Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Genus Eurinopsyche Kirkaldy, 1906

Compiler and date details

8 February 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher



This is one of two genera of Australian Fulgoridae which includes species with the head extended anteriorly as a long narrow process, either tapering towards the apex or apically swollen. Both species, which are currently divided into subspecies, include reasonably large greyish planthoppers. There are probably more taxa present in the Australian fauna and the status of the various subspecies also needs to be examined.




Queensland, Western Australia

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Qld, WA: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Pilbara (PIL), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)


The type of this was one of the original species of Eurystheus, but can scarcely be included therein. It differs more particularly by the different form of the head, the vertex at base being narrower than an eye. Tegmina decumbent (in Eurystheus they are subtectiform), costa scarcely arched. Pronotum with sublateral subtransverse arched keels (Kirkaldy 1906).

Le vertex de la tête a environ la largeur d'un oeil, il porte 3 carènes plus or moins marquées, qui ne se continuent pas sur le prolongement. Sur le pronotum, 3 carènes; les latérales sont arquées. Chez Rentinus les élytres sont tectiformes, tandis que chez Eurynopsyche ils sont moins fortement inclineés; le clavus est fermé, le tronc commun de ses 2 nervures est court et se termine dans le bord sutural; la suture rejoint ce bord, après avoir émis vers lui quelques rameaux obliques (Lallemand 1963).


ID Keys

Lallemand 1963: 57

Fletcher, M.J. (2005) Illustrated Key to the Genera of the family Fulgoridae described from Australia (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
30-May-2011 30-Apr-2014 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)