Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Eurymeloides adspersa </I>(Signoret), adult.

Eurymeloides adspersa (Signoret), adult.


Regional Maps

Species Eurymeloides adspersa (Signoret, 1850)

Compiler and date details

8 August 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher



This species is not well represented in collections. It has been recorded from several localities in SE Australia from the Sydney basin in New South Wales to Tasmania. Evans (1966) also records it from New Guinea.




New South Wales

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW: Australian Alps (AA), Sydney Basin (SB), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: gregarious, phloem feeder.



Entièrement d'un brun noirâtre, aspergé de petites macules d'un blanc jaunâtre, avec les bords de lécusson et des élytres rougeâtres. Chaperon noir, bordé de jaune; joues jaunâtres, mélangées de brun. Poitrine noire. Abdomen noir en dessus et jaune en dessous: excepté l'appareil sexuel qui est noir. Pattes, cuisses jaunâtres dans leur partie supérieure et noires à la partie inférieure. Tibias noirâtres, mêlés de jaune; les postérieurs présentent un grand nombre d'épines, dont la base , au point d'insertion, est blanchâtre: ce qui donne un aspect ponctué aux pattes. Long. 0,010. (Signoret 1850).

Head, pronotum and scutellum black, mottled with reddish brown and yellow; eyes greyish brown. Tegmen black with yeliowsh and whitish irregular markings arranged in the form of three indistinct fasciae; the claval area dotted with white spots. Legs, coxae and femora pale brown; tibiae dark brown with yellowish spots; hind tibiae with three spurs. Abdomen ventral surface yellow; genital segment very dark brown. Length 9 mm (Evans 1933).


ID Keys

Evans 1966: 62


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Dec-2019 02-Dec-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)