda). Crustaceana 87: 1258–1272
Robles, R., Tudge, C.C., Dworschak, P.D., Poore, G.C.B. & Felder, D.L. 2009. Molecular phylogeny of the Thalassinidea based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. pp. 309–326 in Martin, J.W., Crandall, K.A. & Felder, D.L. (eds). Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. Bocan Raton : CRC Press - Crustacean Issues Vol. 18 632 pp.
Timm, L., & Bracken-Grissom, H.D. 2015. The forest for the trees: evaluating molecular phylogenies with an emphasis on higher-level Decapoda. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35: 577-592
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
13-Mar-2025 | CRUSTACEA Brünnich, 1772 | 02-Jan-2025 | MODIFIED | Dr Gary Poore |
DECAPODA Latreille, 1802 | 25-Jul-2017 | ADDED | Dr Shane Ahyong |